Planning on getting into marathon training on the erg. I already treat it like long form cardio, so 1h+ sessions aren't unusual for me. As I'm reading through fletcher's training guide however, I seem to be encountering some discrepancies with my own rowing experience and the expectation he has for HR and pace.
Here's a table in that guide which describes paces in terms of your 2K wattage:

(So my 2K W = 230, | 55%=125W | 60-65=138-149W | 65-70=150-161W | 70-75=161-172W | 75-80=172-184W )
Whenever I do long rows I usually do about 2:18, or around 133W. So that's 133W for about 14K (1H) per session. Avg HR 160.
The big thing he says a lot in his training guide is that you should really not go over the HR range for the session. As an example, a single 60' row on the chart looks like this:

80% of my HR is 160 and I hit that upper cap at 133W, my HR will certainly spike if I increase it to 150W (Marathon pace per the chart) and I'll fall out of the range. I haven't used HR ranges before because I think I tend to be about 15BPM higher than averages I find (and I'm a muscly dude so that makes sense) I just wonder if that training stimulus won't be affected.
Basically I don't want to adhere to the HR band and force myself to pull a 2:30 because I have a high HR, that's not gonna do anything for me. I also don't want to train in the grey zone and his advice of slowing down to stay in the right HR band is gonna make me pull a lot slower than I do even now, which is already pretty slow.