Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Joris » February 27th, 2025, 10:02 am

* Week 17 Day 5 [4 x 8min / 2min rest]

Just like the day before (2 x 15m at 2:18 split) I considered this as a steady state plus session and I also allowed my heart rate to go a bit higher than usual because I wasn't completely recovered from a little illness yet.

I ended up with a pace of 2:17 and an avergage heart rate ranging between 140 and 148.
So I was probably doing most of this session in AT zone. Had I been 100% fit, I might have wanted to spend a larger portion in UT1, but given the circumstances this was okay.

* Week 17 Day 2 [8 x 500m]
I saved the hardest session of the week for the last, since I wanted to be as much recovered from my fever as possible.
This is probably also my weakest distance, since I simply lack power for these short distances, and I'm not particularly quick neither, so I can't compensate it that way.

Last 8 x 500m session was back in week 11, so already a long time ago. Back than I paced it at 1:59 + last rep at 1:56.
So normally it should be easy to go faster this time.
However, when I looked back in my history I could only find 7 reps, so I probably did one too few last time. :roll:
Also, I was probably still recovering a bit from a flu and was doing two sessions in high UT1/AT zone over the past two days.
So all in all I was a bit uncertain on how to pace this session, so I ended up using my general rule of thumb when in doubt: going one second faster than last time.

As targeted I did the session at 1:58 + last rep at 1:54.
Despite being it a relatively limited improvement, I was very satisfied with the result, especially since I felt that I had some left in the tank in the end.

Up to week 18, which counts about 40k in total and a scary looking 4 x 2k on Day 2!

Nomark wrote:
February 26th, 2025, 6:40 am
We have had this discussion before about the long intervals falling between two stools of too short or too slow. I have decided to go more aggressive on these and treat them like interval sessions if I am well rested and try and beat my previous time. To be honest 3x10m is not far off 3x2k so I do then the same now. They are not full intensity like the shorter pieces yet, but they should get there soon as the average time target is still quite generous and it's hard to know how hard I can actually do them, so I just chip away at the times month by month.
Indeed, but unlike you I usually approach these sessions as steady state (plus) sessions rather than interval sessions. One of the reasons may also be that since I started the BPP plan, I have been averaging about five sports sessions a week (rowing and indoor soccer combined), which I've never done before in my life. And since indoor soccer is already leaning more towards interval training, I feel that I would otherwise be doing a bit too much interval and not enough steady state/recovery.
For this reason, I also started to occasionally skip the Day 5 session when the distance of that session is too short to do it as a steady state plus session.

Nomark wrote:
February 26th, 2025, 6:40 am
Speaking of pacing, I did consider doing an "active recovery" piece yesterday. My legs still ached a little from i3 days in a row totalling over 25k at a decent clip. I imagined Olympians probably feel like this a lot and can't just have a day off, so what if I did 5-8k at 2:30-2:40? Would that be worth doing? I decided to listen to my body and have a break, but I'm curious on the science and whether it's miles in the legs or just a waste of time.
Since professionals often train in zone 2 (or at least that's what I've read), I assume it is not a waste to do so. :wink:
But I also read that taking a rest day at least once a week is necessary too.
M 1983 1m80 61kg / 5'9 134lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Joris » February 27th, 2025, 10:58 am

PleaseLockIn wrote:
February 27th, 2025, 7:05 am
Week 6 Day 2 - 3*2000m 4R

Avg 2:03.9 split at r24, and I managed to see 199 HR in the 2nd interval despite myself slightly panicking on how high my HR (facepalm) was.
Great session!
PleaseLockIn wrote:
February 27th, 2025, 7:05 am
Pretty decent, beating Nomark's time somehow. But it just shows how polarized training has helped me (slowing down the SS)
I'm glad to hear that you've found a way that works for you. Keep up the good work.
Just out of curiosity: do you do your steady states in UT1 or UT2?
I thought I read UT2, but based on your heart rate it seems more like UT1?

Ps: beware of poking Nomark, because my suspicion is that he's going to have a blast next time. ;)
Anyway, I think you have to look at your own evolution above all because that's the only thing you have in your own control.
M 1983 1m80 61kg / 5'9 134lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » February 27th, 2025, 12:09 pm

Joris wrote:
February 27th, 2025, 10:58 am
Ps: beware of poking Nomark, because my suspicion is that he's going to have a blast next time. ;)
Haha. Am I that transparent? :D

I wasn't sure what to do today after my aborted 10.5 yesterday. The choices were 10.4 8k, 11.1 10k or repeat the 7x500m reps. I toyed with a 10k time trial, but I figured there's plenty of time for that over the next few weeks as the distance is repeated and times are supposed to lower. I decided on the 500m reps and since 11.2 is the same again, I decided to skip ahead and do 8 today rather than 7 and then another 8 in a couple of days...

So week 11.2, 8x500m.

Based on how it felt yesterday, I decided to lower my target pace by half a second to 1:56, half a second quicker than week 7 with an extra rep .

I'm quite pleased that I applied some of the self awareness that I keep preaching to everyone, and listened to the feedback from my body as I went on rather than following the BPP rules exactly. After 3 reps aiming for 1:56 where I was slowing the rate down and coasting home to meet an artificial target I realised this wasn't right for a sprint distance so I upped the pace for the 4th rep. It felt maybe too quick to be sustainable at 153.7 so I aimed for 154 for the next 2, allowed myself a fraction quicker for the 7th rep and went for it at the end. I note that last time I did these was at r28-29 and r31 at the end. Not sure if that says anything or not, but my SPI seems to be increasing which is good. I would like to increase the rate more next time, but one thing at a time I guess. Maybe that's a better way to pace them - go at r28 and see where that takes me and then up the SR for the last rep? Something to consider...

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
15:11.2	4,000m	1:53.9	237	1115	26
1:55.9	500m	1:55.9	225	1073	27
1:56.2	500m	1:56.2	223	1067	26
1:55.4	500m	1:55.4	228	1083	25
1:53.7	500m	1:53.7	238	1119	26
1:54.0	500m	1:54.0	236	1113	25
1:54.0	500m	1:54.0	236	1113	27
1:53.7	500m	1:53.7	238	1119	26
1:48.3	500m	1:48.3	276	1248	29
A very satisfying run and lowered my average considerably (from 1:56.5 in week 7). If I'd followed the rules I probably would have done 1:56.5 at r24 and finished with a 1:40 or something. So I definitely recommend trying to asses your pace mid-rep if possible and tweaking as necessary. I don't see the value in artificially slowing down and getting a PB on the last rep. Maybe it's easier to guage on 500s than longer distances with less reps, but the first few definitely didn't feel like sprints!
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by alex9026 » February 27th, 2025, 4:45 pm

Nomark wrote:
February 27th, 2025, 12:09 pm
So week 11.2, 8x500m.

After 3 reps aiming for 1:56 where I was slowing the rate down and coasting home to meet an artificial target I realised this wasn't right for a sprint distance so I upped the pace for the 4th rep. It felt maybe too quick to be sustainable at 153.7 so I aimed for 154 for the next 2, allowed myself a fraction quicker for the 7th rep and went for it at the end. I note that last time I did these was at r28-29 and r31 at the end. Not sure if that says anything or not, but my SPI seems to be increasing which is good. I would like to increase the rate more next time, but one thing at a time I guess. Maybe that's a better way to pace them - go at r28 and see where that takes me and then up the SR for the last rep? Something to consider...

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
15:11.2	4,000m	1:53.9	237	1115	26
1:55.9	500m	1:55.9	225	1073	27
1:56.2	500m	1:56.2	223	1067	26
1:55.4	500m	1:55.4	228	1083	25
1:53.7	500m	1:53.7	238	1119	26
1:54.0	500m	1:54.0	236	1113	25
1:54.0	500m	1:54.0	236	1113	27
1:53.7	500m	1:53.7	238	1119	26
1:48.3	500m	1:48.3	276	1248	29
A very satisfying run and lowered my average considerably (from 1:56.5 in week 7). If I'd followed the rules I probably would have done 1:56.5 at r24 and finished with a 1:40 or something. So I definitely recommend trying to asses your pace mid-rep if possible and tweaking as necessary. I don't see the value in artificially slowing down and getting a PB on the last rep. Maybe it's easier to guage on 500s than longer distances with less reps, but the first few definitely didn't feel like sprints!
Right on, good work. Ultimately, bringing your average down is the aim, not let's cruise and blast out one big effort. Absolutely the right call on adjusting mid session. You'll soon find that the time gap between the first set and last will close and close to the point squeezing out one second over an 8x500m is good going.

Ref the stroke rate, it's not unusual to trade your rate for pace on pieces like these
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » February 28th, 2025, 11:43 am

iain wrote:
February 27th, 2025, 4:41 am
The one other point I would add is to look ahead as well as backwards. If you have an interval session the next day you need to control the urge to go faster today.
Good point and one I used in reverse today.

Week 11.1 - the first 10k. Hallowed ground. It feels like the whole plan has been building to this, even though it's not even halfway done. It feels like a real achievement as I'm sure anyone who has stuck with the plan this long can attest. And it doesn't feel as far as it once did. Proves the power of small repeatable gains.

Anyway, on with the row. As I did my interval session yesterday there isn't one tomorrow which meant I could push into more of a grey zone row today. It's not for everyone but I prefer harder sessions. I felt this one, but it was still just a hard SS+ rather than anything crazy - just a natural rhythm and pace. Good session!

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
45:06.6	10,000m	2:15.3	141	786	22
8:59.7	2,000m	2:14.9	142	790	23
8:59.1	4,000m	2:14.7	143	792	23
9:04.1	6,000m	2:16.0	139	778	22
9:05.4	8,000m	2:16.3	138	775	23
8:58.4	10,000m	2:14.6	144	793	23
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Joris » February 28th, 2025, 12:14 pm

* Week 18 Day 1 [11k]:

After two weeks of 10,5k, another increase of 500m.
In the beginning of the plan I kept the same pace for my steady state sessions since the distance was increasing week by week.
Once those distance increases stopped at 10k I started to reduced my split by one second each week.
But now, having come to these distances, an extra 500m no longer feels like a significant increase.
So as with the increase from 10k to 10.5k, I decided again to speed up my split by 1 second to 2:23 neverteless the extra distance.

The session went well. I did notice that my heart rate was a little higher again, but at 139 it stayed just below my self-defined maximum of 140 for steady state.
To let my body catch up with this new pace I will probably do the other 10k session later this week at the same pace.
The week after that, there will be no increase in distance, so if all goes well I can certainly take another second off by than.
If I can maintain this rythm, my steady state should be around 2:17 by the end of the BPP for a 10-12k.
Nomark wrote:
February 28th, 2025, 11:43 am
Week 11.1 - the first 10k. Hallowed ground. It feels like the whole plan has been building to this, even though it's not even halfway done. It feels like a real achievement as I'm sure anyone who has stuck with the plan this long can attest. And it doesn't feel as far as it once did. Proves the power of small repeatable gains.
Welcome to the club. 10k feels indeed like a nice milestone to reach!
But I can already tell you that you will get used quickly to this new distance. :)
Nomark wrote:
February 28th, 2025, 11:43 am
Anyway, on with the row. As I did my interval session yesterday there isn't one tomorrow which meant I could push into more of a grey zone row today. It's not for everyone but I prefer harder sessions. I felt this one, but it was still just a hard SS+ rather than anything crazy - just a natural rhythm and pace. Good session!

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M
45:06.6	10,000m	2:15.3	141	786	22
8:59.7	2,000m	2:14.9	142	790	23
8:59.1	4,000m	2:14.7	143	792	23
9:04.1	6,000m	2:16.0	139	778	22
9:05.4	8,000m	2:16.3	138	775	23
8:58.4	10,000m	2:14.6	144	793	23
Well done! This is the pace where I want to stand more or less for my steady states in the end of the BBP plan.
But for you, this was only your first 10k, so you have some nice progress ahead of you. Keep it up!
M 1983 1m80 61kg / 5'9 134lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » February 28th, 2025, 12:30 pm

Joris wrote:
February 28th, 2025, 12:14 pm
The session went well. I did notice that my heart rate was a little higher again, but at 139 it stayed just below my self-defined maximum of 140 for steady state.
To let my body catch up with this new pace I will probably do the other 10k session later this week at the same pace.
The week after that, there will be no increase in distance, so if all goes well I can certainly take another second off by than.
If I can maintain this rythm, my steady state should be around 2:17 by the end of the BPP for a 10-12k.
Great job. I think your way of doing things is more sustainable and probably more sensible. Definitely more in keeping with the plans ethos of adding 500m every week and you can see the results on your heart rate monitor which is amazing, especially with all the other sports that you do. Sounds like your plan is working nicely so far and you know just when you can try and speed up a little.
Welcome to the club. 10k feels indeed like a nice milestone to reach!
But I can already tell you that you will get used quickly to this new distance. :)
Indeed. It does feel like an accomplishment doesn't it? The odd thing (for me) was it didn't feel that far. I remember doing maybe 7k a couple of months ago thinking this was far enough and almost 50% more would be a lot! But something about the distance made it fly by. "Just" 5x2ks. Already looking forward to the next one.
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by DJ1972 » February 28th, 2025, 2:11 pm

Week 11 or Week 18, it seems we are all making good progress. Well done Joris & Nomark

Week 12.5
[4 x 800m / 2min rest] – Look back to week 9 in your training diary, and remember the principles for how to pace these sessions now. Go at the average pace for that session for the first 3 reps, and then try to go a little faster on the final one.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	
12:20.5	3,200m	1:55.7	226	1077	28	165
3:07.2	800m	1:57.0	219	1052	26	159
r: 3:00	21m						
3:07.0	800m	1:56.8	219	1054	28	164
r: 3:00	21m						
3:05.5	800m	1:55.9	225	1072	28	166
r: 3:00	16m						
3:00.7	800m	1:52.9	243	1136	30	172
Just finished half of BPP with week 12. Today's target was at 1:57.7. Conservative negative splits for the first 2reps. Last rep was excruciatingly difficult, particularly with my breathing. Any tips to switch to 2 breathing cycles on one stroke? Maybe I could do breathing exercises during endurance intervals?
52 y - 182 cm - 78 kg
2k (08/24) - 8 min 22 s
Resting HR 55 - Max HR 180 // UT2<143 bpm - UT1= 144-155 bpm

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Dangerscouse » February 28th, 2025, 3:44 pm

DJ1972 wrote:
February 28th, 2025, 2:11 pm
Any tips to switch to 2 breathing cycles on one stroke? Maybe I could do breathing exercises during endurance intervals?
I'm not sure, apart from shorter, forceful breaths at the catch and the finish. Where do you breathe during one stroke?

Maybe you need to do higher stroke rates, but with less force to get used to it as I assume that the 800s are meant to be a tough pace? Don't underestimate the difference between r28 and r30. It doesn't sound like much, but it can be a big difference, especially if you're naturally more comfortable at r25ish.
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Ombrax » March 1st, 2025, 2:48 am

DJ1972 wrote:
February 28th, 2025, 2:11 pm
Any tips to switch to 2 breathing cycles on one stroke?
This is what works for me:

First, the easy part: one full inhale and exhale during the recovery.

Second: a relatively quick inhale just before or at the catch, and exhale on the drive.

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » March 1st, 2025, 5:25 am

Ombrax wrote:
March 1st, 2025, 2:48 am
This is what works for me:

First, the easy part: one full inhale and exhale during the recovery.

Second: a relatively quick inhale just before or at the catch, and exhale on the drive.
I think it just takes practice (like everything rowing related!). But you're right, that sounds like mine too. The tricky part is that it's asymmetrical breathing (if that's a term?) rather than steady like most other sports. Mine ends up almost a pant on recovery with a quick inhale at the catch, exhale on the drive and then a full breath on recovery. I think the main thing is to have a lung full at the catch and breath out on the drive to ensure a strong core. The rest, is just whatever works to get enough oxygen in!
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by p_b82 » March 1st, 2025, 6:11 am

I transition from 1:1 to 2:3 and finally 2:1. (on 500's any plans are out the window and its breath where I can get it, but on lower S/R's with lower power requirements it's as above)

I have the snatched breath on the recovery, and inhale on the drive (mostly) and start to breath out at the finish - squashing my stomach as I'm trying to get a breath in, and not breathing during the drive ends up costing me oxygen in the longer term.

I think it's Dark horse who advocates doing all rowing at the max breath requirement cycle - and to practice fast exhalation so you're always used to it.
But I find that just makes me light headed - I think that's one of my limitations, on the peak flow tests my numbers were always low, but they were surprised at the time it took me to get all the air out. i think that's why using the longer recovery time to breath out suits me better.

When I swam i always took the full time to breath out before my next breath, rather than an explosive discharge too.... (3 stroke breath pattern there as well)
M 6'4 born:'82
'23: HM=1:36:08.0, 60'=13,702m
'24: 5k=20:42.9, 10k=42:13.1, FM=3:18:35.4, 30'=7,132m
'25: 500m=1:35.3, 2k=7:39.3, 6k: 25:05.4

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