Holiday Challenge 2006!

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Post by dinodi » December 14th, 2006, 5:55 pm

Greetings from NE WA state! It is snowing like crazy up here today--the forcast predicts 10 ". Luckily my all wheel drive Subaru is oufitted with studded tires on all four wheels so getting to the gym is no problem. Having lived in the Puget Sound area all of my life it is a hoot to now live in a place where people can actually drive in the snow!!

Well, I've been whining all month about my inability to hit 200k for the HC but each passing day I see what other ducks are doing and it movtivates me to row a bit extra. I hit 148k today so even factoring a travel day to the coast on Sunday, I'm hoping the reach that magic 200k mark on Christmas Eve. Yahoo!!

Dino Duck

ps- Birdie- keep up the chatty posts...they are providing me with the little extra oomph that I need.

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Post by Birdi » December 14th, 2006, 6:40 pm

Hey Di, I think we got that much in rain! Yikes, isn't it crazy! Glad you are getting to the gym, really gotta hand it to you, that's dedication. I KNOW you are gonna make it, no worries Mate! I've got a sinus infection now and feel poopy but can't flake out now. Thanks for all the meters you are supplying us with! Keep it up! I'm chattin to keep up MY uummph!
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Post by LittleBit » December 14th, 2006, 6:46 pm

Hi Fellow Ducks!
I'm just over 100K now, and am taking aim at the 200K for the HC. I usually row 1 hr+ at a time - slow and steady, and around 10K for each session, so this goal is possible. I may be putting in the last meters on the last day, but that's not uncommon from reading the Forum last year. Wood Duck (Susan H), my fellow Hoosier, better watch out - I'm right behind her now on the DIAR team list! That's pretty cool - I could never catch her last year. I also haven't see her on the Forum lately either, so she's probably pretty busy. Anyway, as Birdie says, paddle, paddle, paddle!!

Happy Quacking to all!
Catherine in Southern Indiana

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Post by Birdi » December 14th, 2006, 9:17 pm

Hi Dino, I saw your HC total and know how much more athletic you are than I am.... it made me dig in and do more today than I though I would considering how I feel.... but I'm chasing you.... now I'm at 151,957 for the HC... I was 141,444 when I read your post. I know you'll pass me real quick again but thank you for the boost! GO DUCKS! It all counts for our team and your personal HC goals!
Good night, see you tomorrow fellow Quackers! Happy paddles everyone!
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newbie duck -- HC participant

Post by rlbhedgehog » December 15th, 2006, 1:45 pm

Hi, all,

Having decided on Monday, 11/27, to try for the 200K challenge, I'm on my way: as of last night's row, 123,468M. I need to do about 9700M per day, through 12/22, to succeed--here's hoping! I've been working out with weights 2-3x/week for a while now, but I hadn't been able to stick with the aerobic component of my fitness/muscle-building/fat-loss program. Decided the HC was just the thing to kick me into compliance. ;)

I'm new to DIAR, but I edited my profile to show my affiliation. Hope I can be a productive member. :)

BTW, I'm not sure if anyone else has had chafing issues (on the "rumpus" in my case), but I found Bag Balm to be just the thing: not as greasy as straight vaseline (although it is a little greasy), and far more protective than Body Glide. Makes for a much more comfortable row!


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Post by Birdi » December 15th, 2006, 2:26 pm

Hi rlb, That's the same day I started the HC also. Thanks for joining Ducks, great to have you. The HC is a good jump starter if you've been 'letting things go' I was doing the same! So much so that's one reason I didn't get started on time...too much munching on the holiday food and being lazy. I find that I just can't have any alcoholic drinks when I'm really 'going for it' because even a little makes a slug outa me! BTW you have until midnight of the 24th to log those meters! You're doing great, keep up the good work! :wink: :D
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Post by rlbhedgehog » December 15th, 2006, 4:23 pm

Hey, Birdi, thanks for the encouragement. Right back atcha!

(Btw, because I'm leaving my erg for a drive to visit family in the Pac NW (Portland) at an ungodly hour on the morning of the 23rd, there's a tighter time frame for moi.)


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Post by grams » December 15th, 2006, 5:22 pm

What a blow we had last night! Talk about ducks in a pond! Our whole neighborhood is one!

Part of my job at the City was reviewing plans for erosion control, and assessing unstable slopes, and tree safety. I'm so glad I wasn't out at midnight checking slopes below houses or trees in danger of falling. It was very interesting participating in disaster drills though. Don't expect municipal employees to be around to fix things for at least 3 days. Many times they can't get to work to get the equipment they need to help you.

Only 5271 meters for 30 minutes today. I've taken to watching the BBC News and I have slowed down so as not to miss what is being said. Time for me get back to listening to Bob Seger and U2.

Pilates stretching is helping me more than other strengthening exercises right now. The beautiful blonde lady in a gorgeous southwest setting on my dvd is a bit too soothing- Perhaps I should get a Tai Chi dvd too. Calming but a bit more assertive I would think.

Hats off to you ladies, making time at the busiest part of the year for yourselves. I'll be back to 10,000 meters a session by January.

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Post by MomofJBN » December 15th, 2006, 7:41 pm

Made a discovery! Somehow the resistance setting on our erg must have gotten changed. (It was transported a few times in the car, etc.) Anyway, I hadn't realized that it had changed and couldn't understand why I was pulling such slow times. Today the resistance was back to what I'm used to and so where my times. Yay!

Still no chance of reaching 100k, though. :lol: I was too out of shape to start with for that to be realistic.
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Keep on rowin!!

Post by dinodi » December 15th, 2006, 8:39 pm

Hi, Birdi--

Hey gal, you sneaked by today on my rest day. Good for you. I'm not chasing you--I'm cheering you on! Well--it was supposed to be a rest day but I sneaked in a short 3k to give me some wiggle room down the line.
I think that I'm going to need it as my back is beginning to kill me. I'll row tomorrow and then I'm taking Sunday off..actually, I driving 6 hrs to Seattle so I don't think my back will be rested.

My friends in Seattle have no heat or lights and a 100 ft. cedar is hovering over their house. Hmm...It might be warmer to snuggle up here in the mountains. On the plus side, they have a C2 in the basement so I can do a couple of two a days if need be.

It's so much fun to see DIAR's meters climbing. At this point, I'm sure that everyone is just putting their heads down and cranking out the meters. As for me, I can hardly wait until 12/24 and then I can take a breather!

Go Ducks!

Dino Duck

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Post by Birdi » December 15th, 2006, 11:05 pm

rlb, we will wave at you from over here across the river! we are about 30 miles from Portland! Have a safe trip and keep up the good work!

Grams, you are so impressive! Yeah, it was quite a night last night round these parts eh? We didn't lose any trees but laid there in bed holding hands and praying...watching DVDs in the dark on the portable player! Our pond is a lake and our stream is a river and it rained, hailed and snowed today! My horses and cattle don't like the white grass!

Di, ah I know you aren't chasing me...heee hee, I'm chasing YOU! lol
I've had a day off today when to lunch with Hubby and to see Pursuit of Happiness, Will Smith's new one....super story, take hanky! I need to get up there and do like you said, just a few thousand for the 'savings acct' then back to the real meat later.... but no supper yet and it's getting late. may have to just do it tomorrow....we'll see

Question to all you Ducks, got the msg from C2 re: the January challenge for clubs and such.... are we gonna enter the Ducks in it and keep going strong with that challenge too? Would be WAY COOL to do! Someone post about it, ok? Grams?

Well gals, we just got home and warming up the house and headed for some supper so will see what's up with everyone tomorrow.....
Paddle, Paddle, Paddle!!!!
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Post by grams » December 16th, 2006, 4:47 pm

For folks heading to the Seattle area: Power will be out in large areas for a while. So-gas up your car frequently before you hit town. There are 2 hour waits at gas stations here that still have power. No power-no pumping gas.

We have power, but 80% of Bellevue does not. And its getting colder for a few days. As a backup we have firewood, candles, and a travel version of Scrabble we got after we were snowed in in our teeny camper van in Joshua Tree last year.

We are off now for a walk around the neighborhood to count the trees on houses. We got 1.6 inches of rain in the 6 hours before the winds got heavy, and many trees just couldn't hang on in the saturated soil.

(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
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Post by Birdi » December 16th, 2006, 5:03 pm

Fellow Ducks Jan 1-30 there is a virtual team challenge...if you haven't see the email about it go to the C2 main page and dropdown menu for challenges to see info about this. You can form a new team or enter your existing team in this challenge. How about if we enter DUCKS in this virtual team challenge and see what we can do??? That way we can rest up a bit after Christmas but not get into a slump again (guilty person speaking here) and still have our fitness levels pumped up and ready!!! Grams, you seem to be a 'leader' in the Ducks org so would you be willing to enter us and have your email available as they suggest appointing a 'spokesperson' ???? I'm not always the greatest at those sorts of things.... :oops: but am interested in keeping up a challenge and keeping the DUCKS paddling onward....showing just what this group of gals can do!!!
Anyone else interested?????
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Post by woolsmith » December 18th, 2006, 9:28 pm

Hey Ducks!

I just finished up my 200K today! :D

And as a treat to myself, instead of the HC t-shirt, I ordered 3 of the shirts Grams designed. WTG on the designs, Grams!

I'll slow down a bit on the rowing between now and Jan 1st. We also just got a new elliptical, so I'll be playing with the new toy between now and then. But cross-training is good, hey? :) But then I'll be ready to kick'r in gear again for the January Challenge.

And it's so cool that we're in 4th place on the team board!!


--Jen in WI

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Post by Birdi » December 18th, 2006, 10:42 pm

Woolsmith, WTG! Congrats! WOOHOO! I've got 20k to go. I love my eliptical but haven't really been on it with the HC going on, have put it all into the ERG (evil rowing gizmo) Good for you! I'm thinking of doing the same when I get to 200k, just little rows to keep with it but some eliptical time and some weights too, then on to the Jan Challenge. I haven't decided what group to join yet, the ideas are coming in so I'm having a look. If I get the 200k done in the next 2 days I'll just keep adding up a little more to plump it up, I want to beat my last years total.
You don't have to be the best, all you have to do is keep at it. Pain is only weakness leaving your body. Nahongvita!

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