It has been ten years since the Olympic Gold in Atlanta

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Post by xeno » July 25th, 2006, 9:21 pm

Hello Michael
I will try your suggestion when I am back home and I am done with the conditioning camp. Thank you for helping me figure it all out.

Hello Tennstrike
I didn't think how I was going to split over the 2k at the Olympics. My goal was to conserve energy until 700 meters before the finish line. My heat was raced against the Slovenian Cop who kept the same race strategy in the final, which we anticipated. Cop until this day is always consistant with his racing so we knew that he is a good person to pace with. As for Derek Porter, I raced him in the semi final and he could not hold the lead in the last 250 meters, the same repeated itself in the final. Porter had always been a total front runner. If he ever was not first after five hundred meters he would most certainly not win that race. Depending on how far ahead Porter would go in the first half of a race the more trouble he could pose.
For what it is worth, I still have the Olympic record of 6:44.85
Have a nice week.
Olympic Gold & Silver
You can call me at 949-400-7630.
5:53 2k 2004 now slower.

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Post by csabour » July 26th, 2006, 11:59 am

Thats still my favorite race of all time. Very close to the Athens mens four which was pinsent's last race. ... c%20rowing

You had somthing Derek didn't. You knew you could win but you also knew that it had to be in one attack. Fantastic.

I apologize i couldn't be at your camp xeno. My season up here in Canada has been good to me as i've been learning to scull and race. I've bought a single and now i can appreciate your accomplishments even more.


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Post by xeno » July 26th, 2006, 1:25 pm

Hello Camron

As soon as I am home I am going to put my Olympic Final on Youtube like Cracknell did.

Thanks for the info.

See you soon.

Olympic Gold & Silver
You can call me at 949-400-7630.
5:53 2k 2004 now slower.

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