What Training Have You Done Today???

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[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » November 7th, 2004, 6:46 am

Had a very good session yesterday. <br>3x750m with 2min rest average of 1:36.7 for the lot. Then a 10k race on-line, time of 35:53.4. Went out easy for the 1st 5k then up’d the pace a bit- <br>1st 5000m=18:14.5 <br>2nd 5000m=17:38.9 <br>Last 500m=1:36.9 <br><br>30min at 20spm today <br><br>Sir Pirate<br>

[old] ranger


Post by [old] ranger » November 8th, 2004, 12:10 pm

This morning: 1000 sit ups, an hour of skipping, and 8 x 500m (3:30 rest) <br><br>1:33.9 (36 spm) <br>1:33.5 (38 spm) <br>1:33.6 (38 spm) <br>1:33.9 (37 spm) <br>1:33.1 (37 spm) <br>1:33.5 (37 spm) <br>1:33.6 (40 spm) <br>1:33.5 (40 spm) <br><br>Ave.: 1:33.6 (38 spm), 115 df., 11.3 SPI, 2K - 3.4 pace<br><br>Sharpening for BIRC now in full swing.<br><br>Goal: 1:32 on 8 x 500m (3:30 rest) by BIRC <br><br>ranger (M, 53, lwt)<br>

[old] jjpisano
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Post by [old] jjpisano » November 8th, 2004, 4:57 pm

Ranger:<br><br>Do you do sprints strapless? I never did my anaerobic threshold (AT) workouts strapless until this year and now I'm doing them that way. I haven't started sprints yet but I'm inclined to think that I'll have a hard time doing sprints strapless, particularly because there's a certain speed of recovery needed.<br><br>However, if the stroke is powerful enough then the recovery doesn't need to be rushed.<br><br>Just curious.<br><br>By the way my workout today was after a good warmup I did 5 X 750 m strapless @ 296 w, i.e. ~1:45.5 pace, with 1:1 work time to rest time ratio.<br><br>Jim Pisano

[old] Atorrante
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Post by [old] Atorrante » November 8th, 2004, 5:37 pm

10K PB. Almost 39 flat.

[old] ranger


Post by [old] ranger » November 9th, 2004, 3:47 am

<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Do you do sprints strapless?<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br><br>Jim--<br><br>No, I strap in.<br><br>Ideally, I suppose, straps are _entirely_ dispensable, even for sprint training and racing. But you would probably have to be _perfect_ in your technique to sprint and race as fast strapless as you do when strapped in. Most seem to acknowledge that straps help you up the rate. I do my 500s close to 2K - 4, so the rate is pretty high (38-40 spm); I certainly don't have perfect technique; therefore, I am still quite a bit faster sprinting/racing strapped in than strapless.<br><br>I am now final race preparation for BIRC, so I am rowing all of my meters strapped in. For me, most of race preparation is getting entirely relaxed at race pace and rate, and in race conditions; and if I am going to race strapped in, as I am, then I want to do my race preparation strapped in.<br><br>ranger

[old] hang10
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Post by [old] hang10 » November 9th, 2004, 5:15 am

Last night's training<br><br>15 min warm up<br><br>5 x 500m @ 2mins 30 sec rest<br><br>1.36<br>1.36.2<br>1.36.2<br>1.36.6<br>1.36.6<br><br>10 mins warm down<br><br>

[old] Coach Gus
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Post by [old] Coach Gus » November 9th, 2004, 10:27 am

<!--QuoteBegin-ranger+Nov 8 2004, 11:47 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (ranger @ Nov 8 2004, 11:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> ... if I am going to race strapped in, as I am, then I want to do my race preparation strapped in. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Does anybody know of anybody who races strapless?<br><br><br>Edit:<br><br>After posting this, I decided to put this question it its own thread.

[old] hang10
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Post by [old] hang10 » November 10th, 2004, 5:19 am

last nights training was as follows<br><br>70 min steady row<br><br>Dis 15944m <br>spm 17 <br>Ave 500m 2:11.7

[old] hang10
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Post by [old] hang10 » November 11th, 2004, 9:58 am

2 x 2000m rest 8mins<br><br>15 mins warm up<br><br>2000m ave 1.45 spm 27 time 7:00.1<br>2000m ave 1.45 spm 27 time 7:00.2<br><br><br>10 min warm down<br><br>think i might finanlly be getting in to sum kind of shape for my next few comps<br>

[old] Byron Drachman
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Post by [old] Byron Drachman » November 11th, 2004, 1:11 pm

Yesterday I did a FM and then went rowing with my wife. Did that get your attention? <br><br>The FM and rowing with wife was not on the C2, but rather rowing on wheels (Irish Mails) which is way, way easier for me than the C2. My son says the C2 is way easier than rowing on wheels with me. Of course it depends on how hard you go at it and what you're used to.<br><br>This morning the HR was up a little and I should have taken the day off. If I don't do something, I go completely nuts. I just walk around the house in circles and can't sit still. Does that sound familiar to anybody else, or is it just me? I did twenty minutes of very easy rowing, way below the target heart rate, and now I can relax.<br><br>Byron<br>

[old] phowd
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Post by [old] phowd » November 11th, 2004, 1:39 pm

Had a fun one yesterday - fun because it felt good and resulted in a PB<br><br>2500 warmup:<br> 500 18 SPM 2:06<br> 500 19 SPM 2:03<br> 500 20 SPM 2:00<br> 500 21 SPM 1:57<br> 500 22 SPM 1:54<br><br>2x5k alternating between 22 and 24 SPM by 1k, 5 min break between<br> <br>1st - 19:30.1 [19:30.0 target]<br> by 1k - 22 @ 2:00<br> 24 @ 1:55<br> 22 @ 1:59<br> 24 @ 1:54<br> 22 @ 1:58<br><br>2nd (ended up a PB) 18:51.9<br> 24 @ 1:52.9<br> 22 @ 1:56.7<br> 24 @ 1:51.8<br> 22 @ 1:54.8<br> 24 @ 1:49.6 - last 2K I let myself depart from target splits a bit... <br><br>1000 warmdown<br><br>13,500 total.<br><br>I've been doing a lot of wolverine level 4 stuff, mostly because strapless rowing has really helped my technique and all the changes of rate/pace make things go faster. Clearly it is helping me, not sure how it would compare to other training plans...<br><br>Peter<br> <br><br><br>

[old] Atorrante
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Post by [old] Atorrante » November 11th, 2004, 7:34 pm

8000K in 30:43 at noon. Then 8000K in 31:13 five hours later.

[old] eurofoot13


Post by [old] eurofoot13 » November 11th, 2004, 11:08 pm

2x45min Steady State. whee, an hour and a half on the erg. first time in a while, does my butt hurt.

[old] Atorrante
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Post by [old] Atorrante » November 12th, 2004, 1:41 pm

I should post this at the logbook, but I don't know why, prefer to post it here. 10 K in 38:45.

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » November 14th, 2004, 10:12 am

30min at 20spm recovery row today.<br><br>7991m (1:52.6) at 20spm. (should of been done at 1:56 but was comfy at 1:52-1:53)<br><br>Sir Pirate
