I've been using a concept 2 model D for about 2 months and have also read alot of posts on this forum. I'm not planning on competing, either on the water or on the erg, I'm just erging for the fitness, cardio and strength/endurance benefits. However I want to develop as good technique as I can, as I know that to get fitter and stronger I have to keep erging faster and longer over time, and having good technique can only help me accomplish this in the most efficient way as well as avoid injury. I already try to use basic good technique as described here and elsewhere, first driving with the legs, then when the legs are almost straight swinging the upper body back slightly then pulling the handle into my abdomen. So I've read here that strapless rowing helps develop better technique and helps you apply more energy into spinning the flywheel thus going faster while wasting less energy. I've tried it a few times and each time my body wants to fly off the back of the machine, which I know is because I was using the footstraps before to stop my backward momentum and wasting energy I could use to move the flywheel. I've read here that you have to use the handle to slow down your body's momentum to avoid this, however I was wondering if strapless erging on slides would help with this also, since you are pushing the machine away from you with your legs instead of pushing your body away from the erg, shouldn't you avoid this effect of your body flying off the machine and shouldn't you be able to channel your energy into the flywheel better? Also I've read using slides causes the legs to work harder,(I try to start the catch with a hard push of my legs but I really don't feel my legs working all that much) wouldn't this also help you create a better force curve? My force curve when erging tends to take this shape