row23 wrote: ↑February 1st, 2024, 3:07 pm
jackarabit wrote: ↑January 31st, 2024, 3:52 pm
1-way clutch bearing in the flywheel ain’t “clutching”—delayed engagement with main shaft; flush out old lube grease and relube. Known issue which can be searched for details of flywheel removal and correction/freeing up of bearing operation.
So it sounds like a removing and re-oiling is in the schedule for this weekend. I read on another forum that you can use a toothbrush to gently scrub down the chain and then re-oil it. I'm hoping that fixes it, if not I'll undertake replacing the clutch bearing.
This might be kind of a dumb question but as I've never disassembled an erg before...when I remove and re-oil the chain, do I need to take the whole chain housing out from the underside of the erg and clean it, then reinstall it in the erg? Or can I just pull the chain out as far as it goes, wipe it off, re-oil it, and then put it back in as usual?
Thanks for the suggestions, definitely wouldn't have come to that conclusion on my own.
think 2 different things going on here.
1. Oiling the chain is good. But that is *not* related to oiling the 1-way clutch. To oil chain you do *not* need to remove chain. Just have someone pull it out slowing while you wipe it with a rag with 3inONE or your favorite oil. You need to oil the chain, and at 2M meter it should have been done several times, but it is not related to the clutch slipping. You can also use something like "Finish Line No Drip Chain Luber" which is easier than oil and rag.
2. the clutch you need to fix is in the flywheel bearing. It is *not* standard concept2 maintenance, but as posts above say it happens. Read some of the older forum posts that give detailed instructions. I've never needed to do this so am not going to try to repeat them. Here is one short video that gives details, however follow forum advice if it differs You can also try oiling it without pulling the flywheel like this guy does if you are not comfortable taking the flywheel off.
(note while you are in there oiling the clutch you can also clean the screen - you've done all the work of disassembly you just need to wipe the screen with a brush or cloth. Expect a higher drag factor next time you use the machine after screen cleaning so set your damper to a lower number to get the same feel. After 2m meter the screen is starting to get dirty which will give you a softer pull vs a clean screen. This is not to fix your slipping problem, this is normal maintenance).
If oiling the clutch doesn't fix the problem contact Concept2 support before you buy anything, part failure at 2m meters is not common and C2 support often does what's right rather than letter of the law. The nuclear option is to buy a new flywheel. You learned how to remove/install the flywheel when you oiled it. You can buy a new flywheel and install it the same way. There are also options to replace the bearing or have a machine shop replace the bearing, but flywheel is pretty cheap.