The Road to Boston 2007

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Post by TomR » September 3rd, 2006, 8:08 pm

I did the 3x11l' UT 1 session.

2.03.5/137 HR/22 spm
2.04.0/145 HR/22 spm
2.04.9/146 HR/22 spm

Unlike you others, HR is my master, so eased off the pace in intervals 2 and 3 to stay w/in the training band. It feels wrong to slow down, but I'm keeping an open mind.

Rest tomorrow.

George, I think the cow is metaphorical. It used to be that you thought for yourself--hence the gears were working. Now you just do what the plan tells you, like a simple domesticated beast.


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Post by GeorgeD » September 3rd, 2006, 8:51 pm

TomR wrote:
............. like a simple domesticated beast.

A husband :D you mean :!:

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Post by GeorgeD » September 4th, 2006, 3:24 am

Moday evening:- IP 3 x 11min / max pace 1:50 / 22-24spm

Target:- 3 x 11min / avg pace 1:52 / 23spm / 2:15rest

Actual:- 11min / avg pace 1:51.8 / 23spm / 2950m
Actual:- 11min / avg pace 1:51.7 / 23spm / 2952m
Actual:- 11min / avg pace 1:51.7 / 23spm / 2953m

Total session 12520m

Impressions:- getting warmer and this was a fairly 'damp' session, but felt pretty strong


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Post by whaskell » September 4th, 2006, 7:37 am

Monday Morning

UT2 48 min/1:59.5/12049m/20spm

Felt relaxed except for the last 1,500 or so. Restricting the stroke rate makes this more challenging. High humidity this morning made for a sweaty row.
Will Haskell, M50, lwt

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Post by GeorgeD » September 4th, 2006, 5:10 pm

whaskell wrote:Monday Morning

UT2 48 min/1:59.5/12049m/20spm

Felt relaxed except for the last 1,500 or so. Restricting the stroke rate makes this more challenging. High humidity this morning made for a sweaty row.
Hi Will, what pace did your plan call for?

regds George

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Post by whaskell » September 4th, 2006, 6:27 pm

Hi George,

Plan called for 2:00 pace at 20-22 spm. Now if I read the IP program correctly, if my current 2k pace is 6:56, am I correct that my UT2 pace should be between 2:00 and 1:54.5 (or the pace listed for UT2 and UT1)? This is not totally clear to me. Maybe using a HR monitor would help here to assess whether I am in the UT2 training band.
Will Haskell, M50, lwt

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Post by Bob S. » September 4th, 2006, 6:34 pm

Monday, 9/4/06
2nd week, 1st session - 2X 10' UT1 @ 24 spm

Warmup 10' @ 12/15/18/20/22. 2086m (2:23.8) 5'rest
1st 10' piece: 2319m (2:09.3). HR 129/147/143/145/149. Ave. 142. 5' rest
2nd 10' piece: 2313m (2:09.7). HR 131/138/143/145/147. Ave. 140. 4' rest
Cool down 10' @ 22/20/18/15/12. 2105 (2:22.5).

Managed to get under my 2:10 target. But I doubt that I can do that for Wednesday's 2X 12' UT1 or Friday's 20' UT1.

I have the feeling that this is a faster pace than is called for. According to the chart, 2:10 for UT1 corresponds to a 7:44 2k. My absolute best in recent years was 7:54.9 and that was at sea level (7 months ago). My best ever here at 4000ft elevation was 2:18.5 (about 6 months ago). My best recent time at this altitude was 8:26.7. I thought that I was getting on track, but now I am not so sure. Based on either of the two 2k times at altitude, the 2:10 is a faster pace than called for even at the AT level. Since all this IP training is being done at altitude, I assume that I should be using the 2k times at altitude. Just how easy should UT1 be?

Bob S.

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Post by GeorgeD » September 4th, 2006, 7:08 pm

Bob in my opinion UT1 should be faster than is comfortable to be carrying on a conversation. With me last night I was working 'steadily', plenty of sweat, could pass the odd comment or ask the odd question of someone but knew I did not want to discuss the geo-political climate as if I did I would start to run out of breath.

I have enough time to think of technique, but I also need to concentrate on technique or the pace slips - it aint easy but I am not dying either and could probably go for a lot longer than I want to so it is not AT where eventually you are stuffed.


ps none of this is scientific but it is 'how I feel' in my sessions :)

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Post by Anne » September 4th, 2006, 9:12 pm

Several things...

First, Will you are right...your pace for the UT2 should be 2:00-1:54.5 (20-22sr) according to my understanding of the plan. You don't really need a HR monitor, but it says a UT2 effort should be pretty relaxed and comfortable. (There is NO WAY I could ever imagine 1:54 being comfortable :lol: )

I have been playing around with the HR part of this plan as I have an extremely high HR when I exercise...I get up to 185 in many workouts (not a problem, but I am over 50 :!: ), my resting HR is 50 and I drop back down to sub 100 within a minute or two of any workout. So, I suspect it is not dangerous, but it makes it hard to follow the bands. They seem too low.

Today I decided to stick to the UT1 band--ie keep my HR below 155 no matter what. The workout was a 2x 20' and the plan was 2:17 (22-24).
Results were 8411 (2:22.6) and 24 sr but I usually go at a 2:16 pace for a UT1. I was mighty proud of myself to stick right at 155, but I didn't sweat, and had to resist every desire to speed up/ pull harder. I am not sure what all this means, but I doubt I will focus on HR unless someone makes a strong case that it will be beneficial for rowing faster or overall health.

Any thoughts from those of you who know more about training? :?: :?: Is there a different thread on the forum where any of you have seen dialogue on HR?

Tomorrow I rest from the erg...hopefully will row on the H2O.

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Post by GeorgeD » September 5th, 2006, 12:38 am

whaskell wrote: Plan called for 2:00 pace at 20-22 spm. Now if I read the IP program correctly, if my current 2k pace is 6:56, am I correct that my UT2 pace should be between 2:00 and 1:54.5
Nope :!: :!:
Anne wrote:Several things...

First, Will you are right...your pace for the UT2 should be 2:00-1:54.5 (20-22sr) according to my understanding of the plan.
Nope :!: :!:

Will and Anne hate to say it but you are both off target on this. Will your MAX UT2 pace based upon your current 2k time should be 2:00 per 500 and your UT1 max is 1:54.5

The IP plan gives max paces and so you work between the ranges from the one on the left as the min to the one on the right as the max. AND you dont have to train up to the max, I am using a pace of 1:52 for my UT1 which is 2 secs slower than the max for that band for me and my 2k is over a minute faster than yours.

Please be careful otherwise it can be very demoralising not to mention risking over-training if you get it wrong


ps The HR bands are at best a guesstimate of what will 'fit' the population in general, the 70%, 80% etc limits are designed to keep you working in a relatively safe zone with in my opinion pretty much the sole objective to keep you from over-training. The only true way to get 'accurate' numbers for the bands is to have a lactate profile test done to determine your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds usually set at a 2mml and 4mml of blood lactate respectively. (however even these levels are debated among scientific circles). Continually working at high lactate levels will ultimately have a negative effect on training performance.

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Post by GeorgeD » September 5th, 2006, 4:01 am

Tuesday evening:- IP 54min / max pace 1:56 / 20-22spm

Target:- 54min / avg pace 1:58 / 21spm

Actual:- 54min / avg pace 1:57.8 / 21spm / avg HR 137 / 13750m

Total session 14700m

Impressions:- mixed this one up for sanity sake by rowing 4 mins at 22spm and 4 mins at 20spm alternating but keeping the pace the same. That was day four on the trot so have a day off tomorrow to fit in with family life.


ps Only 2 more UT2 sessions to go :D :!: :D :!: :D

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Post by TomR » September 5th, 2006, 8:40 am

Will and Anne--

There was a useful thread on the UK site addressing HR, pace and the IP plan. Here's the link.


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Post by whaskell » September 5th, 2006, 11:52 am


I just reread a previous post, making this one obsolete
Will Haskell, M50, lwt

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Post by whaskell » September 5th, 2006, 12:09 pm

Will your MAX UT2 pace based upon your current 2k time should be 2:00 per 500 and your UT1 max is 1:54.5

The IP plan gives max paces and so you work between the ranges from the one on the left as the min to the one on the right as the max. AND you dont have to train up to the max[/quote]

George, This clarifies things. Thanks for the clarification. I also look forward to reading more in the link that Tom provided.
Will Haskell, M50, lwt

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Post by Anne » September 5th, 2006, 10:11 pm

Thanks for the link to the thread on HR...very helpful to read through.

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