Virtual Club enquiry

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Virtual Club enquiry

Post by rowmyboat » August 1st, 2006, 8:49 pm

I'm hoping someone can help with my query regarding Southern Cross IR Club. I've been unable to access this site and wonder if this group is still operating.
If they have abandoned I would like to join another group but not sure of the protocol, do I apply - just join - seek out an invite?
I'm a Kiwi and would like to join with other Kiwi's perhaps so I can eventually get to meet during competitions throughout New Zealand. I, for better or for worse, am very competitive and do enjoy the Concept Rankings, Nonathlon and the CTC Challenges.
I don't have my own rowing machine unfortunately but frequent the local gym with anticipation of using the one and only D machine if I'm lucky (the other 3 are C's).
I look forwad to hearing from other Southern Cross members as I realise some moved on a while ago and would like their suggestions and/or recommendations.

Cheers, Shirley

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Post by Alissa » August 1st, 2006, 10:34 pm

Hi Shirley!

If you don't get referrals to a club of particular regional interest, read the boards (here and UK) and spot a club that seems to be one you'd like to be a part of...

Some clubs have limits and you'll have to be approved for membership. Others, you can join by announcing yourself! I'd e-mail or PM one or more of the people in the club you're interested in. Tell them you'd like to join and find out what the procedure is!

Good luck finding a club you'll like! There seem to be a lot of good ones!


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Post by rowmyboat » August 1st, 2006, 11:08 pm

Thanks Alissa,

I don't seem to be able to contact the SCIRC, not sure if they are defunct or it's just my email system letting me down, but it's a waste of meters having them sitting 'unaccounted' for when they could be added to another Club's tally and it would also be nice to 'belong' to a particular club.

Cheers, Shirley

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Post by Alissa » August 2nd, 2006, 12:11 am

If you don't find another club you want to belong to, the Iron Oarsman would be glad to have you! However I haven't seen any evidence of participation in the CTC if that's one of the things you want...however we're currently (I think) #2 in the world ranking, so there's lots of meters getting logged--and certainly lots of people you can try to climb over!


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Post by rowmyboat » August 2nd, 2006, 12:36 am

Thanks for the invite, I'll have fun sussing the Club's out when I get some time. I've been logged as an Independent in the CTC (as there didn't seem to be enough persons interested from the SCIRC)and there is some keen competition there so I'll keep an eye out over the next couple of months. I think the CTC was mentioned in my Club when it was first mooted but I didn't make the time to follow it through then - it wasn't until you suggested it that I made the effort. I do like the challenge of being given a distance and then making the time to work on it. I need both long and short distances for a varied training programme and the monthly change is a good base to work in the different distances.
The Iron Oarsmen is not the same as the Team Oarsmen? There are so many clubs aren't there?

Thanks Alissa - Shirley

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Post by Alissa » August 2nd, 2006, 12:43 am

rowmyboat wrote:The Iron Oarsmen is not the same as the Team Oarsmen? There are so many clubs aren't there?
You're welcome! It's the Iron Oarsman and here's a link to the team page from the rankings. If you decide to join, be sure to sign-up for the e-mail list!


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Post by TomR » August 2nd, 2006, 8:41 am


The Forum Flyers have several esteemed and talented Kiwis among its members. You'd be welcome.


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Post by ulu » August 2nd, 2006, 6:15 pm

Hey Shirley:
Check out the Eh!Team. We would love to have you.

We are rowing around the world and expect to be "in" New Zealand in a month or so.

You can sign on through the C2 website.
and check out:
The Eh!Team

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by rowmyboat » August 2nd, 2006, 11:41 pm

Thanks Tom, the Forum Flyers certainly are a happy friendly bunch. Thanks too Jim, what a great idea to row around the world, a good incentive to clock up the metres, I'll keep an eye on your 'arrival' in Greymouth!! - just over the mountains from me, I live on the East Coast of the South Island.
It will be a week or two before I make a decision, in the meantime it's all work or erging or tidying up after our huge dumping of snow which only happens here on the coast once every 50 years or so. 7 days with no electricity (and no erging!) was a different challenge.


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Post by ulu » August 3rd, 2006, 8:59 pm

I'll keep an eye on your 'arrival' in Greymouth!! - just over the mountains from me, I live on the East Coast of the South Island.
Do you live in Christchurch? We are happy to have Greymouth on as one of our major centres for the around the world row. I feel it should be up there with New York, London and Paris! (My personal bias as I used to live there many moons ago).

Good luck.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by rowmyboat » August 3rd, 2006, 9:15 pm

And of course it should be, I can see why!! I love it on the Coast, a world of it's own. We ventured to the Hokitika Wild Food Festival a few years back, a wow of a weekend, you certainly know how to entertain over there. We had a hilarious night at Otira on the way home - Fawlty Towers wasn't a patch on that night!!
I'm actually in Timaru, the home of Caroline Bay - doesn't rain as much as the coast but we sure get the frosts.
Are you the only ex-Kiwi (or Kiwi) in your Team?

Spot your pic of Aussie - get yourselves over here, All Black country you know.....

Cheers, Shirley

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Post by Mallard » August 4th, 2006, 5:12 am

Hi Shirley, I see that Tom has already mentioned the Flyers above. We are a friendly team with a number of competing members in NZ. Our team captain is Steve Green who you could contact via the UK forum if interested in joining.

I worked just down the valley from Hokitika for 6 months, and loved every minute of it. It really is a beautiful and very friendly/welcoming part of the world - definitely worthy of an Eh team stop over!

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Post by rowmyboat » August 8th, 2006, 7:47 pm

Thanks everyone for your replies and info, I'm sure I would have been happy in any of the mentioned Clubs but I've joined the Forum Flyers. I'll still take a keen interest in your world trip the Eh team and wish you well.
Alissa, the CTC challenge was one event I wished to continue with, it makes me do whatever distance is decided for the month and I can't argue with it!!
Happy erging

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Post by TomR » August 8th, 2006, 10:13 pm

Excellent choice. Nice 500!


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