JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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Resolutions in a Row

Post by Nan » January 4th, 2007, 8:05 pm

Hello ladies,

Well, I seem to be cross-rowing. . . or something. First off, I am a committed RIAR member. However, I was recently contacted by an individual to join an all-Canadian team. I declined but he contacted me again today indicating that Concept2, after a few requests, is permitting us to affiliate with more than one team for the January Challenge. Sooo, my metres will figure in the totals for two teams, RIAR and Team Canada.

Just thought I would let folks know--and I hope this is o.k. with everyone. My sense is that RIAR is primarily about meeting personal goals and encouraging others to do the same. And we seem to be doing fabulously well at it. The participation is amazing.


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Post by roastduckmangosalsa » January 5th, 2007, 1:09 am

Hello everyone!!! Sounds like everyone is doing very well. I've been keeping with my schedule of rowing every other day. Since I just started about a month ago, I've been trying to get my body used to rowing. Things have been going very well for me but on Tuesday I knocked a big blister on the back of my heel. I stopped by Walgreens today and got some blister band-aids, moleskin and wrap. I applied the blister band-aid then put the moleskin over that and wrapped my heel and ankle with the wrap. I rowed 2k tonight and only felt a little rubbing on my blister a couple times. The 2k isn't as far as my last two workouts but I really just wanted to test my wrap and log a few meters before bed. I thought it worked pretty well, I don't know how well it would do for a longer row though.

Keep up the good work everyone!


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Post by JennyR » January 5th, 2007, 5:14 am

I've just signed up to RIAR for the January Challenge. Thanks Susan ! :D

I am a former DIAR member, but switched to Forum Flyers when I started competing on the C2 last year. I just needed a different sort of support, and it has been great to meet FF team members at various events during 2006.

I am a mum of 2 boys aged 4 and 6, and I work flexible part-time as an accountant in the SouthWest of England. I am married and we live in the country with 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a rabbit and a guinea pig! I have found the erg great to fit in with family life - up until 31 December I was rowing in the evenings after putting the boys to bed and getting hubbie's supper. I have just started training in the mornings instead, but this means getting up at 5:30 on the mornings when I do my longest sessions, so we'll have to see how that goes!!! :shock:

As a member of RIAR I resolve:
- to row 5 times per week in line with my training programme
- to eat more healthily, and cut out the crap from my diet
- if I achieve these 2 goals then I will lose weight !! :D

Looking forward to this Challenge, and to being back with the Ducks for a while :D
Jenny Rowe
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What are all those abbreviations??

Post by Wood_Duck » January 5th, 2007, 8:27 am

There has been a theme common to many questions I have received. "I am confused"--Please explain the difference between DIAR and RIAR and what are all those acronyms any way? HC, JVC just to name a few...

It can be a bit confusing. Ducks in a Row (DIAR) and Resolutions in a Row (RIAR) are two different things. :D

When you set up your log book you are able to choice an affiliation with a University/or Club. A few examples are:
* club_health: Clubs based in or around a health club or corporate fitness center
* club_rowing: Clubs based around an on water rowing club
* university: Clubs based around a college or university
* virtual: Clubs not based on or around a specific physical location

DIAR is a virtual club. We are women from around the world who chat and support each other. There is a place where we are all listed. Bookmark http://www.concept2.com/sranking03/chal ... n+a+row%22
You can see many of our pictures there. (You can also get there through your logbook in the top left corner under "quick links" for University/Club Standings. (Right above rower of the day.)

What is fun about that list is you can compete with the people around your season meters. In fact, many people will email each other, check the weekly rankings and have some fun rivalry!

In January, C2 puts together a challenge for all the virtual teams to compete. These are special virtual teams specifically for the contest in January. These teams may be the same as the year round affiliation or they can be special groups put together just for the contest during the month of January. SO many people in DIAR joined RIAR for the contest.

Our January Virtual Challenge (JVC) team is open to everyone. (Ducks, Drakes, Ducklings, and anyone else who ergs--Eh! Team, Forum Flyers, and many others)

The idea that Grams and I and others had was to put together a team whose plan was not necessarily to "win" the contest BUT to encourage people to keep up the good habit of regular rowing that we started with the Holiday Challenge (HC). Thus we came up with Resolutions in a Row (RIAR) where each member made a personal resolution for the month. All our resolutions are different. And all our abilities and capabilities are different. BUT the fun part is we are all stroking together.
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Re: Resolutions in a Row

Post by kit44 » January 5th, 2007, 9:26 am

Nan wrote:Hello ladies,

Well, I seem to be cross-rowing. . . or something. First off, I am a committed RIAR member. However, I was recently contacted by an individual to join an all-Canadian team. I declined but he contacted me again today indicating that Concept2, after a few requests, is permitting us to affiliate with more than one team for the January Challenge. Sooo, my metres will figure in the totals for two teams, RIAR and Team Canada.

Just thought I would let folks know--and I hope this is o.k. with everyone. My sense is that RIAR is primarily about meeting personal goals and encouraging others to do the same. And we seem to be doing fabulously well at it. The participation is amazing.

HI, Nan
I'm doing the same and for the same reasons - I liked the idea of rowing for Team Canada, but still wanted to let my metres count for RIAR - or the Ducks, who have been my inspriation for so long. Whatever keeps me going is good! And the "individual" has done a tremendous job of rallying Canadian rowers to join his team - I like the idea of rewarding his initiative in gathering all of us together! Now I'm off to row - can't let BOTH teams down!

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Post by snappyrower » January 5th, 2007, 7:14 pm

Is there a place where the team rankings are for the JVC?

I've not been helping out much ya'll. My knee is popping on the rower. Tonight i did 300 meters :( and my knee felt like it was sliding out of place on the knee cap? Gonna see how it feels tomorrow. Only place it hurts is on the rower. I haven't made any changes to the set up so this seems strange.
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Post by Wood_Duck » January 5th, 2007, 8:35 pm

There are at least three ways to check the JVC standings.

1) Log into your log book. On the front page where the announcements are click on "View the January Virtual Challenge Team Standings"

2) On that same page click on "TEAMS" (on the orange bar at the top of the page.) See where it says "resolutions in a row" Click on View Team Standings for Current Challenge

3) Click on this link: http://www.concept2.com/sranking03/team ... e_index=31

You can then sort the standings by clicking on the words at the top of the chart. Sort by team, by average meters, etc.
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by MomofJBN » January 5th, 2007, 8:47 pm

Here's the link: http://www.concept2.com/sranking03/team ... e_index=31

Once you are there, you can display by team, by individual, etc. There are lots of options.

My 6 yr old son wandered into the garage this afternoon and knocked off 5,000 m! :shock: :shock: He did it in 43:18 minutes which is pretty respectable considering the length of this legs. :lol:

Of course, that meant I had to go at least that far today. Tomorrow is an off day for me regardless of what he does, and I have completed my 4 rows for the week.
Wife of Jeff
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Post by MomofJBN » January 5th, 2007, 8:48 pm

Oops! Susan beat me to it. I had to go off and stir dinner for a bit. :lol:
Wife of Jeff
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Post by Wood_Duck » January 6th, 2007, 2:37 pm

How tall is Nicolas now? I can't imaging Danae (6) on the erg for 43 productive minutes. She typically gets in about 600m. Her problem is her stroke rate is so high and her legs are so short she gets hardly any "pull" on the handle. She is 3 feet 10 inches tall (117 cm).

This summer we will have to set up a row for them on rowpro again!

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by jcmatthews » January 6th, 2007, 3:51 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm a little late getting in my introduction, but I've been logging meters for the team all week. It seems that the weekend is the only time I have to sit down and check the forum.

I'm an OB/Gyn in eastern Oklahoma. I am married with three sons, one cat, and two monster dogs (Irish wolfhounds). One of my New Year's resolutions is to weigh less than my dog-- not as big an accomplishment as it might seem! Two of my sons are away at college, and the youngest (15) iis at home. Home is a little scattered, though, since I live (most of the time) and work in one town and my husband and son live in Tulsa-- 90 miles away. I go to Tulsa when I'm not on call, and on weekends when I am on call my husband comes here. A little strange, but it works for us!

I've been rowing, both on and off the water, for several years. I haven't been very consistent, though, so two of my resolutions for this year are to row consistently and to row my first marathon. For January, I plan to row at least 6 days a week.

My main exercise is running, though, and I'm currently beginning training for a marathon in November. The plan there is to qualify for Boston 2008, since I'll be into the 50-54 age group by then. Also, the women's Olympic Marathon Trial is over the Boston course the day before the 2008 marathon-- watching that would be great inspiration!

Thanks to all of you for encouragement and commitment. Keep rowing!
Stork Doctor
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Post by woolsmith » January 6th, 2007, 8:16 pm

Hello again!

More "old" names on here keep popping up! Nice to see ya's again, Jenny Rowe and Dr. Matthews!

Snappyrower--listen to what your body is telling ya! Might be a good idea to back off until you know what that knee is trying to do. What it's doing sounds a tad weird, and I'd sure hate for you to really damage something. Does your knee hurt when it does that? It made my hurt to read your post, ow!

I've hit my target days for the week, and I've rowed 14K, 10K, 11K, 13K, and tomorrow will be my 5th day for the week (goal was 5 days/wk). I have two long clinic days on Tuesday and Thursday, so unless I have a sudden burst of energy on those days :shock:, those will be my row-less days. I'm shooting for 50K/wk or better, so I can hit my goal of 200K for the JVTC.

Schenley, I'm impressed with that boy of yours! I couldn't have done anywhere near that when I got my rower a couple of years ago. Sign that boy up for the team!! :D We could make him an official Duckling. Wouldn't that be cute to have a team of the little ones rowing on a challenge?

And Robin--love that name, roastduckmangosalsa--you've probably explained that name to everyone already, but I'd love to hear the inspiration behind that one! :D You're doing great, and I know about the blister thing. Seems if my socks are too loose or my tennies are tied tight enough, my heel slips and I get a blister. Seems to always happen on my right foot. You're doing it right though--short rows, then build them up. If you do too much at once, it hurts. :shock: And then you get burned out. Are you getting any blisters on your hands yet? I think it was Susan (Wood Duck) who had the great idea about using cotton toddler socks on the handles to soak up the sweat from hands.

DIAR and RIAR--doing great!

--Jen, in tropical WI. We're waaaaay behind in our snow for the year, and we broke some record high temps this week. :cry:

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Post by Widgeon » January 6th, 2007, 10:14 pm

I would like to join the JC, too. I have been waiting to find out if my boathouse was going to do the JC, and they are. Is it true that I can affiliate with more than one group for the JC? I kept my ducks affiliation for my virtual rowing team, though got a few comments from the boathouse folks during the HC. Some times loyalties can be tough! But hey, I've been a duck longer, they'll just have to understand!

My goals for JC are:
-Row 5x per week
-weight loss, like to see about 5lb. Plan on lower energy density foods, and -smaller portion sizes. The hard part will be not going back for seconds!
-Improve 2K time by 10s

Susan, I'll PM uyou to sign up. Thanks for acting as captin!

Snappyrower: have you tried rowing strapless? If there is any twisting motion of your knees the straps will place more stress on you if your knees is you are strapped in wheras your feet can rotate slightly if needed when not strapped in, reducing knee stress. Also make sure you are not going beyond vertical with the shins and have your foot height set correctly, so ankle bone is even with the top of the rail. Note alson that we as women have more knee problems because our hips are wider than mens, this tends to cause our patella (knee cap) to deviate laterally (outside of leg) placing alot of stress on the joint and wearing down the cartilage (chondromalacia patella). This can be improved with exersizes that strengthen the inside muscle of the quadraceps group called the vastus medialus. My favorite exersize for this is standing on one leg, slightly bend the knee then straighten back to fully standing, like an incomplete one-legged squat. Don't go down too far, just a little bit. I usually hold on to a chair for stability. I do between 25-50x per leg each day. This exersize helps my knees alot. Your quads will scream at you initially, but it is worth doing. Start with just a few and work your way up.

Sorry got a little long winded! Good to see every one back on the forum!


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Post by toryb » January 6th, 2007, 11:52 pm

Greetings, everyone!

I'm absolutely new to the forum, but I have fallen in love with erging. I used to use them when I was in college, but infrequently - usually I used the elliptical (bad knees, and I thought it was burning a lot of calories - amazing how those things actually lie to you!)

Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately) the only elliptical I really wanted when we bought our house was a Precor, and they cost an arm and a leg. My boyfriend and I are well off, but not wealthy, and I remembered using the Concept2 rowers and liking them. Also, the full-body element of the exercise appealed to me - after using ellipticals even on a daily basis, my lower half looked fab ... but my upper half still looked fLab. The rower we got was an almost brand-new Model D - and after one row, I was hooked. We got it in June, and I wanted to reach 250,000 meters by September ... which became October after about a month went by without rowing ... which became November ... which finally happened when I got inspired by the holiday challenge and finally DID IT.

So now I'm totally hooked. I have my rower in front of the TV, and I my "goal" is to log anywhere between 5,000-10,000 meters 5 times per week (or get equivalent exercise by snowboarding, my other favorite activity).

I have to say, too - you are all wonderful inspiration for someone like me. I'm only 25, but I feel like reading about the huge diversity in ages and occupations on this forum (and seeing some of the smokin' times and distances!) really inspires me to do more, and to do it faster. You ladies who juggle so many things - work, kids, pets, significant others - are a real inspiration that I can fit in rowing as regularly as I want to and should.

I hope to use this forum - and RIAR - to learn more about how many meters are appropriate, learn more about stroke technique (I'm self-taught), and find out how to maximize my physical gains and weight loss. My first goal for next year is the 500,000 meter mark, but I'd like to be over 1,000,000 for the year (not including the 250,000 I already rowed). Ambitious, but doable, with the level of commitment I'm asking of myself.

Y'all are wonderful! Keep it up!
"Just Ducky!"
(Erging & Weight Watcher-ing my way to 150 from 165 - 5'10 1/2")
Will row for food!

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Post by GMW » January 7th, 2007, 12:19 am

My goal is to row 50K a week, so I met that goal for this week. This coming week will be difficult as I'm at a Board meeting between Wednesday and Saturday...the gym at the hotel is nice (this is my last year of 7 years on this Board, so this hotel is my home away from home) but no erg. So, I've been checking other gyms in the area and have located an erg in a gym close by, so we'll see how that goes. Usually, I try not to row when I'm in a hotel as it's one of my opportunities to try out other things, but increasing distance and decreasing time seem to be a really good combintation for me right now...

Instead of rowing at home today, I used the ergs at Ohio State's rec center, as my daughter was swimming with her coach there today. I often row there but discovered another group of ergs that are all next to each other (they are among other equipment in the other part of the rec center) Had the opportunity to row next to other people, all of whom were younger and taller than me...I always think I'm not a competitive person but I had really long row in great time today...although I am feeling it tonight. Actually, I was glad to see so many people interested in rowing, since in most of the rec centers that I find myself in, no one seems to use the ergs (I was rowing at a Y the other night, again where my daughter was swimming, and one of the personal trainers was asking me about rowing as exercise, as he indicated that the erg there is rarely used.)

Congrats to all on your progress on keeping your resolutions...

