Yesterday was the last practice for my school this season, and all we did was clean up the boathouse. Some people decided to do a 2k, to see end of season results. I got nervous and started thinking about doing one before I came to practice. When I got to practice, one of my friends told me that another one of my friends did his, and got a 6:41. His previous PR was a 6:45, and he only weighs 150lb.
So, still feeling extremely nervous, I decided to go ahead and do one. My PR is a 6:39, and I was aiming for a 6:35. So I get on the erg with a buddy who is also aiming for a 6:35. We start to row, and I am holding a solid 1:40-1:39, probably going to get around a 6:38-41. More than midway through however, the guy next to me stops erging and yells 'I CANT BREATH' and just starts panting. This was a huge blow to me mentally, and with only 600 meters left to go, I quit. I threw my handle down and cursed really loud. I’m almost certain this is the first piece I have ever
. I have been rowing for three years, I'm a junior in high school, and I have big plans for college rowing. But this is just killing me. Does anyone have a story to match up with this to make me feel better?