The Road to Boston 2007

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Post by njsurfboats » December 8th, 2006, 4:34 pm

catching up on training... this week has seen a lot of testing and quasi-testing, with a 60' piece on Sunday (happy with it) a 20' piece on Wednesday (not happy with it) and a whopping 5x2k today (Friday).

Monday: recovery from 60' test, the most I've felt a workout in a while now (i definitely was not recovered by Wednesday even.) Just 45' easy on a stationary bike, and some lifting at night, mostly chest and back.

Tuesday: attempt to loosen up and get ready for Wednesday. HM at 1:59.1 (1:23:44.1) heart rate around 115-120 so not real taxing, but I guess more taxing than I thought.

Wednesday: 20 minute test at 1:42.7 (5840m). Felt not so good, I feel like with my 2k and now my 60' where they are, this should be a lot faster.

Thursday: nothing, recovery.

Friday: hellish. 5x2k, 12' rest. Not strictly a test, but this was a workout all my teammates back at school were getting all fired up over and I wanted to make sure I got in on it, also wanted to feel better after Wednesday.

Pieces were to alternate between moderate and fast pace; I went 6:51, 6:30.2, 6:59.2, 6:27.8, 6:49. I was really pleased with these, and with all the rest they weren't as bad as I expected (although I suspect my teammates were forced to run stairs in between so I had an advantage in recovery in just spinning along on the stationary bike in between peices.) On the 6:27 piece I was definitely going all out, but I think all things considered I could've done a single 2k test just under 6:20. That's my goal for Crash-B's and our test in March and it looks pretty achieveable, hopefully.
2k: 6:21.2
6k: 20:40
10k: 36:29
15k: 55:30
HM: 1:19.15

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Post by Bob S. » December 8th, 2006, 7:33 pm

A choice today: 2x12’AT or 2x3’TR. Naturally I went for the longer one and did the 2x12’AT. My AT band is 2:11.3—2:18.2. Rate 26-28. I choose to try to hold the pace close to 2:13—2:14 and ignore the rate.

Warmup: 15’; 3’each @ 15/18/20/18/15. 3176m, 2:21.6 ave. pace.
First interval: 2689m/2:13.8/22spm/142bpm
Second interval: 2705 2:13.0/23spm/146bpm
Cool down: 10’; 5’ each @ 15/12. 1972m, 2:32.1

Sort of a mediocre workout. I met the goals, but they were rather modest. The best part of it was that, together with my usual 10 early wakeup row, it got me over the 4 million mark in my log book (4,001,057) and past the 100k HC mark (100,504). My consistency was soso —not too good, but not really bad. Now I find myself facing another blasted 2k time trial on Monday. Since I am taking my pick of 3 of each week’s 4 scheduled workouts, it is very tempting to drop the 2k trial out of next week’s schedule.

Bob S.

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Post by TomR » December 9th, 2006, 12:05 am


You are a beast. As Rick said, your 2k time is coming down.

I'm not sure I'd worry about 10 mps for racing. That would limit you to approx 27 spm, and I think even the Emperor of 10 MPS (PaulS) allows you to trade rate for pace in competition.


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Post by Yankeerunner » December 9th, 2006, 12:14 pm

njsurfboats, half-marathons seem to leave me somewhat flat the next day no matter how easily I try to get through them. They are good for the mitochondia, but not so good for preparing for a hard session on the next day. :D Nice 5 X 2km.

Bob, good solid work. I agree with your comment to Carla about counting warmup and cooldown meters toward the Challenges. I would have a tendancy to skip those, which I know is not good. Knowing that they count for something in black & white on a listing of total meters makes them, in my mind, the worthwhile exercises that they are in reality toward having better workouts and recoveries.

Today:3 X 16' UT1 (4'r)

2167m w/u in 10'

16' 4000m 2:00.0 22spm 142hr (recovered to 72hr during rest)
16' 4017m 1:59.5 23spm 150hr (rec. to 82hr)
16' 4032m 1:59.0 23spm 152hr (rec. to 86hr)

1026m c/d in 5'

Standard erg, 123df, 50 degrees, 45rhr. Kinda wanted to just lie in bed this morning, and did for about an extra hour, but felt fine once I sat on the machine. As my lower back fatigued I tried to concentrate harder on the initial part of the leg drive, delaying the back somewhat, to take some strain off it. It's one of those things that gets sloppy as I get tired.

76K for the week, 139,543m for the Challenge.


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Post by seat5 » December 9th, 2006, 7:35 pm

Oh yes, I log every single meter--it does help me make sure to warm up and cool down. I have another little issue going on that's not helping me with fatigue--I'm running into the change of life routine and it's been a bit of an un needed addtional challenge. I should buy stock in Tampax at this rate--3 weeks and counting...sigh...

Today should be easy, only 2 x 9 AT.

Bob, I am purposely pushing myself to work faster than the expected pace, because even though that last 2K was a serious effort, I felt lactate burn for the first time ever the other day in that TR 2 x 6' and I need to work through that mentally and physically if I expect to significantly improve my 2K time, which I still don't feel reflects my potential. If my 2K PB was solid than I would have felt that then, but I did not. I believed I rowed that as hard as I could, but that can't be true as there was no lung burn or burning in the legs. I know that to do a lot better on the 2K it will basically feel like torture, and the only way to prepare for it is get used to it and not fear it. I want to be able to tell myself that I'll be able to perform as well in a real race as I can at home, holding myself to a plan no matter what it feels like. I'm sure next year if I use the IP again, (after having hopefully made a marked improvement on the 2K PB) that I will then train more conservatively, having honestly found out what I can do. Paces won't be that different, but they will be on the slower side based on a faster PB.

edited this to add 2 x 9 AT: 2309 1:56.9, 2321 1:56.3/26
Last edited by seat5 on December 9th, 2006, 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by TomR » December 9th, 2006, 9:03 pm

AT 2x10'

1.59.7/155HR/24 spm

I seem to have reached a plateau. Or is it my peak? My paces in various training bands have remained fixed for the last month or so.

Perhaps the race-pace workouts that I've only recently begun will take me to a new level.


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Post by whaskell » December 10th, 2006, 8:40 am

Saturday morning
10min wu 2242m
UT1 3x15min /max pace 1:54.5 / 22 - 24spm
Target 3x15min / avg pace 1:57.0 / 23spm / 3min rest
Actual 15min / 1:56.8 / 23spm / 3853m
Actual 15min / 1:56.8 / 23spm / 3852m
Actual 15min / 1:56.8 / 23spm / 3853m
Total 13484m
5min CD 1021m

Can't get much more consistent than that. Felt pretty good after a couple days with no rowing.

Sunday morning
10min wu 2251m
AT 2x10min / max pace 1:50 / 26-28spm
Target 2x10min/avg pace 1:52/27spm/3:30min rest
Actual 10min/1:51.9/27spm/2680m
Actual 10min/1:51.8/27spm/2680m
Total: 6840m
10min CD 2291m

Good workout. I actuall did the first repetion without straps because I forgot them. The second one felt better with the straps.

163,074m towards Holiday Challenge. Maybe I can get to 200k by next Sunday.
Will Haskell, M50, lwt

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Post by seat5 » December 10th, 2006, 10:30 am

Amazingly consistent, Will! I don't think I've ever hit it perfectly for 3 intervals like that (of course and never at that pace/rate either).

Are you going to the Newburyport race this year?
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by zubeldia » December 10th, 2006, 10:41 am

A fairly big week ahead of me with increased intensitiy scheduled... Ack! Today, though, 3x17mins UT1 with 3mins rest.

17mins 2:20.2 sr 21
17mins 2:20.2 sr 21
17mins 2:20.3 sr 21
Cool down

Very consistent intervals but felt pretty tired on the final one. 154K towards the Holiday Challenge.


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Post by Yankeerunner » December 10th, 2006, 11:15 am

A brief diversion from the IP today, the reasoning being twofold. First, the scheduled 2 X 25' UT1 would have made three consecutive days of UT1 and I'm temporarily bored with UT1, and second, I didn't do the Test piece last week that I was supposed to do and felt that today was as good a day as any to rectify that.

2km test piece

2215m w/u with accelerations in 10'

2308m w/u with faster accelerations in 10'

2000m 7:15.1

(200m splits,
0200m 1:49.5 31spm 125hr
0400m 1:49.2 32spm 144hr
0600m 1:48.7 32spm 146hr
0800m 1:48.2 33spm 149hr
1000m 1:48.5 33spm 153hr
1200m 1:47.8 35spm 153hr
1400m 1:48.5 35spm 152hr
1600m 1:50.5 35spm 151hr
1800m 1:50.2 35spm 152hr
2000m 1:46.7 36spm 154hr)

1621m c/d in 8'

Standard erg, 122df, 53 degrees, 42rhr. Not pretty. As at BIRC everything felt fine warming up, but everything fell flat shortly after launching into the piece. Strangely, despite feeling redlined, the heart rate didn't even get to the top of my AT zone. Typically a hard 2km will push my HR 20 beats or so higher during the last 600m or so than today. Something is rotten in the state of my erging. :?

147,687m in the Holiday Challenge.


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Post by zubeldia » December 11th, 2006, 10:26 am

This is my first AN training session. 8x1mins @ 2:05 pace.


20 mins warmup

(with 2 mins rest between intervals).

2:02.9, sr 32
2:01.4 sr 31
2:00.4 sr 33
2:01.9 sr 32
2:01.9 sr 32
2:01.9 sr 32
1:59.0 sr 34
1:58.5 sr 33

15 mins cool down.

Quite a bit faster than planned, and felt like I could have managed all of the intervals @ sub 2:00 pace. Hopefully this is an indication of improved fitness.


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Post by chgoss » December 11th, 2006, 1:06 pm

did a 38:24 10k yesterday, personal best by 4 sec for me.. My modified Pete Plan seems to be working (albeit slowly).

- Sunday: hard 10k race, shoot for PB
- Monday: very easy 10k (2:20 pace) or dont row at all.. lifting: squats/leg extensions/lat work
- Tuesday: 10k with alternating efforts to get the blood working..
- Wednesdays: intervals: alternate 4x1000m and 4x1500. the 4th set is the "go for it" set.. have been able to drive that one down by 1 sec/500m for the past 4 weeks.
- Thursday: easy 10k (2:10 pace), lifting: squats/leg extensions/lat work
- Friday:10k with alternating efforts to get the blood working..
- Saturday: if I feel good, I race a 5k, if I feel lousy I repeat Friday's workout.

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Post by whaskell » December 11th, 2006, 8:29 pm

Monday morning
10min WU 2198m
AN 8x45sec/faster than 1:41/36-46spm
Target: 8x45sec/faster than 1:41/36spm/3min rest
Total: 6996m

Happy with this one - felt good. Rest time felt about right. See how I feel tomorrow. I have noticed that my legs feel pretty heavy the day after the AN workouts. Probably won't help that I did not do a good cool down. Tomorrow is UT1 2x15min.
Will Haskell, M50, lwt

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Post by TomR » December 11th, 2006, 9:48 pm

felt worn out yesterday and skipped the UT1 that was scheduled.

today: TR 5x2' w/ 2.30 recovery. Reducing my TR recovery from 1.5 times work interval to 1.25 work interval.

1.49.2/31 spm/153 hr
1.49.0/31/spm/158 hr
1.49.0/31 spm/161 hr
1.49.0/31 spm/165 hr
1.48.4/32spm/166 hr

Had the erg jigging more than I like. I must be wasting a bunch of energy, but damned if I know the cure.

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Post by seat5 » December 11th, 2006, 10:02 pm

TomR wrote:felt worn out yesterday and skipped the UT1 that was scheduled.

today: TR 5x2' w/ 2.30 recovery. Reducing my TR recovery from 1.5 times work interval to 1.25 work interval.

1.49.2/31 spm/153 hr
1.49.0/31/spm/158 hr
1.49.0/31 spm/161 hr
1.49.0/31 spm/165 hr
1.48.4/32spm/166 hr

Had the erg jigging more than I like. I must be wasting a bunch of energy, but damned if I know the cure.
This week is going to be hellish. It starts with 4 x 4 TR so that's the longest total amount of TR so far, followed by 3 x 17 UT1--that shouldn't be too bad but will be tough after the TR, and then, GROSS!!! 3 x 6 TR??!!!! WTF!!! and then 2 x 10 AT. And I have to do them all in a row because of scheduling this week. Krikey.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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