rfahle wrote:Tom:
I bought RowPro to help keep track of meters, time, calories and watts as precisely as possible. Call me particular, call me a pain, don't call me late for dinner, I like precision and what I do is what I do.... I mix distance pieces and time pieces to keep things interesting. I track warmups and/or cooldown meters and times as I rarely row times more than 5 second splits higher than a timed piece (i.e. 2:08 warmups with 2:03-2:04 timed piece). I save my daily rowing efforts as a text export to Excel so I have a track of my "notes" and my performance over each day, week, and month. I guess I might be a neatnick (long lost relative of a beatnick!--- Bonnie please don't tell them what my office looks like). I don't have metric crumbs, that wouldn't be too tidy. Like Dave, I'll row the extra meters to get to a 000's as needed each week.
Neatness, yes. That could be it too. I also find that memory is included with this. It is much easier to remember where you were yesterday, exactly, when you have a nice round number rather than 1,211,037m. I rarely log meters, online, more than once each day. This is probably where John Rupp's method works well. Time is always easier to maintain. Your splits become like blood relatives, knowing them so well yet not being able to get rid of your current one.

Overall, it may be best to log your meters and then not look until the end of April!
I didn't realize that my monitor was a mere shadow of the PM2+...I have the PM2...minus. No RowPro for me until I invest in a new PM3.
FWIW, when I round off a few meters here and there, I'm always sure to do an extra 1K or 2K (usually 2.5K) to make up for my "mistakes."
Now, onto more important topics. While rowing, who turns their heads away from their monitor just before the last 3 digits show up 666? <slowly raises hand> The Free Spirits have an ELM event called The Omen in which they must row downwards from 666 meters for the best possible time. If you ask me, that's just cruisin' for a bruisin'.

[size=84][b] [url=http://www.c2ctc.com/]CTC[/url] - [url=http://elm.dynamicducks.com/]ELM[/url] - [url=http://www.nonathlon.com/]Nonathlon[/url] - [url=http://www.freespiritsrowing.com]Free Spirits[/url][/b][/size]