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Chad Williams
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Post by Chad Williams » April 20th, 2006, 3:46 am

seat5 wrote:I HIGHLY RESENT your insinuations, Chad. I don't know what makes you think you have the right to behave the way you do. Just because I refuse to cave in to the very strong pressure right now to join in with everyone who disbelieves Dwayne's times does NOT mean I have ever in ANY way posted anything remotely dishonest on this forum. Maybe I have my head in the sand (better than where some of us keep them), and I'm naive or just plain stupid--but it does NOT make me a liar and a cheat. YOU OWE ME AN APOLOGY.
Seat5, lets try and clear this up shall we?

You row your ctc challenge rows using the slides, this gives you an advantage compared to those people that row the same distances in the ctc not using slides.

HOWEVER………….Anybody and everybody has the right to use the slides for the ctc challenges unless it states different in the rules for that challenge.
So, I do not have a problem with you using slides, you have done nothing wrong in my view.

It is Niall that put your name in the ring yesterday when I asked if Dwayne had done is latest “row” using slides, it is Niall you should be talking to not me.

I had once made a comment to you about the advantage of using slides, I have never once accused you of cheating.

I do however have a problem with your devotion and loyalty to Dwayne; you have attacked me on a number of occasions in his defence, so I will always be defensive towards you

With regards to an apology, what I will say is, I am sorry that you can not see what is going on right under you own nose, if you don’t speak out against it, it means that you support it.

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Post by Daren » April 20th, 2006, 4:26 am

Chad Williams wrote:I am sorry that you can not see what is going on right under you own nose, if you don’t speak out against it, it means that you support it.
But Chad, my dear friend, how can one speak out against something that one isn't aware is going on? That doesn't equate to implicit support of whatever it is. If I knew Dwayne was cheating, I'd speak out against it. I'm sure Carla would, too. Note that simply having one person claim another is cheating isn't enough to be aware that it is actually taking place.

I'm all for fair and sporting play, and I'm strongly against cheating. But I also don't give credence to unsubstantiated accusations. This isn't anything new on my part, nor is it solely limited to Dwyane Adams. For example here is an old blog I had. If you read the entry for "Wednesday, 1999-03-10", specifically the sub-sections 'Wild Accusations' and 'Unsporting Play' you'll see very similar themes in evidence as those I've put forward in relation to DA. If you read my personal "Code of Conduct", you'll see them again.

What I'm saying is a person's lack of condemnation for Dwayne Adams is not necessarily a reflection upon their views on sportsmanship or cheating, and should not be cited as evidence that they in fact support unsporting behaviour or cheating.
37, short, borderline LWT.
[i]Taff Attack Racing[/i]

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Post by mumbles » April 20th, 2006, 4:34 am

Citroen wrote:
mumbles wrote:*Most of the people from the old team whom i like and respect are joining the new team.
Are you sure?

It looks like I'll be joining SUB-7 for 2006/7.
That's a pity Douggie, :cry:


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Post by Chad Williams » April 20th, 2006, 4:57 am

Daren, you are unaware of the information I have but am unable to share with you due to its source.

I can understand people’s frustrations with me, that I seem to talk about what I have but do not produce it.

People here make me out to be a villain and a trouble maker. I know what I know, I know the hard facts of this whole nasty mess, I know what other people don’t know, why do you think I have stuck with this for so long.

Individuals are now starting to realise for them selves how farcical Dwayne’s times appear and the disrespect he has for his team, so much so that the team is on the verge of collapse. I take no pleasure from this at all, but events are unfolding and the day is getting closer when the whole truth will come out.

I get so frustrated to see people defend Dwayne, I have to tell myself that they do not know the facts, they are naive, be patient and it will all fall into place.

I said a long time ago that “give him enough rope and he will hang him self”

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Post by Daren » April 20th, 2006, 5:13 am

Well, I'm not defending Dwayne, and I never really have. I've always said that I don't know either way, and I certainly wouldn't bet money on it. What I have done is defend his right not to compete if he doesn't want to, and to argue that there's no evidence of wrongdoing (although I accept that there may indeed be some that you can't share). I could not stand up and state that I categorically know Dwayne's innocent of the things he's accused of, and as I said on the UK forum yesterday, following his 10k CTC update, I really don't know what to make of it any more, particularly as it's so much better than he himself said he expected (IIRC, I haven't gone back in this thread to check what exactly was said).
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Post by Chad Williams » April 20th, 2006, 5:28 am

dadams wrote:Great times on the CTC Taffs. Lookin' good so far.

34:46 on my first attempt. Had to stop around 7k due to a fly going in my throat. Added about 30 sec onto my time. So I know I can do better. Hoping to get around the 33 1/2 mark.

Dwayne did what he said he would do,

His 30r20 ctc row was at a faster pace than this months ur 10000m (1.39.4 against 1.40.4). So he could have gone a lot quicker over 10000m than he chose to, unless he rowed it rate capped. Why does he choose to have 3 goes to get down to this current time?, when it is clear he could row a 10000m very easily at a quicker pace first time round. He is playing games.

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Post by Daren » April 20th, 2006, 5:32 am

Ah, so not that much faster than he was expecting. I must have been thinking of his first attempt. Well, it doesn't appear as at odds as I thought, after all. I'm still not sure what to make of it all, though.
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Post by hjs » April 20th, 2006, 5:36 am

Daren wrote:following his 10k CTC update, I really don't know what to make of it any more, particularly as it's so much better than he himself said he expected (IIRC, I haven't gone back in this thread to check what exactly was said).
Daren, what is so special about this months ctc? His 10 k time is totally in line with his other performances (even a bit mediocer) and he again did it in the same unbelieveble way.
Last months rugby test was far more unbelieveble and what about his 5.46 with no 2k sharpening at all and done with the ratings he claimed.
So why is this 10 making you doubt somewhat and everything else didn,t?

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Post by Chad Williams » April 20th, 2006, 5:48 am

The ratings for the 5.46.2 were totally laughable, shows naivety beyond belief. Even one of Dwayne’s own USIRT colleagues made reference to Dwayne’s lack of rowing knowledge.

If anyone with a fair bit of rowing knowledge got to see Dwayne pull 10 strokes on the rower they would be able to tell straight away if he was capable of pulling 2000m scores of under 6 minutes.
Maybe this is another reason why he rows behind closed doors.

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Post by hjs » April 20th, 2006, 6:21 am

this tread is again being poluted. Maybe we should get this discussion away from here.

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Post by Chad Williams » April 20th, 2006, 6:23 am

No point covering old ground again.

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Post by Hal Morgan » April 20th, 2006, 12:05 pm

Go away Chad.
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Byron Drachman
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Post by Byron Drachman » April 20th, 2006, 1:09 pm

This forum needs moderators. Other forums have been ruined by trolls: by a single troll, a troll using aliases so it appeared there were more than one troll, or more than one troll. I'm surprised C2 has let it go on so long. Another solution would be for all the other users to ignore the troll or trolls, but obviously that's not going to happen.


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Post by Taffy Adams » April 20th, 2006, 3:24 pm

Please read this thread it explains why me and rob did what we did. The history of TAff Attack from the founders eyes.

http://www.concept2.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... highlight=

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Post by Citroen » April 20th, 2006, 4:22 pm

I'm off.

I've asked SUB-7 if I can join their team. I've had enough of the internicine wars.

Best of luck to the remaining Taffs.

PS. If anyone wants a used TAFF AIO, please see

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