JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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Post by MomofJBN » January 16th, 2007, 8:07 pm

Thanks, gals! If it hadn't been for the JVC, I don't think there's any way I would have gotten motivated to row today.

Susan - I'd noticed your meters had stalled out. Try to squeeze in a few minutes for yourself. Even if you only get in 15 or 20 minutes, it's a whole lot better than nothing. We're rooting for our Captain. :D
Wife of Jeff
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Post by Wood_Duck » January 17th, 2007, 9:37 am

OK. I intended to row. I went home with the conviction to row. BUT after supper Danae hurt her foot, took forever to get her to bed, I feel asleep in her room… I am exhausted.

I am sad but not guilty. Then Danae was up in the night which of course means I was up in the night. Sigh. I really NEED to exercise. I am so tired this morning that I did not row this morning.

OK. 20 minutes. I can do that before bed. I appreciate all the encouragement.

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by jcmatthews » January 17th, 2007, 11:55 am

I've been expending all of my time and energy this past week coming up with new and creative excuses for not rowing-- and its been a very creative week. Feek free to borrow any of these that you'd like:

1. I'm too tired/ I worked too many hours today.
2. It's the weekend, and I deserve a day off.
3. My sons are in town, so I really should spend more time with them. (Never mind that they're more interested in spending time with the computer.)
4. I've already missed two days in a row, so one more day won't make that much difference.
5. It's too icy outside to run, so I might as well skip all exercise today.
6. The electricity is off, so if I get sweaty there might not be enough hot water for a shower.
7. The electricity is iff, so it's too dark to see the monitor display.

...and my personal favorite...
8. My smartphone is malfunctioning so I can't listen to books, and I can't be expected to row without ENTERTAINMENT, can I?

Anyway, I've run dry on creativity so it's time to give in and just row. Thanks for all of the inspiration, ladies.

By the way, Widgeon, how are things out in Norman? We got off really easy here in Stilwell.
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Post by NordicDuck » January 17th, 2007, 4:46 pm

Finally had time to hunt the net for a duck image tonight. Chose the eider, a very common duck in Northern Norway. In old times (that is, up until WWII) people on the coast tamed the eiders and kept them as farm animals, collecting the eider down in the season. Lots of people made great money that way! :D

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Post by Widgeon » January 17th, 2007, 10:16 pm

NordicDuck, love the avitar. I remember hearing that eider down is some of the finest in the world, thanks for the insight and bit of history related to your duck!

Stork Doctor, we're doing pretty well down here in Norman. Didn't loose power, mostly got sleet. Still very icy. The schools are still closed, and will be again tomorrow. I've missed work these past two days staying home with my kids (6 and 8); understand that even the daycare centers are closed. Hopefully the ice has kept the workload low the last few days so I won't be too overwhelmed when I get back tomorrow. Oh well, these two days have given me the chance to do laundry, sort through kids clothes to check fit, get their closets and dressers organized, and buy them new shoes, in addition to sporting jaunts sliding and falling the half mile to the mailbox and back ( the kids enjoyed that part the best). And I got in some good erging. Turns out that "True Lies" with Schwartznegger is a great movie to erg to, and the kids really enjoyed it, though I did have to explain why Jamie Lee Curtis ripped her dress and was dancing like that...sigh.

Hey, Stork Doctor, aren't you an osteo? "Motion is life." A.T. Still
Keep on erging! Don't let me have all the fun down here in stormin' Norman!


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Post by JennyR » January 18th, 2007, 9:48 am

Just checking in briefly to see how everyone is getting on. I've managed to erg 14 days out of 18 in January so I'm managing to keep on track. I'm up to date with my training programme, and have a rest day today :D I was up at 5:50 this morning and on the erg at 6 to do 30 minutes at 20spm - my least favourite workout, you just cannot make it go away any faster :( But done for another week so that is great. I get my next training programme through at the weekend, so I'm looking forward to seeing what my coach has in store for me. :twisted:

Sounds like you are having some pretty bad weather over there. It is just wet and very windy here. No cold weather forecast until next month. The mild weather seems to be bringing out the coughs and colds so I am taking in loads of vit C and water to help keep the bugs away.
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Post by grams » January 18th, 2007, 1:31 pm

I'm still on again-off again on rowing. I had an mri on my lower back on Tuesday, and won't see the dr till next Wednesday. I really can't tell if rowing is good or bad for me... but I'm going stir crazy not doing anything. I'll leave out the yoga today; just stretching and erging.

Keep up the meters, ladies. You all look just great to me.

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Post by MomofJBN » January 18th, 2007, 6:36 pm

Widgeon wrote:NordicDuck, love the avitar. I remember hearing that eider down is some of the finest in the world, thanks for the insight and bit of history related to your duck!
Ditto. The eider is very pretty. I never knew what it looked like.
Wife of Jeff
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Post by ciproano » January 18th, 2007, 7:25 pm

Greetings, Ducks! The encouragement you all show for each other is terrific and has a ripple effect on us all, I'm sure. Someone said, "Men use the internet for information, women use it for community." Ain't it the truth.

Nordic, the eider is just beautiful, great picture. How fun to read your perspective and others from the "far side of the pond".

Here in Upstate NY, we've finally gotten snow! My skiing sons are thrilled. I am tent camping with the boy scouts this weekend, and glad it is snow not rain. BTW, my avatar is the scouting merit badge for Rowing...I guess it suited me.

I am on the road to recovery from the pinched nerve in my neck and have been able to row 5k the past few days, working my way back, very very careful of good form. I'll miss the weekend rows while I snowshoe around camp, but it's good to be back on the erg.

Hang in there Grammm, hope your back news is good. When the back is sore, everything is lousy. I've been hunting around on the Net for gel seats and have found some good prospects, the price ranges are astronomical! I saw one that I really liked a few days ago and now can't find that site again, but I will. In the meantime, I tried out my husband's foam seats, which help but won't last a marathon. Thanks for the tip!

Keep on quackin', all.

It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)

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Post by Wood_Duck » January 18th, 2007, 10:41 pm

Thanks for all the encouragement. I set up a date to row on-line tonight. If there is someone else expecting you, you have to follow through. We did a nice 30 minute row. Before the "row" (I won't call it a race) there was an evalutation user that accidentially hit the "internet" button and he ended up joining us.

SO if you have ever wanted to give on-line rowing a try (and have a PM3 or 4) and can hook your computer up to your erg (I use a laptop) I encourage you to give it a try. It really makes the time fly. http://www.digitalrowing.com You get 10 free uses of the software to evaluate it.

We'll be going at 8 PM EST on Friday night which is 1:00 GMT (the next day.) I use a time converter to get it all figured out. That is 5 pm on the west coast of the US and in the middle of the night in Europe! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by Keep on rowing! » January 19th, 2007, 3:18 pm

Great job girls! I have had a bad week. I seem to have gotten this horible flu bug or something. Lost my voice-good thing for the family! Ha! I have only rowed 1 time this week! :( I am going to try today a slow one, but I know I should take it easy. Glad to hear everyone is recovering from their injuries! I have a lot of catching up to do, meter wise. Have a great day& keep on rowing.

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Post by woolsmith » January 20th, 2007, 11:04 am

Hey Ducks!

Sounds like everyone's hanging in there, in spite of flu, bad backs, ice storms, life, whatever is getting thrown at ya's! Keep up the great work. Every meter is progress, and they happen one at a time.

Cindy, I got one of C2's gel seats (around three bucks, I think, plus shipping), and I've used it for over 2.5 million meters. It does great! Before that I used two layers of bubble wrap, and that works amazingly well, too. And the bubbles really don't pop while you're sitting on them, and I'm a HWT! :lol:

And as of yesterday, I went over 3 million lifetime meters! That's over 1,800 miles!! And I couldn't have done it without the support of DIAR. I'd slacked off a bit for the few months before the HC and the JVTC, but you guys have nipped me in my tailfeathers with your beaks, so I'm back on track.

And I *feel* so much better when I do the longer rows and more meters. I've been trying to row at least 10k, 5 days/week, and many days I'm doing 10K to 15K.

Yup, someone said above that men use the Internet for information and women use it for community. We do that, but look what we also LEARN. :wink: We get the best of both.

So, thanks, everyone!

--Jen in WI

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This week's training

Post by NordicDuck » January 21st, 2007, 7:21 am

Hi duckies,

My resolution was to row 4 times a week, and this week I have rowed 5.

Sunday: 28 mins, 5800 meters, interval 4 minx4 with pause 3 min
Monday: 31 mins, 6100 meters, 5k test (25:38)
Wednesday: 35 mins, 6300 meters
Saturday: 38 mins, 6700 meters, interval like Sunday.
Sunday: 40 mins, 7000 meters

On Saturday I checked how many meters I row when I row my 4 mins-intervals: 855 meters. Got me a silver medal in the Norwegian women's standing - however, nos. 3 and 4 are children... ;-)

Do you ladies do any weight training? Twice a week I combine my rowing sessions with some strenght exercises (3x10):
chest press 30 kilos
leg press 90 kilos
triceps pulldown 17,5 kilos
biceps curl 12 kilos
with some variations and other exercises thrown in

My first Resolution Row Week went very well, and I have been inspired by you guys and the ranking lists. Thanks a lot for your encouragement!

Have a nice Sunday.

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Post by Widgeon » January 21st, 2007, 11:52 am

Great job on the rowing and on the resolutions NordicDuck! Don't worry, you'll get faster as you get more experience rowing, those kids will never catch you! :lol:

I do some weight training, too. I do a combination of machines and free weights during my coached sessions, and resistance band and closed chain resistance exersizes on my own. I was doing some imbedded full effort sprints during an hour peice on Weds and realized that all the work was coming from my left leg. My coach helped me strength test on Thurs, and I have a 15lb strength difference, and endurance difference between my right and left legs. We have devised a plan to balance my leg strength by doing single leg efforts on both the seated leg press and leg curl machines. I think my sprints will improve with both legs involved in the process! Need to get this fixed before spring water rowing, or I'll spend all my time putting the boat in circles! :lol:

If anyone has any suggestions about what I can do to balance my leg strength, I would love to hear your comments. I'll probably put a post on the training forum, and see what the guys have to suggest.

Thanks for your help!


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Post by ciproano » January 21st, 2007, 5:43 pm

Hi, Ducks!

I survived snow camping this weekend, two nights of mighty cold...it was 5 degrees when we got up this morning! My finger tips are still sore (after 7 hours back indoors) and a bit achy and tired but otherwise just fine. Our camp area was near a stopping point for migrating geese, so we were treated to many flyovers as dusk approached, and near the restroom after dark you could hear choruses of honking.

Pam, I don't think it is at all unusual to have one leg stronger than the other (or arm, etc.), it's probably normal as long as the difference isn't extreme. But here is a simple quad (and whole leg!) strengthener I got from a trainer that you can do anywhere that may help. Stand with a support (like a chair back) in front of you, tuck one leg up behind you at about 90 degrees and squat with the other (use the chair for balance). Then switch legs. Be sure to use good squat form (knees never beyond toes, thighs parallel to floor). If your knees are trouble, then don't try these. But because they are supported (by chair), they are supposed to be safer/easier than the he-man style (free leg out front, nothing to help balance).

I generally do weight training twice a week, & go to a gym near my office on lunch hour. I use free weights and some machines, and because I only have about 30-40 min to finish, I only do two exercises for each body part (legs, chest, back, arms), usually 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. I always try to do abs last, and I use Pilates 100's (3-5 sets) with some yoga back stretches or twists between sets. Sounds more impressive than it really is, I fly through. But I've been doing some version of this routine for 25 or 30 years, as I've always felt weight training (not weight LIFTING) was important for strength, edurance and shape! There have been times when I stop for a few months for injuries, childbearing, etc., but I always go back. It just feels good.

I hope my hands are thawed out tomorrow and I'll be back on the erg!

It is our choices that show what we truly are, Harrry, far more than our abilities. (from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling)
