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Re: magnets?

Post by Mikeeboy » July 13th, 2023, 6:46 am

All sorted now guys moved pick up closer to the magnets, works fine now which leads me to think magnets are on the way out, have ordered some anyway so if does go wrong again i know what the issue is

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Re: magnets?

Post by c2jonw » July 13th, 2023, 7:34 am

Good news, Mike. What's the gap now between the pickup and the magnets? Just wondering if the axle clip on the fan side of the flywheel has come off, which would allow the flywheel to shift away from the pickup.
73 year old grandpa living in Waterbury Center, Vermont, USA
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Re: magnets?

Post by Mikeeboy » July 13th, 2023, 12:01 pm

its about 5mm but hard to say as cant get the tape in properly, doesnt seem to be any play in the fly wheel so thats all good

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Re: magnets?

Post by Mikeeboy » July 13th, 2023, 2:06 pm

Jon, are you some sort of wizard,that was exactly the problem as i found to my horror as the fly wheel rammed into the cage going full pelt lol
so now i feel like s son going back to his dad,dad what do i do know, ive taken it apart but cant find a clip to tighten it and put it back together and guess what? it happened again lol
so now im stuck, might just buy a new sprocket system if thats easier
just moved the thing up to the eves of the garage too bloody thing

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Re: magnets?

Post by c2jonw » July 13th, 2023, 2:48 pm

Jon, are you some sort of wizard,
Nope, not a Wizard- just been around Model Bs a bit. So the retaining clip for the flywheel is the same as the retaining clip on the ends of the axle. You could take one of those off and bring it to a hardware store for comparison. Alternately you could get one from C2- they still include them in the axle kit so I'm sure they have them. I don't know the part number but if you call tech and ask for a couple Model B Retaining Clip- they should be able to help and may not even charge you for them. You will have to remove the Flywheel assembly from the frame and remove the fan side cage to get to the axle and install the clip in the groove. Good Luck....
73 year old grandpa living in Waterbury Center, Vermont, USA
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Re: magnets?

Post by Mikeeboy » July 19th, 2023, 8:01 am

ok so finally, got it sorted there was no circlip on the outside ridge, so 2 new circlips from concept 2 ( free of charge) and bosh all running fine
thanks for the help guys

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