2 hernias, is rowing still a safe bet for me?

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2 hernias, is rowing still a safe bet for me?

Post by yourpossumfriend » March 27th, 2023, 4:33 pm

Hi all! I used to row in the gym, for a long time. Since then, I have been diagnosed with both a hiatal hernia AND an incisional hernia (from hysterectomy scar). I'm wondering if anyone else has had either or both of these issues, and whether rowing has proved problematic. I'm out of shape and am considering ordering an erg, but would hate to then learn this is not something i should be considering. that would be just like me. :D :lol:

your possum friend in florida

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Re: 2 hernias, is rowing still a safe bet for me?

Post by Baraboobiker » April 2nd, 2023, 2:01 pm

Possum friend in Florida,

First off, I am not in the medical field, so take my advice for what it's worth. I also have two hernias, one in the groin area and one near the belly button. I row frequently with no adverse effects. My recommendation would be to either talk to your physician about this or call a sports medicine office and speak with one of the nurses. Probably also best to try rowing at a club before making a purchase. Good luck!

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Re: 2 hernias, is rowing still a safe bet for me?

Post by Sandeman » April 3rd, 2023, 4:22 am

My wife recently had a hernia and the doctor said she could do anything she wanted to as long as it didn't hurt too much.
So you're probably good, but always check these things with your own doctor(!). Good luck.
1976 male from the Netherlands; 1m98 , 110kg, started RowErging in 03/2022
PB's: 100m=0:18.6, 500m=1:44.3; 1k=3:51.6, 2k=8:01.8, 5k=21:29.3, 6k=26:29.0, 10k=42:44.6, 30min=7,022m, 60min=13,304m

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Re: 2 hernias, is rowing still a safe bet for me?

Post by jamesg » April 5th, 2023, 6:33 am

Reckon problems kill us by making exercise more difficult or dangerous, or getting us to think so, even tho' factually it's probably not. Only way out is risk it but carefully.

I sometimes see HR 240 and the meter blocked there, maybe due to spurious signals trying to tell my heart to do something it knows it can't. The blood rush noises I hear are normal, so if it didn't kill me first time, probably won't next.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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Re: 2 hernias, is rowing still a safe bet for me?

Post by yourpossumfriend » April 20th, 2023, 10:21 am

:) Thanks, all!

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