by Pendolino » August 15th, 2023, 9:13 pm
I have a question that I think belongs here... I've been rowing for about 3 months now, and the gains I've made in that short time have probably already put me at the fittest I've ever been. However, this fitness lark is still very new to me, and I'm wondering whether something I experience is normal...
Did a 9000 m (2:05 / 500 m) at r22 yesterday, which really demonstrated this thing - namely, that I find my energy comes in 'waves'. I've heard about the lactic acid burn, hell, I've definitely experienced it, but this is different... First 2000 m is always where I push through the initial asthma-ish-ness and clear out the lungs. After that, it's a bit of a roller coaster of energy levels through to the end. People talk about getting more and more tired as they go further, but I seem to work in reverse sometimes... After the first 2000 m, I'll enter a strange zone where I genuinely question if I'll be able to finish, because I start to feel weaknesses appearing, in breathing, in muscles, in general energy, and so on. I will then, every 1500 m or so, feel 'part of me' really starting to suffer, but another part really picking up, as though somebody has injected me with a performance enhancing drug or something! I'll then enter another hellish zone where my brain tries to convince me to stop, time slows down, and the metres count down painfully slowly, and the fear of failure rears its ugly head again.
200 metres later, that energy deep down returns and I push and sweat my way through the next 500-1000 metres with relative ease!
I wonder how much of this is psychological - the no man's land of the middle 60% is the worst for sure, but is still interspersed with periods of energy.
The question I want to ask, as an inexperienced practitioner of exercise is, 'is this normal'? I do operate at the upper end of what my body's capable of most of the time, and this has rewarded me with some really motivating gains in the past 3 months (5k in 25:17 then verus 20:22 now, felt like dying after both!) and I always find myself chasing that post workout high which gets me on the seat every single time, but am I doing something wrong? Recently I've found myself pendulating either side of my target pace by about 1 second on the distance work. I just can't work out if this is the cause of, or effect of, my undulating energy levels...
Also, I get massively different results out of different SPM's - I did a 3 x 1000 m the other day, first one at 20 SPM felt mega trying, but the next two at 30 SPM were pretty manageable. Reverse this for the SS and distance work - I feel out of breath at high spm on a longer piece, but at ~ 22 spm I can go probably 20% further for the same pace.
Is it all normal?!?! :shock: