(Healthy) Hearts in a Row--February Encouragement and Goals

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Post by Bear » February 5th, 2007, 8:41 pm

My goal during February is to finally reach 2 million. I am only about 50,000 meters away. Also, to stop eating things with sugar. I have been backsliding lately. Go Ducks.

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Post by MomofJBN » February 7th, 2007, 12:10 pm

Hey, it's gotten quiet around here! Where did everyone go? How are you doing on your goals?

Eating SuperBowl fare didn't help the scales any, but I'm on track with my work-outs. I had a bad headache yesterday, but luckily it was scheduled to be an off day anyway. These headaches come every 2 or 3 or 4 weeks or so and last for a couple of days. I sure wish I could figure out what triggers them.
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Post by Wood_Duck » February 7th, 2007, 1:48 pm

It has taken 6 weeks but I am finally getting exercise in. I think it is because of on-line rowing. When someone is waiting for me, I have no choice but to go down and row. I was kinda hoping no one would show for the row last night because I would rather have gone to bed early. However, Penny showed up and we got a good work out.

I have to remember that I ALWAYS am glad I rowed after the row.

Schenely--sorry to hear about your headaches. Are they migrane like or sharp? Glad it was an off day and I hope it quickly goes away.

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Slow week

Post by NordicDuck » February 7th, 2007, 4:50 pm

Been a slow week, took a fall on an icy street and got a blue butt and elbow. But now back in business. Maybe the pause did me some good - yesterday I took a 2k-test and lowered my personal best with 32 seconds (!).

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Post by MomofJBN » February 7th, 2007, 7:17 pm

Great improvement, Nordic Duck!

Susan, I don't think they are migraines. I discussed them with my doc a while ago, and she called them muscle tension headaches. They're hard to describe, but it sort of feels like my head is being squeezed. The good thing is that if I'm active and doing stuff, they don't get in the way much.
Wife of Jeff
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Post by ciproano » February 7th, 2007, 10:10 pm

Hey, Shenley, you're right, a bit quieter than January. Maybe we're all just taking a deep breath after that challenge!

I think I inadvertently posted my goal on another thread, but it was the same as January: 50k or 5x week. I'm aiming to do the marathon in April, so I'll need to ratchet up meterage in March, but it's just so hard to squeeze it in. Toward the end of Jan/first of Feb I tried rowing twice a day, 5k each, so that I had more time in the evening to do everything else (1 son middle school, 1 son high school, scouts, religion, several sports, etc., and I work full time). Unfortunately, even though it was only 5k, I felt constantly tired, like the 12 hr. turnaround was not enough (rowing at 5:30 am and 5:30 pm). And believe me, I do not row fast AT ALL. I think if I was on water, I'd fall over. So this week, I've tried to go back to 10k right after work, and on nights when the meetings etc. start at 7:00, I only do 6 or 7k. I don't feel the same constant tiredness, so I guess it's working. I have been even slower than usual, though. Just 5-10 sec. per 500m but it adds up. I guess I'll need to do something to work on my pace or else that marathon will take me forever.

So, TA DA! For the first week of February, I exceeded my goal: 58k 7xweek. I'm going to add a speed goal, but I'll have to think about what would be reasonable.

As Tigger used to say, TTFN. Row on, Ducks.

It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)

Keep on rowing!
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Post by Keep on rowing! » February 8th, 2007, 5:46 pm

Hello to all! Finally getting some much needed rain here in Nor. CA.! I love it, of course that means snow. So far so good on the goals. Have rowed 3x this week and did weights 2x. I am either going to row or run tomorrow. I am trying to mix things up a bit. I am planning on 6x a week some form of exercise, usually not a problem here.

Hope you all are doing well. Schenley-have you heard of cluster headaches? My brother suffers from them. I know your dr. said it was muscle tension, just a thought. Headaches stink! Feel better. Susan-good job on the healthier eating! Your body will feel SO much better. Bear-way to go, you'll make it. Good luck to all on your personal accomplishments!

Keep on rowing!
Lori :wink:

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Post by Kiwi_Rower » February 8th, 2007, 8:26 pm

Two months to go until a family wedding in Australia.. so my goal is to keep the sugar intake down (Bear you aren't the only one who backslid!!) and increase the distance I can row this month. Hoping the combo of trying out intervals and heading to the same gym as some of the others from the boards for some tips will ease off about 5lb Feb-Mar. Got off to a slow start, but it can only get better B)
Jane (Movin' Duck in Ducks In A Row) 304,207m
500m 2:03.0 2000m 9:23.9 5000m 23:55.8 6000M 29:17.4 10000m 51:52.5

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Post by roastduckmangosalsa » February 9th, 2007, 12:10 am

Hello everyone! It's been a few days since I've been on last. I got kinda busy and then had some set backs with lower back soreness and such. But I'm feeling a little better now and am trying to do some easy rows and work on form which I think was the culprit. I'm a newbie so I'm thinking that was the problem. Anyway, still here and planning to row 3 to 4 times a week this month.

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Post by fish » February 10th, 2007, 10:44 pm

Better late than never.

My goals for February are:

1. Pilates 3 days a week.
2. Eat more vegetables.
3. Work on rowing strapless.

So far I have done none of these because of illness.
Arlene Wade
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Post by margaret » February 13th, 2007, 7:50 pm

My exercise goals for the next 10 weeks have evolved. I'm trying to keep it simple but add variety.

1) row at least 3 days per week, at least 30k total
2) weather & schedule permitting, walk/jog 3-4 miles on alternate days. When not possible, row 8-12k.
3) alternate between Pilates and strength training, 20 minute sessions, at least once a week

For rowing and walking, alternate between sessions that are long & easy, medium length and moderate effort, and short intervals.

For healthier eating habits, I'm focusing on eating more whole grains and vegetables and reducing snacking and coffee.
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Saved by a snow day

Post by MomofJBN » February 14th, 2007, 5:53 pm

Last night when I gave up my erging plans in the interest of getting dinner on the table (at 7 p.m. at that), I thought I would miss my 4 times/wk goal for the first time this year. I'd already missed Monday due to a small crisis. However, I was saved by a snow day. I was able to get in a session today, whereas normally that is not possible on a Wednesday.

:D I'm happy to stay on track!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! :D
Wife of Jeff
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Post by MomofJBN » February 23rd, 2007, 12:58 am

Blech! I feel like I am totally plataeuing (if that's a word). Both weight improvements and time improvements seem to have stalled. :x At least, I've kept up my 4 workouts/wk. :roll:

So, how's everyone else doing? We need some chatter here. Bring back the motivational band wagon!

[Susan - did you get your e-mail fixed? I did reply to your phone message, but don't know if you got it.]
Wife of Jeff
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February goals: good news/bad news

Post by Nan » February 23rd, 2007, 10:06 pm

Well, I can't say I have stuck with all my goals but that being said, I have done pretty well with some of them. I wanted to get back to running this month and I have. I am involved with a clinic to prepare for a half marathon. I have completed three weeks and so far, my ailments are under control. I have been practising yoga to ensure I stretch appropriately and must say, I am enjoying that. On the nutritional front, things are pretty good. One can always eat more vegetables, I suppose, but I am happy to have my weight continue to drop while maintaining energy levels. The only unfortunate aspect of this month is that I have not made much time for rowing/erging. I do feel rather sheepish to admit this to a forum devoted to rowing, but there are only so many hours in a day.

It is great to see new, enthusiastic participants. And, I see another challenge is upon us, so I will try to balance out the running and the erging in March.

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Post by fish » February 24th, 2007, 2:16 am

I sure has been a tough month for me. I still am not feeling 100% because of lingering symptoms. I have been rowing but those vegetables haven't been very appealing (unless chocolate is considered a vegetable). I did get on my reformer a few times and did some strapless rowing but not as much as I would have liked.

The weather is getting warmer and I am looking forward to getting out on the bike. Maybe this weekend if it doesn't rain.
Arlene Wade
Team Oarsome
Ducks in a Row

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