I hear in the news that many places in the USA are experiencing high winds, heavy rain and snow at the moment. Sounds like ideal weather for erging. Not worthwhile for going out in a boat.
I wish we could get some rain here. Some of our rowing lakes dried up many months a go. Many water storage dams are down to 20% of capacity and water restrictions have been in places for over 12 months. We are only allowed to wash our cars with buckets and watering the garden is heavily restricted (if there's anything living left to water).
The only good news is that the weather is absolutely superb for rowing. Luckily there is still enough water in our river for some excellent rowing. I've lost count of the number of ideal rowing days with water like glass, no wind and warm sunny skies.
This morning was another one of those days. There was no wind or waves to upset the boat balance or oar swing. Technically I had one of my best ever rows in the single scull this morning. Boat balance was never in question and connection at the catch felt so clean and easy. It was like rowing indoors.
I did 3 X 2000m pieces and the heart rate monitor confirmed the ideal workout. At the end of each piece I managed 177 bpm which compares well to the 180 bpm I get on the erg doing the same workouts.
In the past I've found that it's difficult to get the heart rate in the boat up to the same max as on the erg. Probably limited due to conditions and technique. However as my technique improved and water conditions are like glass that has changed.
OTW: What training have you done today?
- Rockin Roland
- 5k Poster
- Posts: 570
- Joined: March 19th, 2006, 12:02 am
- Location: Moving Flywheel
- Byron Drachman
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- Posts: 1124
- Joined: March 23rd, 2006, 9:26 pm
It's way too windy, so I'm taking a day off. I did a nice 16K on flat water yesterday. I even had a few consecutive good (relatively speaking) strokes. What a joy!ank wrote:This weekend two sessions of 90 minutes in a 2x , One with one of my best rowmates, perfect training, second with a new mate. Very strong woman but we have to get used to each other.
Lovely circumstances.
I like going in a 2x, especially if the other rower is experienced. I usually say "Bow seat usually steers, gives commands, and is the more experienced rower, so I'd like you to be bowseat." Once we're underway I usually say "Let me know if you see anything I should be working on. Please tell me."
It's funny how easy it is to pick up little quirks or bad habits that you don't see yourself.
I was sick most of last week and didn't erg for 5 days. Beautiful weather finally here in NE so I got out OTW for the first time. Just an easy 4k on Sunday evening to finally play with my Christmas present (new Speed Coach unit!). Came off the water at dark and erged 4K and felt like I was going to cough up a lung. Went down to Lake Quinsigamond this AM but it was pretty windy and the Lake has a high bacteria count from all the recent flooding. Came back in after rowing the 2K course down and back. Still feel like crap - but nice to be out of the basement!
If you don't try, you will never know how bad you suck.
Master D (54) / 208#
500M/1:38, 2K/7:02.3, 6K/22:17, 10K/38:31, 30'/7,700M, 60'/15,331M, HM /1hr 23:03 (all done back in 2007)
Master D (54) / 208#
500M/1:38, 2K/7:02.3, 6K/22:17, 10K/38:31, 30'/7,700M, 60'/15,331M, HM /1hr 23:03 (all done back in 2007)