Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 21st, 2023, 6:33 am

W12S4 8000m


93% RH
44F, 5'8", 150lb
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Rowan McSheen » July 21st, 2023, 7:09 am

Enjoy your weekend and refreshments in NYC, Fancyoats! I've never been there or to the other side of the pond but Junior visited a few years back and loved it.

W3S4. Instrux: maintain same pace as preceding 6000m and then speed up a little in final 1000.


Done but it felt a little harder than last time, possibly because of residual leg fatigue after a hard run yesterday. Stroke rate slightly higher. Perhaps I should have worn the hr strap. Anyway, onwards and upwards.
Stu 5' 9" 165 lb/75 kg (give or take a couple) born 1960

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Rowan McSheen » July 22nd, 2023, 6:56 am

I usually run and row on alternating days and today should be a run day. But we have a big Atlantic depression and the wind and rain are here for the foreseeable. So I wimped out ("if it ain't raining it ain't training!" the PTI used to shout at us when I was in the military many moons ago) and sat on the erg instead.

W3S5 Original instrux say to go 1 sec/500m faster than in W1 but I amended that to hold W1 pace (2:04.7) for the first five reps and beat it on the sixth.


It went well and I controlled the pace. Don't want to do too much too soon and struggle later in the plan. An enjoyable session, these short intervals fly by. Standing start for the first rep, rolling starts for the rest in order to go easy on a slightly creaky back.
Stu 5' 9" 165 lb/75 kg (give or take a couple) born 1960

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 23rd, 2023, 7:01 pm

Rowan McSheen wrote:
July 21st, 2023, 7:09 am
Enjoy your weekend and refreshments in NYC, Fancyoats!
Hey thanks! It's always great fun to visit with my two best friends from high school - had a lovely time! Now I'm back home and was able to squeeze in a quick erg session before dinner :D

W12S5 4x800/2min
Target was 2:16.9 from the 4x800 in week 9.


Felt good. I usually row first thing when I wake up, and I don't usually eat anything before, and don't usually eat anything after either, not til lunchtime. Interesting to feel the difference rowing later in the day having had some food a few hours beforehand. Felt like I had a lot more to give. But then again, these were pretty short intervals.
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 23rd, 2023, 7:34 pm

Also, the RH is way down to only 56% so that probably makes a difference too!
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 24th, 2023, 6:45 am

W13S1 10000m


I was just kind of cruising today. Average HR from today was down 15 from last week's 10k.

RH: 85%
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by badge48 » July 24th, 2023, 8:23 am

Hi there. I’m starting the bpp. I am posting to be accountable. Here’s the first session.


Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
22:13.3 5,000m 2:13.3 148 808 21 146
4:24.4 1,000m 2:12.2 151 821 21 136
4:29.0 2,000m 2:14.5 144 795 19 144
4:27.5 3,000m 2:13.7 146 803 21 149
4:26.9 4,000m 2:13.4 147 806 22 153
4:25.5 5,000m 2:12.7 150 814 23 152

Not sure how to insert the picture like others do.

Looking forward to the journey!
Adelaide South Australia. 50 yo. 185cm. 125 kg.

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Rowan McSheen » July 24th, 2023, 10:49 am

Welcome, badge48. Looks like you're off to a decent start.

To post images: They need to be on a publicly accessible server. Imgur is good for this. Upload your screen grab and copy the "direct link". On this board click on the insert image icon above and paste the url between the img codes in square brackets (the cursor defaults to there anyway). I check it out in the preview function to make sure all is good before submitting.
Stu 5' 9" 165 lb/75 kg (give or take a couple) born 1960

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Rowan McSheen » July 25th, 2023, 6:58 am

Storming final rep in those 800s, Fancyoats!

W4 S1 6,500m


Done as UT2, music in headphones and brain in neutral. Overall pace a smidge quicker than the preceding 6,000m but within normal variation. Eased off a little in the final 1,500 to remain within hr band (100-120 bpm). Not sure how it managed to calculate average stroke rate for each split as 20 but for the overall piece 19 spm.
Stu 5' 9" 165 lb/75 kg (give or take a couple) born 1960

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 25th, 2023, 7:23 am

W13S2 4x1000/3min


Not quite as quick as the 800s (thanks Rowan/Stu!). With these intervals, I feel I always come out hot at the start and then maybe a third of the way through each interval, I start backing way off to ease down to something closer to the target pace. It's front-loading the effort, and then gliding down to where I'm "supposed" to be. It's probably not ideal - we're supposed to finish stronger and faster.

RH 92% today.
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 25th, 2023, 7:26 am

badge48 wrote:
July 24th, 2023, 8:23 am
Hi there. I’m starting the bpp. I am posting to be accountable. Here’s the first session.
Welcome! Have you been rowing long?
44F, 5'8", 150lb
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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by badge48 » July 26th, 2023, 3:50 am


Took it fairly easy. Had wrong shoes in which distracted me!

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
11:36.1 3,000m 1:56.0 224 1071 27
1:57.1 500m 1:57.1 218 1050 29
1:55.9 500m 1:55.9 225 1073 28
1:56.3 500m 1:56.3 222 1065 26
1:55.6 500m 1:55.6 227 1079 26
1:54.4 500m 1:54.4 234 1104 27
1:56.7 500m 1:56.7 220 1057 26
Adelaide South Australia. 50 yo. 185cm. 125 kg.

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by badge48 » July 26th, 2023, 4:11 am

fancyoats wrote:
July 25th, 2023, 7:26 am
badge48 wrote:
July 24th, 2023, 8:23 am
Hi there. I’m starting the bpp. I am posting to be accountable. Here’s the first session.
Welcome! Have you been rowing long?
Thanks. I’ve rowed since my early teens. Stopped on the water around 30 yo. Done a fair bit of indoor on and off since then. It’s my ‘go to’ when I need to get back on the health bus…
Adelaide South Australia. 50 yo. 185cm. 125 kg.

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by Rowan McSheen » July 27th, 2023, 6:18 am

Another stormer of a final rep there, FO. You sure you're going hard enough in the others? :)

Nice set of 500m's by badge as well. I remember when I could go that fast!

Anyhoo: W4 S2, 3 x 1,000m 3-min recoveries.

Original instrux are to aim for the pace of the W1 500m reps. This is the session that I always struggled with in previous journeys through the BPP, the combo of pace and distance that I couldn't get right usually because I was taking it too fast even with the extra minute of recovery. So for the "BPP reimagined" I opted to pace it at halfway between the last set of 500m's and the 8-min reps of W2, bearing in mind a likely time of 4 minutes something per rep, and faster in the final rep if poss to take advantage of that extra minute of recovery. Went well, maybe a little conservative but there's plenty of the plan left to go.

Stu 5' 9" 165 lb/75 kg (give or take a couple) born 1960

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Re: Pondering the Beginner Pete Plan

Post by fancyoats » July 27th, 2023, 6:43 am

W13S3 2x15:00/2:00

Target was 2:31.5 from the 3x10:00 from last week, then faster on the second rep.


RH: 92%
44F, 5'8", 150lb
practice makes progress

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