Knee pain after 500k this month

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Re: Knee pain after 500k this month

Post by JaapvanE » March 9th, 2024, 3:27 am

For future reference:

Dr. Amanda Painter (a.k.a. rhe Rowing Doc) is a medical professional and a rower. The link is to the first in a series about knee issues (she also describes other injuries in other videos).

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Re: Knee pain after 500k this month

Post by drluvguru » March 19th, 2024, 7:08 am

Last year, I went too hard preparing for a marathon and my knees paid the price. What really helped me out was this thing called laser therapy. It doesn't hurt or require anything scary. They use a special kind of light to ease the pain and help the knee get better by working deep under the skin to fix things from the inside.

I also started using knee tapes for extra knee support, which has been great. I buy them from a website that sells stuff for sports injuries. They really help my knee feel more secure when I'm moving around.

If you're looking for more tips on how to take care of your knees, check out this site ... d-to-know/.

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Re: Knee pain after 500k this month

Post by callenyman » March 21st, 2024, 11:50 pm

jamesg wrote:
February 27th, 2024, 5:07 am
Also check technique asap. Knee problems come from a closed knee angle at the catch, with the slide getting very close to your heels.

If so, you are likely using the wrong recovery sequence: ... que-videos

Stop the slide at 40-50cm from your heels, if necessary with a rope tied round the rail to act as a frontstop, so that the knee angle at the catch is >45°.

500k (in a month) is at least fifty thousand strokes, two thou a day, so you must make sure technique is perfect.
Man – this advice is so useful. Thank you. I'm really new to rowing, but I have a comprehensive background in both cycling, running, and strength training. I was able to handle a lot of volume aerobically, but my knees were just killing me after a month of rowing. The second I started to focus on keeping the knee angle from closing too much, the pain got ten times better. Now I just have some soreness left from before.

Also, in response to the initial poster, strengthening the knee joint and tibialis will help a lot. Deep squats, tibialis raises, and backwards sled drags/walking backwards on a treadmill works wonders for knee pain. Don't push through extreme pain, but keep in mind that the body tends to do poorly with avoiding certain movements. You need bloodflow to heal and grow stronger in weak areas, and that requires a stimulus. So, as the initial inflammation subsides, check out some of Ben Patrick's stuff online (kneesovertoesguy).

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