My one is a 2011 vintage.
Recently switched out the PM3(managed to get 70 quid for the PM3!!) for a PM5 and got a Coosspo heart monitor.
Finding Ergdata Workout of the day a really good motivator.
Compared to the model Es in the gym its got a much better catch.
As you push back with the legs you can immediately feel it activating core and lats.
There was a definite difference on the catch on the model E, felt a bit softer.
Going to continue with the ones at the gym. Going to try an follow the same process.
Do a workout at lunchtime and then proceed with one at the gym after work. They've got 5 of them. 1 down 4 to go.
If they all give the same kind of data then I'm thinking its the sensor/generator module.
Looking at the video on the concept2 site and it looks like a 10-15 minute task to switch out.
Still over the last couple of months I've started back on the rower after not really using it regularly.
Worked on the technique, blending technique drills into every workout.
And even though It's not showing time/power/calorie/distance properly its showing progression and its consistent in its wrongness

It just irks me though.