JVC: Resolutions in a Row

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Post by snappyrower » December 29th, 2006, 10:32 am

Welcome to all that have logged in, great resolutions all! How's it going so far? I've done two rows earlier this week, took yesterday off, and am heading to the rower now...............

ETA: I did a 34 minute workout (34:37.8) of 6,030 meters. Slowly but surely getting back in to the swing of things!
"To live is not enough; we must take part." -Pablo Casals

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Post by GMW » December 29th, 2006, 7:22 pm

Thanks Susan for being the team captain. After doing the 200K holiday challenge and losing 7 pounds along the way, I'm ready for JVC. I plan on rowing 200K or more in January and trying to improve times. I'm hoping to row a 1/2 marathon during January, too. I have been rowing since December, 2005 and should be at my 2 million meter mark in February, so the JVC will help to keep me on track with that. I did the JVC last year as a member of Fowl Play and certainly have better endurance this year for distance rowing.

About me--I'll turn 48 next month, am an audiologist, and mom to an 11 year old daughter. During this year, I'd like to be able to row as a lightweight (a ways to go on that), and try on water rowing. I have a Model D but often row at rec centers where my daughter has swim practice, and met a group of women who erg at one of the facilties but row on water...the are located 1/4 mile from my house and I live across the street from the river, so it's just a matter of carving out the time to do it.

I'd also like to try RowPro this year after reading the comments on the list.

Good luck to everyone in keeping their resolutions...


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Post by kit44 » December 30th, 2006, 11:20 am

Hi, all,
Wow - you all inspire me so much with your stories - I don't know how any of you find the time to row at all, but it's great to hear that you do. "Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. " ~Edward Stanley It's hard to do, but I try to think of it like the financial advisors say about saving money - you have to pay yourself first. Or the speech on an air flight - put your own oxygen mask on first, then tend to the children, or you'll pass out. It all makes sense - why oh why is it so hard to do?
Thanks, Susan, for taking this on - I'm feeling pretty guilty for not volunteering after hearing YOUR story!
I'm training for a PB in 2000 m - the Canadian Indoor championship falls on my 48th birthday this year, and while I cannot go, I'd like to prepare and try to beat my best time, whcih will still keep me well down in the results, but it's a good challenge for me for January. I'll be rowing 5-6 days/week, and mixing up the training to cover both distance and speed.
I'm 47 now, obviously; married, mother of 2 teenagers, currently unemployed but will be setting up a personal training business from home this year, as well as doing various other things to keep the cash flow flowing. I've been rowing since I was 44 (hence kit44!) and I'm closing in on 5 million metres before then end of this season. Hoping to try rowing on water this summer.

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Post by ds9jullian » December 30th, 2006, 9:23 pm

Finally a group of people who don't find erging as strange!!!

I am aiming to row 5 days a week. I only just got my erg back from my parents house so I started yesterday. I am staring with 4000 meters a day in the hopes of making it up to the 5000+ mark.

I am a 26 old high school science teacher for the middle of no where Colorado. I actually closer to Kansas than I am to Denver. Since the start of the school year I have put on over ten pounds so . . . in an attempt to take care of myself I have chosen to return to erging. My first and formost goal is to just be able to wear my teaching cloths again, my selction has gotten rather thin since putting so much weight on.

I need all the support I can get as I have very little support at the present time in my life.


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Post by woolsmith » December 31st, 2006, 12:29 am

Hey Ducks!

I'm in this JVC, too! I plan to row a minimum of 4 times per week (more likely I'll hit 5), and I hope to do 200K this month...maybe more! Of course, that's barring any illnesses, injuries, etc. If I do the 200K, I'll be over my 3rd million meters!

I'm 49, overweight by 50 pounds, but I lost 40 by rowing!! And I've been STUCK at that 40 pounds for almost 2 years now. So in January, I'm really, really (really!) going to pay attention to the food intake.

I've been married for over 28 years, no kids, just Chihuahuas, and I'm a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner. I just got into a graduate nursing program, so that has become a black hole for my time. The program is entirely online, so there's LOTS of writing involved. Good thing I can type fast.

Hobbies: knitting, eating, spinning wool into yarn, painting, baking, eating, reading, eating, yoga, and now HOMEWORK. :roll:

So for reducing stress, improving fitness, and burning calories, HERE I AM!!

--Jen in WI :D

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Post by MomofJBN » December 31st, 2006, 8:45 pm

It's so good to see everyone. I love reading all these introductions. Some of you I know already, but I tend to forget the details, so I appreciate the re-introductions and updates.

I'm counting my week as Sunday to Saturday so today was my first row toward the JVC. It wasn't very long, but I've had the sniffles for a few days, so at least it was something.

Gail - I just have to say "Hi" to an audiologist. My oldest son has mild to moderate bilateral sensironeural hearing loss.

Back to cooking dinner, but looking forward to the comraderie of the challenge.
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Post by woolsmith » December 31st, 2006, 10:25 pm

Hey, Schenley!

How are those three boys of yours? I remember a picture of them last year when the new Fish Game came out. Looked like they were having a great time!

Ah, hearing problems. My husband is a meat department manager in a grocery store, and he has hearing loss from so many years working on those meat saws while he wasn't wearing hearing protection. It wasn't considered an issue when he started out 35 years ago. Now, I have to repeat about 1/3 of the things I say to him, and he cannot hear those high-pitched tones well at all. This is more than just the typical male "selective hearing" problem. :roll:

I've finally gotten him to wear hearing protectors when he mows, snowblows, or uses power tools. He does mostly office work now, and he almost never works back in the meat room anymore. He thought I was just being a weenie about his hearing until my nephew said something to him about his hearing while they were out fishing together. Then he went for an audiology evaluation and got the objective opinion. What do *I* know right? :D

Hey, Gail! I think you and I are chasing each other on the Ducks board. We can keep each other motivated, hey? Nice job on the 7 pound weight loss during the HC! You go, girl!

--Jen in WI

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Ready? Set? ROW!

Post by Wood_Duck » January 1st, 2007, 3:32 am

I can't get into the log book. I wish I could say I found out because I just rowed 10K. NOT. I have three people to add to the team. I will as soon as I can access the logbook.

Any lurkers out there? Not to late to join. Click PM below. Send me your first and last name and your email address as entered in the profile of you on-line log book.

In the mean time...

Ready? Set? ROW!
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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I can't get into the log book either

Post by efg » January 1st, 2007, 5:08 am

I seem to remember this happened last year as well. Hopefully it will be sorted out by sometime tomorrow. I plan to row tomorrow (today). I overindulged tonight(last night). Fortunately I rowed on the 31st - there, I don't have to worry about what day it is right now.


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Post by fleabane » January 1st, 2007, 11:12 am

Hi Guys

My Concept D should arrive this week - Thursday all being well - is it too late to join you all - am a total newbie !!

Just now I need to remove some of my excess baggage about 30kg in total gulp!! :oops:

Am married with one monster and 2 dogs - lol not sure which of them is easiest - hubby, son or dogs!!

My goal for the rower is to remove the kilos, improve my fitness and waist line and generally have fun without getting bored - a horrible habit I have suffered during other forms of exercise - running machine, indoor cycle etc etc

Have in the past done loads of canoeing but never rowing and apart from plenty of cycling during the summer and dog walking all year my exercise quota is rather poor.

Anyway let me know if I'm too late

Good luck all

Doh ....Lost again!!!

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And we're off!

Post by margaret » January 1st, 2007, 1:00 pm

Just did a little calculating to figure out how far I need to row to meet my goal of 1 million in 10 weeks. I have 468,069 meters to in January. My goal is to row every day I can, and I only foresee one day when it's out of the question. So that's 15,620m a day. Deep breath. But I've made it this far, and I'm really seeing a difference--I can find my waistline again. I forgot it was so high!

With the kids back in school and holidays winding down, I expect my weight loss to get back on track too. I lost 8 pounds in December (NOT over the holidays LOL) and would be thrilled to lose 5 in January--then I'd be a light weight.

Back to the erg!

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Post by grams » January 1st, 2007, 1:17 pm

We are all in one big duck pond together. My small virtual team was too small, so I asked the members if they would be willing to join RIAR and got enthusiastic yeses from them. I volunteered to help Susan with the team management if necessary.

My goal: just to get back on the blasted erg! Its funny how I miss it when I can't row for several days. My sciatica is getting worse not better. Time to stop doing the physical therapy exercises and get some xrays and a medical opinion.

I need to lose 15 pounds again. Thats what I get for taking too many vacations and then having knee surgery.

Kudos to all you ladies dropping pounds! It took me 5 months last time to get to lightweight. It was great to have to buy new clothes. I recommend 505 jeans. Straight led pants to show off those nice quads.

64 yo, 3.5 million meters so far. 2 marathons and a lot of half marathons
(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
5 kids, 6 grandkids, 1 great-granddaughter
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Post by woolsmith » January 1st, 2007, 1:46 pm


Okay, I've just rowed a bit over 14K. So far, 6 team members are on the board.

SO COME AND GET ME!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Naw, seriously, my tail feathers are a bit sore.... I can tell I'm not used to doing those long, continuous rows. That's gonna hafta change.


--Jen in WI

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Post by snappyrower » January 1st, 2007, 1:53 pm

Happy New year ya'll! WE're growing quickly, aren't we? Hopefully we'll keep stroking away, and it will be a "shrinking" year for me. :) I did a very short row of 3126 this morning, will do a longer one tonight. Lots of rain last night, and I need to get to a few things like a slightly flooded dirt crawl space first this afternoon!
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Post by MomofJBN » January 1st, 2007, 3:09 pm

Hi Jen, Good to see you again. The boys are fine, though their enthusiasm for the erg fluctuates. However, I'm not worried about the amount of exercise they are getting. :lol: I got a scanner for Christmas, and if I can get it going, I may have a cute picture of them to add to my siggy.

I'm glad your DH finally listened to someone, even if it couldn't be you. :roll: I know so many older people who could probably benefit from hearing aids, but relatively few seem to get them. It would make it easier for Jonathan if all the older people who needed hearing aids would wear them. It would make HAs more like glasses - i.e., no big deal. As you can tell, this is a pet peeve of mine. End of rant.

Now have to figure out my erg plan for today. Still recovering from a bit of a head cold...
Wife of Jeff
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/momofjbn/dudes_small.jpg[/img] Mom of Jonathan (12), Benjamin (10), and Nicholas (8)
