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[old] GeorgeD
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Post by [old] GeorgeD » September 30th, 2004, 3:22 am

Thursday 30th 5:00pm<br><br>15,000 / 110df / 20spm / strapless<br><br>56:37.2 / 1:53.2 / 241w / 12.00spi<br><br>Enjoyable session, down to 1:55 after 5k then alternated 500's at about 1:50 and 1:55. Would have no doubt that an hour under 1:53 under these conditions is comfortably attainable ... still shooting for that 1:50 hour by Xmas at the 20spm/110df<br><br><br>- George

[old] tomhz
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Post by [old] tomhz » September 30th, 2004, 6:43 am

My first TR-session of a 5-month training plan:<br><br>2x3min @1'48. This pace is 1-2 sec faster than 2K PB pace and only 1 sec slower than my 1K SB pace. <br><br>Not a long session but I am very satisfied with it: Stroke rate only 28-29 and very controlled. Painfull legs! Normally when I do a 500m or 1K attempt my stroke rate is 31-35, I lack control and I get sore arms and back due to bad technique. <br><br>My AT and UT sessions are paying off. <br><br>Lot's of TR-session to come in the following 2 months, so I hope to improve some more.<br><br>Tom

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 30th, 2004, 12:11 pm

First attempt back on my training program today Will have to start off gingerly for a few days.<br><br>2x1500m<br>1st 5:05.9 (1:42.0) 30spm<br>2nd 5:04.5 (1:41.5) 30spm<br><br>Have not lost any fitness it seems, as these caused me no problems at all. Could not sprint start because of back, took a while to get down to the split though (450m) just have to wind it up slowly.<br><br>Sir Pirate<br>

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » October 1st, 2004, 2:35 pm

Starting to do small bits back on the rower again as back is getting better each day. Can not sprint start so have to wind it up to the target split. <br>Today I tried 3x1000m with 3:30 rest <br>1st 3:16.9 (1:38.4) <br>2nd 3:16.4 (1:38.2) <br>3rd 3:15.1 (1:37.5) <br><br>Takes a few hundred meters to get to target pace as a good 1st pull will be 2:30/500m <br><br>Sir Pirate<br>

[old] Carl Henrik
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Post by [old] Carl Henrik » October 3rd, 2004, 1:39 pm

Yesterday there was the swedish 500m student competition in 4+. 7 teams from 7 universities (some combo teams from same city, some boat1 and boat2 ). Me, having done almost only sculling, no stroking and being positioned as the stroke in a 4+ team constellation never having trained together, it was quiet unclear as to how the team would stack up.<br><br>The race was in a narrow canal in the up stream direction. 1vs1 time qualification. fastest and next fastest to gold final, third and fourth to bronze final. <br><br>When there was only one heat left, my heat, the two favourites had raced and achieved times of 1:37 and 1:37.7. The leading team I had heard was full of good rowers. The talk was on about how even the final would be with less than a second separating their times in the heat. <br><br>We set our level of contentment as that of making the bronze final, that would require us to beat our heat opponents and go sub 2:06, we had no idea about how good our opponents were though, or how good we were for that matter. Also, the length of the distance was officially 500meter but on these types of events, it usually is 400 or 600 more often, and 600m upstreams could be a challenge to go sub 2:06 at. <br><br>The start we planned to do without anything fancy in terms of different slide lengths and high rate or so, we thought, with our lack of training, we would probably go faster with two 3/4s, slow rating and then continue to full slide and slow rating. <br><br>The start went off. I concentrated on keepin low steady rate and catching the water. After about 5 strokes I gave some focus to the opponents. I got a bit uncertain - had they missed the start signal? would there be restart? They were more than a boat length behind us. <br><br>We kept pulling though, the low rate really helped hour technique I believe. I saw the other team on the brink of rowing in to the vegetation some 100 meters (?) behind us. Our cox reminded us that time was the important thing to go for, no room for slacking off so we kept full effort at given rate until we crossed the goal line. <br><br>The result - 1:34.0 and a boat full of cheers when we heard it <br><br>Later we also, full of conficence, won the final. but the heat was the most fun.

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 3rd, 2004, 6:19 pm

Carl,<br><br>Fantastic results! Congratulations!

[old] Ikabob
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Post by [old] Ikabob » October 4th, 2004, 10:09 pm

Sir Pirate, I understand getting back at it "gingerly". I had some disc surgery and it is taking me a while to get my fitness back where it once was. Good job breaking in !!! Keep me informed of your progress.

[old] sloro7
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Post by [old] sloro7 » October 5th, 2004, 5:41 pm

Oct 5 New PB in the 30 minute: 7509m. 1:59.9!! I always wanted to break a 2:00 pace. Talk about slo ro!

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » October 6th, 2004, 1:53 pm

5k warm up at 2.07.5 22spm <br><br>10 x 1k at 2.05 25 spm then sprinting last 100metres of each one 1 min rest . <br><br>2.5 k cool down ... <br><br>17.5 k total ... <br> <br>

[old] Xeno
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Post by [old] Xeno » October 6th, 2004, 10:22 pm

10k from 6till650AM<br>10k from 430PMtill520PM<br>12.5k from 600PMtill650PM (4'exercises, 8min steady row, four times and two minutes cool down)

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » October 7th, 2004, 4:16 am

Thought a session to test the back a bit was due.<br><br>2x750m<br>1st 1:34.3<br>2nd 1:34.2<br><br>Still have to hold back, as the rate goes up the more I can feel it pulling.<br><br>Sir Pirate

[old] Carl Henrik
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Post by [old] Carl Henrik » October 8th, 2004, 3:44 pm

60min s10ps @ 2:00/500m<br><br>Tried to throw in a few series of more pressured and quicker strokes to make it more interesting but found the wattage reading not increasing as much as intended (SPI remained constant).<br><br>Don't know wether to blame this on not being mentally up to date with my physique (expecting to much strength after solely endurance training?) or techniqual deficiencies like starting the stroke hard then going easy to be able to remaing with feet on the plates.<br><br>Increasing SPI mid excercise is usually thought of as difficult though. Always easier to increase pace instead.

[old] Carl Henrik
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Post by [old] Carl Henrik » October 9th, 2004, 7:03 am

15k on water quadruple scull. First time with this crew constellation that I believe can be quite fast, though one member can maybe not compete for my club. There is a back up person that has gone 6:09 on 2k erging but is more into cycling currently. <br><br>Anyway it was good to see such a good crew come together. Trained rowers are sparse here. The rowing was ok given the conditions but most rewarding was the fact that all showed up. <br><br><br><br>

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » October 11th, 2004, 7:38 am

6 k at 2.07 26spm warm up <br><br>then 6 x 1k sprinting last 100metres aim was to keep it under 2.00 til 100metres to go then try and sprint like billy o. Was quite pleased was hitting mainly 1.58 and 1.59's any way then gaining at least a second in the last 100metres even saw some 1.48's <br><br>1.57.7 28spm <br>1.57.7 28spm <br>1.58.8 28spm <br>1.58.0 28spm <br>1.57.2 29spm <br>1.57.1 29spm 3 mins rest in between <br><br>finished off with 4k steady away total 16k.... <br>

[old] GeorgeD
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Post by [old] GeorgeD » October 11th, 2004, 3:13 pm

Needed a change from what I was doing (slow low stuff) so decided to have a play:<br><br>Warmup 2500m<br><br>8 x 500m / 3min rest 110df<br><br>1:38.2 32spm<br>1:37.4 32spm<br>1:37.5 31spm (comfortable but unsure of the future)<br>1:36.9 31spm<br>1:36.2 32spm<br>1:35.5 33spm (still comfortable, 5-6 good strokes then held pace a bit longer)<br>1:34.7 32spm (pushing it now)<br>1:32.4 35spm (went for it but cld only hold it for about 250-300 sub 1:30)<br><br>Ave 1:36.1 and a nice change<br><br>Cooldown 1500m<br><br>- George<br>
