by Bob S. » January 4th, 2007, 1:50 am
I see that it has been a week since I last reported. Last Friday, I had a choice of three workouts — AT, TR, and AN. I probably should have done the TR, since I had done only one before, but I went for the 6x1.5’AN instead. I did a fairly stiff 21’ rate pyramid warm up first. I was planning some blood pressure measurements, so, immediately after the warmup, I put the cuff on my left arm and did the BP. Results: 153/83 P 93. I did a repeat with the right arm and got: 157/81 P 79. I can usually get about 118/65 and my resting pulse is 54, but I assumed that these figures were O.K. for just after a fairly intense warmup piece in which my pulse got up over 150 in the middle of it.
With all this rigmarole, there was a 10' gap between this warmup and the actual workout. I did two 1.5’ intervals (3’r) and tried to take the BP at the start of the second 3’ rest. I got the message EE, which meant that it didn’t pump the pressure up high enough to get a reading (>200?). I did the third interval and waited for the first minute of the 3rd rest to go by before I took another reading. Same business. No reading. I was getting nervous about it at this point, so I did just one more interval, shut it down at the end of the interval and within a minute or so started an easy 10’ cool down at a constant 12 spm.
1st: 398m/1:53.0/35spm/153bpm
2nd: 392m/1:54.7/33spm/147bpm
3rd: 388m/1:55.9/32spm/152bpm
4th: 386m/1:56.5/33spm/151bpm
Just after completing the cool down, I did the BPs again, left and right arms:
L 146/78 P90
R 146/77 P79
Two hours, after finishing a late breakfast, I took BPs again:
L 116/69 P64
R 119/77 P64
I don’t know what to make of all this, but it had me discouraged during the weekend. I did a long, but easy hike on Saturday, but it was on the valley floor (about 4000 ft) rather that up at one of the 8000 ft trailheads. Sunday was a treadmill and weight work day and it went reasonably well, but I was coming down with an allergy that had me sneezing and my nose running like a faucet. It was worse on Monday, so I skipped the erg session entirely. On Tuesday I made the decision that I needed more endurance work, so I decided to drop the 3 day a week IP that I have been using and go back to the 6 day a week simplified Pete Plan that I used last year in December and January. That three week program would bring me right up through the week before the Beach Sprints and then I could use that last week for taper and travel. I skipped the first session (8x500 3:30r @2k—2/3) so that I would be having Sundays as rest days. This meant a 15k steady @ 2k+15 Tuesday and 8k steady at 2k+12 today.
For yesterday’s 15k, I figured that it was long enough that I didn’t need a warmup, My pace goal was 2:19.3 and I decided to hold a steady 20spm.
Time: 1:08:34.6. Average pace: 2:17.1. Average HR: 142.
I had done many 15ks last season during about 4 weeks of the Pete Plan and I didn’t remember getting under 1:09 before. I checked out the records, and, sure enough, this was a PB. I had gone under 1:09 only once and that was only 1:08:53.6, so this 15k was a 19 second improvement. I did a 15’ tapered cool down afterwards, which added almost 3k to the day’s total. Counting in my early morning wakeup row, I had over 20k for the day even without a warm up. A good way to start the January Challenge, although I had lost the first day of the month.
Today’s 8k was not that productive. No PB for this one. I did it at only 20spm, whereas I see that my best ones last season were done at 24 spm. It was O.K. however, faster than the pace goal of 2:16.3.
Time: 35:54.8. Average pace: 2:14.6. Average HR 147.
With a 12’ warm up and a 10’ cool down (plus the usual 10’ wakeup) the day’s total was 14.5k. The “Owens Lake Yacht Club” is in fifth place on an average meters per member basis in the JVC.
Bob S.
Last edited by
Bob S. on January 4th, 2007, 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.