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[old] Rocket Roy
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Post by [old] Rocket Roy » November 1st, 2004, 10:32 am

Rich,<br><br> It looks like every time ASH raises his spm by 2 he drops the target by 6 seconds.

[old] lowwall
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Post by [old] lowwall » November 1st, 2004, 2:24 pm

Thnaks for the nice words Rocket Roy. I hate that third 500, plenty of pain, not enough oxygen and then end seems so far away :-/<br><br>I've got a new one to add: 82:27.5 for the half marathon. I pretty much kept a steady 1:57.8 until the last 2500, then gradually picked it up to get it down to 1:57.3 overall. Last 500 split was 1:50.<br><br>Does this mean I'm ready for the sub 2:00/500 marathon?<br><br>Alex<br>36/M/H

[old] Byron Drachman
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Post by [old] Byron Drachman » November 3rd, 2004, 9:52 am

Mr. Wimp returns to erging after a 10-year absence. It was not a pretty sight.<br><br>The model D arrived yesterday. What a beauty! The problem is that I’m not used to seeing such big numbers for 500m split times. I did some easy rowing and looked at the force curve. It looked like the samples shown except once in a while I saw a little extra peak during the last part of the drive or finish. Most of the time it looked like the samples, however. I tried rowing strapless and that felt the same as with straps. Finally I couldn’t resist and decided to try a 500m interval. The time was 1:49.6 <br><br>Yikes! That couldn’t be because I’m ten years older, could it? If I remember right, that used to be my relaxed, cruising speed. Since that was my only attempt, I’ll call that my personal best. <br><br>I’ve been doing nothing but cycling and rowing on wheels for the last few years, and although the rowing on wheels might be a little related to rowing on an ergometer, it is very different. Here I am (my avatar) on my wonderful retro rowing-on-wheels chariot, an Irish Mail made by Ferez Industries:<br><br><a href=' ... h_mail.jpg' target='_blank'> ... ail.jpg</a> <br><br>As you can see, there is no sliding seat and it is much more of an upper body workout, especially abs and back. You do push with the legs but not like on the rowing ergometer. Maybe that’s why I tend to get a little extra blip near the finish. Maybe I’m pulling too hard with the arms at the finish. <br><br>Maybe I’ll spend some more time rowing easily and looking at the force curve, and work on technique for a while before trying any hard work, although only doing easy rowing will be a battle given I might have a small problem with compulsive behavior. <br><br>Other newbies have reported discomfort with the hard seat. I do remember from long ago that people would start out sitting on towels, cushions, etc., and eventually they would not need them. Until that happens, I think I’ll sit on a Therm-a-Rest air cushion ($9.99 at Campmore) with just a little air in it. Ah, that’s better. <br><br>This is a minor point, but I notice on the video and also on the C2 website that the rowers have their heels lifted at the catch. Didn’t that used to be a no-no?<br><br>Byron<br><br><br>

[old] Afterburner
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Post by [old] Afterburner » November 3rd, 2004, 2:49 pm

New 30min PB last night. One of the coaches at the local rowing club has talked me into submitting my erg scores to the USRowing national team testing this year. I never would have done a 30min test otherwise.<br>As for the time, it was 30min, 7481 meters. Ave split of 2:00.3 Ave SPM of 31.<br>The first 10 minutes just cruised on by, no big deal. The next 5 weren't too bad although I was starting to feel it in the legs. The next 5 after that were harder but I still managed to mostly hold my split. After that for the last 10 min it was just a matter of trying to keep from stopping and letting the split get too high although it did go up by a few secs. Last 2 min I managed to pull it back down and the last minute had a nice sprint in it.<br>All said and done I'm very happy especially considering I'd never done a 30min test before.<br><br>Heather Johnson<br>F20 158lbs 5'7"<br>2k 7:32.2 20min 5057 30min 7481

[old] Atorrante
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Post by [old] Atorrante » November 3rd, 2004, 8:38 pm

10K in 39:10

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » November 4th, 2004, 4:00 am

Well done Heather... oh to be young again ...

[old] NavigationHazard
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Post by [old] NavigationHazard » November 4th, 2004, 10:05 am

<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I’ve been doing nothing but cycling and rowing on wheels for the last few years, and although the rowing on wheels might be a little related to rowing on an ergometer, it is very different. Here I am (my avatar) on my wonderful retro rowing-on-wheels chariot, an Irish Mail made by Ferez Industries:<br><br><a href=' ... h_mail.jpg' target='_blank'> ... ail.jpg</a> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br><br><br>Forum readers may be interested to know that Byron Drachman's 1-rower cycle by no means exhausts the possibilities:<br><br><img src=' ... alifax.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><br>is the 2001 version of an ambitious -- some might say ludicrous -- attempt to cross Canada from sea to sea in an erg-powered car....<br><br>For the whole story see <a href='' target='_blank'>Rowing Across Canada</a><br><br><br>

[old] TheHagueDragon
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Post by [old] TheHagueDragon » November 4th, 2004, 10:56 am

Today i wanted to row my first 1K. I started with 10 minutes with 2:05/500 average to get warm.<br>After a few minutes rest and some water i did the 1K.<br>My time (PB) was 3:17:8 with 1:38/500 average.<br><br>Two weeks ago i did my first 2K in 7:00:2. Does anyone know what time is possible with my 1K time? Twice my time is 6:38. So i think 6:45 should be possible.

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » November 4th, 2004, 11:10 am

I always go by- double the time and add 10 seconds, so I would think a 6:46ish is on for you.<br><br>My 1k is 3:04.2 and 2K is 6:24.0. Either my 1K is fast or my 2K is slow. I think (hope) my 2K is out of date.<br><br>Sir Pirate

[old] Atorrante
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Post by [old] Atorrante » November 5th, 2004, 9:45 pm

1 million meters in 68:06:39.

[old] Jazz
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Post by [old] Jazz » November 7th, 2004, 6:17 pm

<br><br>Started June 04 , first Time trial at 2000m was 7:20ish. Today new PB 6:56.8 with more to come soon. Goal for season end sub 6:50.<br><br>Cheers

[old] TheHagueDragon
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Post by [old] TheHagueDragon » November 8th, 2004, 9:42 am

Two PB's on one day!<br><br>5k in 18:30:9! I was about 40 seconds faster than my old PB.<br>Then i took a 15 minutes break on the step trainer and after that i did 500m in a new PB: 1:30:7 (7 seconds faster than the old one)<br><br>10 seconds after i stopped i saw my heartbeat was 190, so i did not know what it was in the last meters i rowed. I think it's scary. Did i go to deep? I feel good though.....

[old] Atorrante
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Post by [old] Atorrante » November 8th, 2004, 5:18 pm

10K in 39:03

[old] Godfried
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Post by [old] Godfried » November 8th, 2004, 5:29 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-TheHagueDragon+Nov 8 2004, 03:42 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (TheHagueDragon @ Nov 8 2004, 03:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->10 seconds after i stopped i saw my heartbeat was 190, so i did not know what it was in the last meters i rowed.<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>If your Concept2 has the heart-rate-kit just check the memory of the monitor : PM2 directly after the row ; PM3 on the logcard or the log.

[old] Mark Keating
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Post by [old] Mark Keating » November 8th, 2004, 9:17 pm

After completing the first five weeks of C2's twenty week program in only nine weeks , I set out on my second 2K test of the program.<br>Previous PB was 7:45, so I thought 7:35 or better would be satisfactory given the infrequency of my training, so ...<br>decided on a target pace of 1:54 with the aim of reviewing and revising that pace at the 1000 and 1500 mark. Unfortunately, my dyslexia picked an inopportune time to flare up and ended up going out in 1:45 instead. <br>Roughly 501 meters in, the definition of "fly and die" became clear in my mind and I quickly came back to reality and settled in at 1:53 up to the 1750 mark. Had a little left in the tank and I used it all in the last 200, closing out at a pace of 1:47 or so with a HR of 187 (100% MHR) at the finish. <br><br>7:30.2, 29 SPM, relatively pleased, still shooting for 7:20 by year end.<br><br>Mark
