Purchasing A Used Model C

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[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 3rd, 2004, 8:28 pm

Janice,<br><br>Thanks for the tip. <br><br>I have placed an ad on Craig's list for the city that is closest to me.

[old] Steve_R
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Post by [old] Steve_R » October 5th, 2004, 8:15 am

John,<br><br>Sorry about the delay... I picked up mine from <a href='http://www.fitnessplus.com/ConceptIIC.shtml' target='_blank'>Fitness Plus</a> and they were easy to work with. I called and asked them for their newest model C and told them I would pay $500 without reconditioning ($575 is their advertised reconditioned price). I was going to eventually replace the PM2 with a PM3 so it isn't so bad that I have a couple segments out on the display. Everything was in good condition although the chain needed some oil and the fan cage needed to be cleaned. The shipping box was pieced together and was not original. Luckily, the shipper did not break anything. The Model C had a tag on it from <a href='http://www.gymsource.com' target='_blank'>Gym Source</a> which is why I thought it was leased equipment.<br><br>I felt $500 was a good price. Price was a big factor for me to get into rowing since I have had to pay for a couple surgeries (the driving factor for me to start exercising) with more possibly to come. I took a big risk purchasing sight unseen and used but everything worked out. Having 20/20 hindsight, I would certainly look more closely at buying direct from C2.<br><br>Steve

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 9th, 2004, 1:26 am

There is an erg that I am interested to purchase and a friend would ship it to me.<br><br>However there is no box for the erg. <br><br>Will C2 provide a box for shipping and, if so, is there a cost for the box?<br><br>Also, is C2's shipping cost of $36 a special rate?<br><br>Who is the best shipper and what is a reasonable rate from the east to west coast.<br><br>Thanks

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 9th, 2004, 3:54 pm

Does anyone have feedback on rigging up a box, and also a good way to ship the erg.<br><br>Thanks.

[old] dgg
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Post by [old] dgg » October 12th, 2004, 5:49 pm

I'd like to check the date of my model C. The web page cited above:<br><br><a href='http://www.concept2.com/pdf/IRwarranty.pdf' target='_blank'>http://www.concept2.com/pdf/IRwarranty. ... ><br>isn't available any longer. Anyone have another idea about where to find the serial number?<br><br>Incidentally, I bought the machine privately with HR monitor for $400. Except for squeaky rollers (easily fixed) it seems great.<br><br>Thanks.<br>Dennis

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 12th, 2004, 7:50 pm

Dennis,<br><br>The link should still work but here is the info.<br><br>"The serial number is the date of manufacture and is handwritten in black marker and located on the underside of the black box arm near the flywheel."<br><br>Empty boxes from C2 are $31, containing foam and instructions.<br><br>The box for the model C is the same as the box for the model D but the foam is used differently.

[old] dgg
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Post by [old] dgg » October 12th, 2004, 8:37 pm

Many thanks, John. I found the serial number underneath what I would describe as the trunk of the rower, right at the hub of the flywheel. <br><br>My machine is older than I realized. Good excuse for buying something new for it, don't you agree? <br><br>Best wishes,<br>Dennis

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 13th, 2004, 12:34 am

Dennis,<br><br>You're quite welcome, and yes I agree. <br><br>Pressing [ok][->] at the same time will show you the cumulative kilometers rowed on the monitor.<br><br>p.s.<br>I have obtained the bid on a model C and am in the process of having it shipped.

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » October 26th, 2004, 2:27 am

The model C arrived this weekend.<br><br>I moved the model B, put this newer one in it's place and tried it out for the first time this morning.<br><br>It is very nice, smooth, and somewhat quieter than the B. There is no more low humming sound.<br><br>I had taken a look at the shock cord assembly, and it sure is a lot different than the B! I like the design and giant pulleys for the shock cord. The chain was off one of it's pulleys and looked like it had always been off, as the pulley was still full of grease. I cleaned it off put the chain back on.<br><br>The drag factor range was 98 to 222 so I didn't bother to open the cage. The machine was made in 2000, was hardly used and is in excellent condition. The pm2 showed a total of 587 km, and 87667 meters on the round about. I taped a small piece of plastic to the moving damper to lower the drag factor a bit more.<br><br>The railing was dry, looked like it had never been oiled and had caked on black crud. I oiled the railing and removed the black stuff, then wiped it down a few more times this morning between rowing. The surface of the railing looks much worse than my model B, which is shining after 21 million meters. The oil makes a difference! I expect the railing to get back in shape by keeping it oiled and more use.<br><br>The chain looked like it had also never been oiled, so I put a light coat on it too, and wiped down the machine all over. It was mostly clean but there were a few places with caked on dust and dirt. The monitor is in good shape but also had a film of dust.<br><br>The railing slopes down much more to the front and there is a very noticeable "rowing up hill" compared to the model B, which has a railing that is nearly level. My garage floor also slopes down very slightly in that same direction, so I will need to at least level the "floor" the erg sits on. I don't know why the railing was made to slope down to the front as that doesn't make any sense. I did notice while rowing that even without straps I automatically went to the front on recovery with no particular motion or effort to do so. Of course that takes more energy for the drive though.<br><br>The drag factor and effort etc all felt exactly the same as on the model B, with the exception of the slope of the railing.<br><br>Overall I am very happy with this purchase.<br><br>The price was 550 and I payed 40.37 to have it shipped to me plus 31 for a box from C2, 4 for rushing the money order, and 5 for screws that were lost in shipping for a total of 631.<br><br>The model B is still in fantastic condition. I have moved it to the edge of the dining room for now and might sell it later on.<br>

[old] Birdi
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Post by [old] Birdi » October 26th, 2004, 12:54 pm

I have really enjoyed following the discussion you all have been having re: purchase of new/old C2's....I had been using a C at my local health club but had serious car accident and quit club etc. It's 3 1/2 years now and I just miss the erg so much (not the club) and I am awaiting the delivery of my new D this week! Once hooked, you just cant forget it....got weight to lose, muscles to rebuild but I have never looked so forward to anything in a long time....your discussions have been very helpful and encouraging....thanx

[old] pamcnm
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Post by [old] pamcnm » October 27th, 2004, 10:28 am

There is a used model C being sold locally, with a PM2+ monitor and a heart rate monitor as well. The gentleman selling it says that it has rarely been used since purchase. I can look at it before buying, and the price is now set at $650. I have made a note of checking the mileage and inside the monitor. Anything else i should look at/consider? Does this seem like a reasonable price?<br><br>I plan to upgrade to the model D handle ASAP, and can certainly upgrade the monitor when the time comes.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any feedback/advice. I plan to check it out tomorrow (10/28).<br><br>Pam
