Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by iain » November 21st, 2024, 11:40 am

Joris wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 10:07 am
...there is no urgency to discover my true maximum heart rate?
Agreed as long as you don't allow the approach of your presumed max to fuel a "need" to slow down!
Joris wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 10:07 am
And as the interval sessions will still increase a bit in frequency and I will become better at estimating how fast I can go during the first sessions without decline at the last ones, I will discover step by step how much higher my maximum heart rate can go?
That makes sense.
Joris wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 10:07 am
Which do you think, is the best interval session to test max heart rate within the BBP plan?
I would say that as written it will be the long interval sessions (1500 & 2ks) that should get you closest to your maximums, but that does depend upon really going for it in the final interval, especially the final 2+ min. Many find it easier to push on the shorter intervals. When you really need to push hard on the last interval to beat the pace of the penultimate one then you may be getting close on the 1ks. That said there is some support that the brain restricts all out efforts on shorter intense efforts.
56, lightweight in pace and by gravity. Currently training 3-4 times a week after a break to slowly regain the pitiful fitness I achieved a few years ago. Free Spirit, come join us http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/forum/

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » November 21st, 2024, 5:00 pm

Monday - Week 2.1 5.5k steady state. Went pretty well. Aiming to repeat a 2.24 from last week but it felt too slow. Started at 2.22.5 but even that was too slow and at a SR of 18-20 ended up sub 2.20 for an average of 2.21.1. Beginner gains are great. 3-4 seconds faster/500m at about 5 strokes per minute less and 500m longer total distance. Total time 25.53.1. HRmax 143 on my Fitbit.

Had a busy week so skipped to 2.4 20 minute SS on Tuesday. Had to abort at about 12 minutes because the kids needed me but all was going well - over 2,500m at around 2.20 I think. HR 121. Oh well it's still mileage done which will help with improvements.

Wednesday again ran out of time and was going to take a rest day but I've been reading Atomic habits so I'm making rowing a habit even if it's quick. I was going to do 10mins but then had the great (sic) idea of a 2k test as a benchmark to compare at the end of the plan. Managed 8.10 and it wasnt flat out, so very pleased with that. 2.02.5 split time. Considering that before I started the BPP the maximum distance I could manage was 1k and it took almost bang on 4 minutes, that's already a 2.5s split improvement using Paul's law. Quick improvements help with motivation!

Today was back to the plan. I figured after the 2k it was better to have a rest before intervals, so I did Week 2.3 5.5k at the same pace. Ended up faster again - will have to try and keep my ego in check and slow down one day, but I'm aiming for semi-hard meters rather than a true steady state based on my limited understanding of UTs for professionals versus amateurs doing half an hour a day.
5,500m / 25:25.5min total / 2:18.6 split / 20SR. Almost 30s off my total time on Monday. Lost my earbuds so just concentrated on my stroke. Found myself slightly hypnotised by watching the chain for several strokes at a time, which is how I found my SS pace rather than aiming for a target. My Fitbit sh*t the bed - max HR 107 apparently (spoiler alert: it wasn't. More like 145 at the end I'd guess). Actually wasn't a good day for technology. ErgData also went awry. It recorded the total time but annoyingly some of the splits were way off - 1 hour+ to do 1,000m, 32 minute split time!

Feeling good. 750mx4 intervals tomorrow!
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by iain » November 22nd, 2024, 7:35 am

Nomark wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 5:00 pm
...2k test as a benchmark to compare at the end of the plan. Managed 8.10 and it wasnt flat out, so very pleased with that. 2.02.5 split time. Considering that before I started the BPP the maximum distance I could manage was 1k and it took almost bang on 4 minutes, that's already a 2.5s split improvement using Paul's law. Quick improvements help with motivation!
Looks to be going well, but if you are rowing most days I would agree that you ought to slow a bit on the SS (back to 2:20s?). Re 2k, what rating did you use? This should be similar to your short intervals.
56, lightweight in pace and by gravity. Currently training 3-4 times a week after a break to slowly regain the pitiful fitness I achieved a few years ago. Free Spirit, come join us http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/forum/

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by PleaseLockIn » November 22nd, 2024, 9:24 am

Week 3 Day 4 - [5000m] – Aim for the same pace as you did for your 6000m in the last session, and try to speed up a little then within the last 1000m.

23:19 5000m (split 2:19.9) so technically I failed to maintain the same pace as the 6000m last session. By intense discipline I managed to reduce my stroke rate to 19 from 20.

Then I cross-trained with chest flies (20kg x 10), hamstring curls (20kg x 15, can easily do more), bicep curls (strict barbell, 20kg x 15, will add more weight) and armwrestling pronation (10kg long holds, very easy, belt under the thumb, kicked back wrist)

I tried a 500m sprint after all this training, got trained by a coach (technique issue - hamstrings not straight when going back, sequencing a bit incorrect) and got under 1:55 on the concept 2. (The Skillrow at drag 4 is significantly harder than the concept 2 at 105 drag factor)

To avoid overtraining and burnout I'll take a break for Saturday, will go instead on a hike. I also need to study for exams.

PS in my university the selection tryouts will happen ~2 months later. When I did my 6k steady state at r20 i was 2.19.x. I had a surprising amount left in the tank. If I tried harder and was motivated I might've made 6500m 30r20.
The standard is a 1:59.x 20 minute r20. Could I make it in time with my progress?

I have some time left to bulk up - how much should I bulk up? It's an openweight team so I don't need to worry about weight cutoffs - although I preferably would like to maintain being a lightweight
18M 175 cm 67kg

(Nov 2024 serious start) 2024 PBs: 6900m 30r20, 12*500m R1 2:04 r24 (last 1:59 r20), 7:58 2k
2025 PBs: 2:27 UT2 pace, 1:34.6 LP, 18:10 4325m r20

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » November 22nd, 2024, 9:27 am

iain wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 7:35 am
Looks to be going well, but if you are rowing most days I would agree that you ought to slow a bit on the SS (back to 2:20s?). Re 2k, what rating did you use? This should be similar to your short intervals.
Thank you, I needed to hear that. To easy (for me anyway) to feel like you need to be better, faster, stronger today compared with yesterday, when that's not the point of SS and the BPP means I'm already going further than before.

It was 24 rising to 26 strokes which I know is slow. 500s started at 28 and increased to 32. It felt fairly quick because I've done a lot of metres (relatively!) recently at 18-20.
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by iain » November 22nd, 2024, 10:32 am

Nomark wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 9:27 am
iain wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 7:35 am
Re 2k, what rating did you use? This should be similar to your short intervals.
It was 24 rising to 26 strokes which I know is slow. 500s started at 28 and increased to 32. It felt fairly quick because I've done a lot of metres (relatively!) recently at 18-20.
You need to get flexible as different rates are required for different situations. That is why we do the intervals or 2k rating just feels too rushed. 500s can be done a bit higher SpM than 2k, but 750s and 1ks should be at similar SpM. The hardest part of rating up is getting your breathing coordinated, so while not mentioned in BPP, I believe that doing 500 intervals we need to concentrate on settling quickly into 2k breathing pattern that is 2 breaths per stroke for most. Then if you can row at 32 with 2k breathing, 30 for the 2k won't feel as rushed. That said, this is putting the cart before the horse. you are still early in the plan that will encourage you to go faster as it proceeds and you will vary your rating to achieve this. Also if you are only just getting used to rowing with a stronger stroke through the SS rows, it may take a little while before you translate this to higher ratings on the intervals.

Great start, looking forward to watching your future development.
56, lightweight in pace and by gravity. Currently training 3-4 times a week after a break to slowly regain the pitiful fitness I achieved a few years ago. Free Spirit, come join us http://www.freespiritsrowing.com/forum/

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Joris » November 22nd, 2024, 11:19 am

Week 7 Day 3 [8000m] – Again, concentrate on bringing your stroke rate down to 24 or below now for these sessions.

Keeping my stroke rate below 24 wasn't really an issue since my regular stroke rate during the ss sessions is just below 20.
After the feedback I received, I'm a bit undecided on what pace I will continue to use for the steady states.
Probably I will try to vary a bit in the next few weeks (keeping 2:30 for the longest sessions on day 1, but picking up the pace for the somewhat shorter SS sessions of days 3 and 4).

Today I decided to row at splits of 2:30 again, partly also because I wanted to have enough energy left to do an indoor cycling session afterwards. Average heart rate was 136 and maximum heartrate 143, meaning it stayed about the same as the previous weeks, despite the ever-increasing distances. So currently more than satisfied with that progress.
M 1983 1m80 61kg / 5'9 134lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Joris » November 22nd, 2024, 11:36 am

Nomark wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 5:00 pm
I was going to do 10mins but then had the great (sic) idea of a 2k test as a benchmark to compare at the end of the plan. Managed 8.10 and it wasnt flat out, so very pleased with that. 2.02.5 split time.
Nice benchmark you have there. Wasn't your final goal a 2k under 8 minutes?
In that case you've already achieved your goal before the training program really started. :P B)
Nomark wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 5:00 pm
Ended up faster again - will have to try and keep my ego in check and slow down one day, but I'm aiming for semi-hard meters rather than a true steady state based on my limited understanding of UTs for professionals versus amateurs doing half an hour a day.

5,500m / 25:25.5min total / 2:18.6 split / 20SR. Almost 30s off my total time on Monday.
When comparing heartrates (and assuming that your max heart rate is somewhat similar to mine), it seems that we are doing our steady states at about the same intensity but your pace (2:20) is just faster than mine (2:30) when doing that.

Good luck with your next session.
M 1983 1m80 61kg / 5'9 134lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by AndyH » November 22nd, 2024, 7:09 pm

13.3 2 x 15min / 2min rest – Go for the same pace you achieved on the 3 x 10min last week, and remember to try to make the second rep slightly faster than the first.

2:27 target - just a bit but negative split the intervals and kept my heart rate where I wanted it.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	HR
30:00.0	6,291m	2:23.0	120	711	22	146
15:00.0	3,140m	2:23.3	119	709	22	144
15:00.0	3,150m	2:22.8	120	713	22	149

13.4 [8000m] – Keep the stroke rate low, and concentrate on technique.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	Cal/Hr	S/M	HR
38:46.1	8,000m	2:25.3	114	692	18	138
7:43.0	1,600m	2:24.6	116	697	18	129
7:43.9	3,200m	2:24.9	115	695	18	137
7:48.9	4,800m	2:26.5	111	682	18	137
7:48.6	6,400m	2:26.4	111	683	19	142
7:41.7	8,000m	2:24.2	117	701	18	148

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » November 23rd, 2024, 7:50 am

AndyH wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 7:09 pm
2:27 target - just a bit but negative split the intervals and kept my heart rate where I wanted it
That seems like a very decent improvement for the same heart rate. This plan definitely working for you. I saw that you blew up on the last intervals. I assume that will happen to all of us some weeks, because improvement every week is unrealistic. But as long as the trend is improving and you can see the gains that should help with motivation.
Joris wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 11:36 am
Nice benchmark you have there. Wasn't your final goal a 2k under 8 minutes?
Yes it was. Not there yet, but I guess I'll have to have 7.30 as my new goal after 26 weeks.
Joris wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 11:19 am
Week 7 Day 3 [8000m] – Again, concentrate on bringing your stroke rate down to 24 or below now for these sessions.

Keeping my stroke rate below 24 wasn't really an issue since my regular stroke rate during the ss sessions is just below 20.
After the feedback I received, I'm a bit undecided on what pace I will continue to use for the steady states.
Probably I will try to vary a bit in the next few weeks (keeping 2:30 for the longest sessions on day 1, but picking up the pace for the somewhat shorter SS sessions of days 3 and 4).
Yes I read that instruction too. Seeing as my steady state has settled at 18-20 I wonder if we are outliers. Or else I assume reading a lot on this forum has helped us slow down stroke rate quicker than we would have done otherwise. Your pace sounds very sensible. I am also flip flipping on what should be the correct pace. It seems to be all about the meters at our stage of development but I will endeavour to slow down a little to keep the HR down a tad and minimise the risk of overdoing it.
PleaseLockIn wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 9:24 am
23:19 5000m (split 2:19.9) so technically I failed to maintain the same pace as the 6000m last session. By intense discipline I managed to reduce my stroke rate to 19 from 20.
Great job on the SR improvement and the improved fitness. The cross training will also put you in good stead. It's a simple fact that the stronger you are the faster you will be, so any gains will help increase your metres per stroke. Good idea taking a break today, your body will thank you. I find rowing oddly addictive and have to force myself to not do a quick 10-20 minutes on "off" days.
PleaseLockIn wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 9:24 am
I have some time left to bulk up - how much should I bulk up? It's an openweight team so I don't need to worry about weight cutoffs - although I preferably would like to maintain being a lightweight
I am not remotely qualified to answer your question so hopefully someone else chimes in, but it stands to reason that if HW are faster than LW, then a 75kg lightweight will be faster than a 66kg lightweight, so bulking up a bit (maybe leaving a few kgs margin) can't hurt.
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » November 23rd, 2024, 8:05 am

Week 2.2 750m x 4 (2min rest)

Longer intervals this week but same overall distance. Target from last week was 2:01 after I aimed for 2m and couldn't quite sustain a negative split last week.

Code: Select all

Time	Meters	Pace	Watts	S/M	
12:03.5	3,000m	2:00.5	200	27
3:01.6	750m	2:01.0	197	27
3:01.5	750m	2:01.0	198	28
3:01.5	750m	2:01.0	198	26
2:58.9	750m	1:59.2	206	28
Very pleased with my consistency and improvements. I almost fell off the erg last week. Yesterday I went hard for the final rep but still a little within myself (I was already disobeying Pete who doesn't ask you to put more into the last rep for a few weeks!) and beat the 6x500 time by 3 seconds over the whole 3,000m.

That's Week 2 finished I think. Still have 2 optional rows to do, but if you saw my earlier post I did a 12minute SS and a 2k test already this week, so I should probably practice what I preach and get off the erg. I did just hit 50,000m yesterday so seems like a good time to take a break. The weather is abysmal so no long walks for me this weekend.
iain wrote:
November 22nd, 2024, 10:32 am

You need to get flexible as different rates are required for different situations. The hardest part of rating up is getting your breathing coordinated, so while not mentioned in BPP, I believe that doing 500 intervals we need to concentrate on settling quickly into 2k breathing pattern that is 2 breaths per stroke for most.
Also if you are only just getting used to rowing with a stronger stroke through the SS rows, it may take a little while before you translate this to higher ratings on the intervals.
Rating was up a little but still some work to do. It's a lot of inexperience on my part - the first rep was a bit all over the place. Went out at 32 before bringing myself back in. And also playing around with force and SR as I am a bit stronger than I am fit, so slow and steady is easier and 30+ SR tires me out quickly. Thanks for the tips, tried to work on my breathing and also tweaking the SR up and down.
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Joris » November 25th, 2024, 8:57 am

Week 7 Day 5 [3 x 1500m / 3min rest] – Last week you did 2000m reps, so go for a pace 1sec faster than you managed for that last week. Remember to try to keep the pace consistent across each repetition.

Target: 2:07.
(My last 2000m reps were at 2:13 on average, but since I felt I had some margin left that time, and since I had the weekend off, I decided to set a much sharper target)

I managed to succeed the first two reps at 2:07 and could do the last rep at 2:06, with almost nothing left in the thank afterwards.
So I assume this was probably the right target for me at this stage.

Strangely my heart rate stagnated around 173 in the end, while I expected to beat the previous high of 178. I tried to push harder, but my legs simple didn't allow me anymore.

For further improvement, I might have to focus some more on my stroke rate since I could 'only' get it up to 24,5 (first two reps) or 25,5 (last rep) That seems much slower than others do at these kind of distances.

Up to week 8, with a SS distance of 8,5k.
M 1983 1m80 61kg / 5'9 134lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » November 25th, 2024, 4:58 pm

Week 3 day 1. 6,000m. Same pace as 5,5k last week. I started going a bit fast last week so my aim was mid 2.20s at around 24 to speed up my slow stroke rate a little.

Code: Select all

Metres  Time	Pace	Watts	S/M	
6,000m	28:57.8	2:24.8	115     24
1,200m	5:55.0	2:27.9	108     23
1,200m	5:47.0	2:24.5	116     24
1,200m	5:46.7	2:24.4	116     24
1,200m	5:44.3	2:23.4	119     24
1,200m	5:44.8	2:23.8	118     24
DF 125
Very pleased that I reined the pace in and almost managed a full negative split by accident. Felt reasonably good. I started slow on purpose with my fast 5.5k at the back of my mind and then struggled a bit in the middle - slept very badly last night so I'm blaming that. Pace was fine but it felt harder than I expected and the goal distance felt long. But after the first 2,500 settled in nicely and felt like I was in a true SS and could have gone the same again (I couldnt have, this is the furthest I've ever rowed. But I *felt* like I could've!). I was also able to row quite consistently with the live split time not changing by even a second for several strokes in a row (a new one for me!). And I got to watch Brad Pitt and Eric Bana fight each other in Troy for entertainment, so all in all a very enjoyable half hour. HR hit a high of 100 apparently. Don't believe the Fitbit (it was 152 yesterday after getting Christmas decs down from the loft!) so might ask Santa for a chest monitor.

Hopefully be able to do splits tomorrow - 2x2,000m at around 2.20-2.22. Sounds easy - touch wood.
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by PleaseLockIn » November 26th, 2024, 6:56 am

Nomark wrote:
November 25th, 2024, 4:58 pm
Week 3 day 1. 6,000m. Same pace as 5,5k last week. I started going a bit fast last week so my aim was mid 2.20s at around 24 to speed up my slow stroke rate a little.

Code: Select all

Metres  Time	Pace	Watts	S/M	
6,000m	28:57.8	2:24.8	115     24
1,200m	5:55.0	2:27.9	108     23
1,200m	5:47.0	2:24.5	116     24
1,200m	5:46.7	2:24.4	116     24
1,200m	5:44.3	2:23.4	119     24
1,200m	5:44.8	2:23.8	118     24
DF 125
Very pleased that I reined the pace in and almost managed a full negative split by accident. Felt reasonably good. I started slow on purpose with my fast 5.5k at the back of my mind and then struggled a bit in the middle - slept very badly last night so I'm blaming that. Pace was fine but it felt harder than I expected and the goal distance felt long. But after the first 2,500 settled in nicely and felt like I was in a true SS and could have gone the same again (I couldnt have, this is the furthest I've ever rowed. But I *felt* like I could've!). I was also able to row quite consistently with the live split time not changing by even a second for several strokes in a row (a new one for me!). And I got to watch Brad Pitt and Eric Bana fight each other in Troy for entertainment, so all in all a very enjoyable half hour. HR hit a high of 100 apparently. Don't believe the Fitbit (it was 152 yesterday after getting Christmas decs down from the loft!) so might ask Santa for a chest monitor.

Hopefully be able to do splits tomorrow - 2x2,000m at around 2.20-2.22. Sounds easy - touch wood.
Just note that even if it feels quite hard, you canrow faster - you have it in you. Our brain deliberately restricts our max effort. I find with good music I can significantly speed up and still not be that hard.

[3 x 1000m / 3min rest] – A new interval session now, working around the same intensity as the 6 x 500m session you did in week 1 (and perhaps as an optional session last week). Try for the same pace you did for that session in week 1.

The target was completely conservative. I managed 4:17.x r22, 4:16.x r23, and 4:10.x r23 at UT1 (the first 2 lower end, the last one upper end). I should increase my intensity to AT (can speak a couple words pace). Perhaps I start at 2:07 and go lower, or even be more ambitious and try a 2:05-2:06 target.

Before that I warmed up with ~2:25 strapless at r18, with some very strong strokes at 2:01 r20. Then I did some 1:58 ish strokes at r20. I wasn't tired after that... it was just my warmup. But yes, I understand the difficulty. That's why I need to row.

Using the force curves for Concept 2 for my warmup (used Skillrow for the rows)... the first half is decent but the second half is quite tragic - going down and then the force curve only going down a bit before gradually going down. Bad transition between upper body and legs.

Day 3 I will keep a 2:18 split but progressively lower the stroke rate to 18 or even 17, in preparation for my 1:59.x 20-minute r20 ~2 months later. I don't have high hopes for it but I will continue rowing more and refining my technique. That's my only hope...

This is what happens when you start rowing without experience in high school. Without a huge fitness base it's gonna be difficult to catch up to university standards even in a relatively lenient place.

I had eggs after my training. I need the protein I can get to build muscle, and bulk up a couple kilos before my semester 2 tryouts.

PS. Wow Nomark. Your SS is mid 2:20s and yet your intervals are nearly 2:00. What a huge differenve! Meanwhile my SS is 2:18 at UT2 while I am struggling to get my intervals to 2:05 let alone 2:00 (tho to be fair I did the 2:05 one at upper UT1, not above AT). Your 2k is a 8:10, meanwhile... I am not sure if I have a 8:10 2k right now.

While I am still significantly slower in SS (though to be fair I plan to stick at UT2 pace and lower my stroke rate to 18) and especially intervals (beginners going sub 2:00 or close on intervals, versus my lagging 2:07 now) I have now closed part of the gap, and at least 20 minute r20 in a bit over 2 months does not seem delusional for now.
18M 175 cm 67kg

(Nov 2024 serious start) 2024 PBs: 6900m 30r20, 12*500m R1 2:04 r24 (last 1:59 r20), 7:58 2k
2025 PBs: 2:27 UT2 pace, 1:34.6 LP, 18:10 4325m r20

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Nomark » November 26th, 2024, 5:20 pm

PleaseLockIn wrote:
November 26th, 2024, 6:56 am

Just note that even if it feels quite hard, you canrow faster - you have it in you. Our brain deliberately restricts our max effort. I find with good music I can significantly speed up and still not be that hard.
Yes that's true, but in this case it was deliberately supposed to be a slower SS, I was just trying to explain that I felt like I was having an off day to start with but felt good by the end

As an aside, I'm going to try and stop saying "I could have gone harder" on my all out sessions in future because it sounds stupid to me - if you could have gone faster, why didn't you? Invariably I could always go faster, just because my mind is limiting me and not my body doesn't mean it didn't feel like my limit at the time.
PleaseLockIn wrote:
November 26th, 2024, 6:56 am
Perhaps I start at 2:07 and go lower, or even be more ambitious and try a 2:05-2:06 target
My view is that intervals are the one session a week when you fall off the machine by the end. As Pete says, pick a pace you know you can complete the intervals with and then go all in at the end. Id go ambitious because until you do, you never know. It's easy to say we could have gone faster, but until we do you just don't know for sure.
PleaseLockIn wrote:
November 26th, 2024, 6:56 am
PS. Wow Nomark. Your SS is mid 2:20s and yet your intervals are nearly 2:00. What a huge differenve! Meanwhile my SS is 2:18 at UT2 while I am struggling to get my intervals to 2:05 let alone 2:00 (tho to be fair I did the 2:05 one at upper UT1, not above AT). Your 2k is a 8:10, meanwhile... I am not sure if I have a 8:10 2k right now.
Thanks, but that's what almost 30kgs will do for you! :D Still not sure about my SS speed. I think low 20s is good. I could do more but then I'd be tired or achy the next day and it wouldn't be SS. I'm not sure if I have a big difference in pace or you have a small one or somewhere in between, but I think it works for me.

Anyway, onto today - week 3 day 2. 2k x2, 4min rest. I had a feeling that SS-2 seconds would be too slow and it was. Since I managed a (too fast) 5.5k SS- 6 seconds last week, it didn't feel like an interval session at all, so I sped up the second one. I don't know if the intention is to prepare with a speed that you can cope with over 3 or 4 reps in the future. Managed to get a good sweat on nonetheless and I could barely have imagined doing back to back 2ks a few weeks ago, so maybe the purpose of the workout today was a confidence boost and a see-how-far-youve-come-already type thing.

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Metres  Time	Pace	Watts	S/M	
4,000m	17:49.6	2:13.7	146     25
2,000m	9:19.7	2:19.9	128     24
2,000m	8:29.9	2:07.4	169     26
DF 127
SS pace 2:24
Happy enough with that. Splits are usually my favourite workout of the week, but this felt a bit like falling between two stools. Not quite fast enough to feel good but not SS metres either. At least it gives me a good average to work from for the next long splits, and there's an optional 6x500m on day 5 this week to go hard on.

My HR was 150 which is much more plausible. Good Fitbit. Apparently my resting HR has dropped from 63 to 60 in the past 2 weeks. Another good motivator!
M 1982 6'1 205lbs

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