World record times for 6k?

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World record times for 6k?

Post by DVBHusky » February 14th, 2007, 1:15 am

Does anyone know of the world record times for mens 6k LW and HW? I can't find them anywhere. I'm about 175 and I figure the world record LW 6k might be a good goal to shoot for realistically in the next year as I am not going to be losing weight. I know pretty much all 6ks arn't done at weight do to their time in the season so if your on a college LW team or know any other guys that have killer scores, let me know.

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Post by Ray79 » February 14th, 2007, 4:31 am ... ecords.asp

Go to this page and input the details you are after. It would appear that these are the records

6000m - 18:54.1 - 24 - Nikola Stojic - HWT - Male - YUG - 2000
6000m - 19:40.4 - 24 - Mads Rasmussen - LWT - Male - DEN - 2006
Ray Hughes, Milton Keynes Rowing Club
28, 6ft 5 (195 cms), 74kg (163 lb).

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Post by becz » February 14th, 2007, 10:01 am

Ray79 wrote: ... ecords.asp

Go to this page and input the details you are after. It would appear that these are the records

6000m - 18:54.1 - 24 - Nikola Stojic - HWT - Male - YUG - 2000
6000m - 19:40.4 - 24 - Mads Rasmussen - LWT - Male - DEN - 2006
These are the fastest times that have been entered into the C2 rankings. While they are indeed very fast, there have been faster 6k's. I checked the US National Team test scores, and the fastest I found there (for someone who actually weghed in under 165lbs) was Gabe Winkler at 19:35.10. I'd be surprised if others (like Elia Luini) weren't actually better than that. The problem is that for other than the 2k there is no real single place these records are kept.

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Post by hjs » February 14th, 2007, 11:28 am

Ray79 wrote: ... ecords.asp

Go to this page and input the details you are after. It would appear that these are the records

6000m - 18:54.1 - 24 - Nikola Stojic - HWT - Male - YUG - 2000
6000m - 19:40.4 - 24 - Mads Rasmussen - LWT - Male - DEN - 2006
This years ergohead in Amsterdam was faster for the heavies. 1.33 ish

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Post by Yankeerunner » February 14th, 2007, 11:38 am

This was posted by Xeno Muller in September 2004:
1)My pace for the 6k and 5k are close but the difference in power is significant over the entire distance. The more weight I will loose the more speed I will be able to muster up. I raced the two pieces at around 242 pounds. Today I weighed in and was at 235+. My all time best for 6Kwas around 18.56 that time was done on my second 6K ever. I would like to mention that there are much better ergers out there...Cyrus Beasly the 1996 USA single sculler pulled a SICK 18:36 or something like that... you can check that in the archives of US rowing.

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Post by vo2maximus » February 17th, 2007, 11:27 am

I've heard that Jamie Schroeder is in the 18:30s as well. Someone like Rob Waddel may have cracked 18:30 in his day, but who knows. Moral of the story, I think there are plenty of guys who are under 18:50.

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Post by tomhz » February 17th, 2007, 1:48 pm

Ergohead 2007 Amsterdam 6K:

LW Mads Radmussen: 19:39.0
HW Akos Haller: 18:44.9


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Post by tobyUK » February 25th, 2007, 6:18 pm

IIRC I read on one of the forums [a post by PaulS] that Slovenia's Iztok Cop has done a 6k in 1:31.8 pace; that would give a time of around 18:21.


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