Changing "split meters" box on screen

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Changing "split meters" box on screen

Post by Scoop99 » June 29th, 2023, 6:52 pm

When the screen on my erg is on the standard setting as in the picture, the second bottom section is "split metres" where it just gives you the quite useless number of how many metres you'e travelled so far this split ie, one fifth of whatever you're doing.
(To be clear,I'm not talking about the main 500m split part of the screen in large numbers, I'm talking about the smaller box with smaller point size, second from the bottom)
But one of the ergs at my gym is set to the /500m split pace for the section of the workout that I'm in. It's a far more useful number.
So my question is, how do I change my erg to do what the erg at the gym does. I've tried Googling with no luck.

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Re: Changing "split meters" box on screen

Post by Scoop99 » June 29th, 2023, 6:54 pm

Sorry, I appear to have failed to attach pic

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Re: Changing "split meters" box on screen

Post by Ombrax » June 29th, 2023, 7:27 pm

What PM are you using?

I'm more familiar with the PM 4, but have you tried pressing the "Units" or "Change Units" (to change what's shown in the display) in order to get what you want? You probably have, but on the PM 4 the "Change Units" and "Change Display" buttons (aka Units or Display on the PM 5) are the simplest way to control that sort of thing. ... ay-options ... shOnly.pdf

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Re: Changing "split meters" box on screen

Post by Citroen » June 30th, 2023, 4:25 am

The five grey buttons have an effect on the display as well.

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