New to Rowerg - easy way to set up workouts?

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New to Rowerg - easy way to set up workouts?

Post by JoeChaos » October 27th, 2024, 7:25 pm

I got a Rowerg in Covid lockdown (UK based) or just after due to the long lead times to get one. I then could not use it for several months due to an injury (broken bone). SO I kind of didn't get into using it when it was new and my interest was up.

More recently I have become sedentary so out comes my rowerg for some correction to this. SO I am looking to use tech to maintain the interest in it and to apply some form of traoining plan to my rowerg use. There are plans out there such ass PEte's beginner plan and even a concept 2 beginners plan. Some of them mean a bit of playing around with the PM5 to set up. I think I will find that a bit annoying if it takes severeal minutes to set up. I mena when a plan says intervals with so many seconds at high intensity then so many easy, etc. I wonder if there is something on PM5 that allows a rapid setup? Or perhaps do C2 have an app that links to the PM5 to set up the session for you?

I am thnking of using my garmin fenix 6 to record and remind me what the plan I end up using sets me for the session. I intend to reecord my training on my garmin app / account. Does PM5 or the log sync with garmin? If I use my watch and the pm5 to record the session, anyone know an eassy way to sync the two / combine the data better than jsut picking one? I could just use my watch to transmit the HR to PM5 and on to my log. Is this the best way to use the rowerg and record data on how you are doing?

Can you use the rowerg to carry out a VO2 max test using the HRM on the watch or a chest strap? I am jsut thinking about gamifying it a bit with data. I am a data geek I reckon.

Final thing, as I am starting from an unfortunately low start, which beginner plan is best? STill Pere's or is there a better? I saw one that had 2.5k row as first day, then up to 5k the second. It did say tht you could half it if needed but TBH it all seemed like slightly up on a true beginner plan.

Any other advice?

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Re: New to Rowerg - easy way to set up workouts?

Post by Tsnor » October 27th, 2024, 8:11 pm

JoeChaos wrote:
October 27th, 2024, 7:25 pm
... when a plan says intervals with so many seconds at high intensity then so many easy, etc. I wonder if there is something on PM5 that allows a rapid setup? Or perhaps do C2 have an app that links to the PM5 to set up the session for you?
Setting up intervals (example 30 seconds high 90 seconds rest) is 5-10 button presses on the PM5. Easy once you know how to do it. However some people like aps better.

Ergdata will let you program a workout on your phone/tablet and then transfer it to the pm5. Ergdata will also let you download a workout from somewhere else (example "workout of the day") and transfer it to your PM5.

Your watch (garmin fenix 6) will also connect directly to the pm5 (using ANT+ fe-c). That allows you to set up workouts in garmin connect then transfer them to the pm5 via your watch. I don't know if any of the garmin coaching aps have pre-generated PM5 workouts you can use.
JoeChaos wrote:
October 27th, 2024, 7:25 pm
I am thnking of using my garmin fenix 6 to record and remind me what the plan I end up using sets me for the session. I intend to reecord my training on my garmin app / account. Does PM5 or the log sync with garmin? If I use my watch and the pm5 to record the session, anyone know an eassy way to sync the two / combine the data better than jsut picking one?
I do this (with a garmin 265 watch) and like the way I set it up. There are other approaches that work. Getting everything to connect effortlessly takes a bit of setup, then remembering to do a few things in order. Kind of clumsy, but hey. Example, after telling your garmin watch "indoor rowing" it will auto connect with your PM5, but you still have to manually tell your watch "workout started" when you start rowing or it will not record any data.

One time Setup:
1.Ergdata on a phone bluetooth connected to the pm5.
2.Garmin watch ant+ fe-c connected to the pm5.
3.(I use a polar HR belt ant connected to the pm5, you would use your watch HR broadcast function).
4.Tell the C2 log *not* to replicate with Garmin.

When you row, power on the pm5 by pressing a button. Launch egdata and let it connect. HR gets connected automatically. Select "indoor row" on your watch and start it. Setup and do your workout.

Garmin Connect will get wattage, splits, HR data, etc from the PM5 via your watch. Intervals are messed up, no way to fix the reported data. There are several threads on this. With the data your watch gets Garmin will include rowing workouts in your fitness metrics. If you hand enter the same data Garmin ignores it.

The C2 log gets everything as usual. So you accumulate kms rowed towards your free 1M meter t-shirt, can have training partners, can join groups for team challenges like the "holiday challenge" coming up.
JoeChaos wrote:
October 27th, 2024, 7:25 pm
Can you use the rowerg to carry out a VO2 max test using the HRM on the watch or a chest strap?
Do your best 2K then plug it in here for VO2max from rowing.
Garmin will *NOT* use rowing HR or power data to approximate VO2max, but it will use running or walking or <cycling if you have a power meter> to give your vo2max.
JoeChaos wrote:
October 27th, 2024, 7:25 pm
Final thing, as I am starting from an unfortunately low start, which beginner plan is best? STill Pere's or is there a better? I saw one that had 2.5k row as first day, then up to 5k the second. It did say tht you could half it if needed but TBH it all seemed like slightly up on a true beginner plan.
Best beginner plan is the one you'll follow. Modify the heck out of whatever plan you choose. DON'T go hard the first 3 months, let your form develop and let your back muscles get a chance vs your already strong leg muscles. Consider watching a few form videos on youtube from Concept2 Australia, get on the erg, put on some music, an audiobook or a video and just row for 15 minutes each day. Increase time every week or so. Take a day off when you want to. Eventually get where you can row 45 mins at an easy pace. Then look into beginner programs.

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Re: New to Rowerg - easy way to set up workouts?

Post by jamesg » October 28th, 2024, 2:24 am

C2 offers workouts (WODs) in Ergdata that are quickly loaded to a phone and to PM.

The WODs can be done at any Power level, since they are not too long:

Today's is 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00 - equal work and rest.
Yesterday's was 20 x 45s work, 45s rest.
Both need at least 15 minutes warmup.

If new to rowing, see C2's instructions for use here: ... que-videos

The typical aspect of rowing is that we do a lot of work in say 0.6s, and then none for 2 seconds or more, in each stroke. This implies high repeated forces, so warmup and technique are essential to avoiding injury.

If you want to race 2k, you'll need a specific progressive plan. There are about 200 here, for all levels:

NB all the above plans etc are specific to rowing.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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