LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Team Progress Thru 1.25.23

Post by Kona2 » January 26th, 2023, 12:17 pm

Image 18th Overall !!! 9th in the Virtual Teams list!! Still true!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

4.25 MM Ron
2.7 MM Rich
2 MM Ken
1.9 MM Steve W
950 K Brett
950 K Dennis
850 K Howard
850 K Vanessa
750 K Patrick Hsr
250 K Tom R

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

GMan 1,017 m
Rebecca 1,516 m
David T 2,000 m
David W 2,000 m
Louie 2,000 m
Jeff M 2,007 m
Briana 2,500 m
Dan O' 3,235 m
Andrea 3,333 m...a palindrome!Image
Larry 3,500 m
Carol 4,018 m
Kris 4,048 m
Colin 4,246 m
Gene 5,184 m
Jodi 5,220 m
Maria 5,313 m
K2 6,538 m
Judy 6,588 m
Tom R 6,818 m
Ed 10,000 m
Ken 10,000 m
Patrick Hsr 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Pat E 10,009 m
Howard 10,011 m
Anya 10,195 m
Tombeur 10,209 m
Brent 10,231 m
Norma 12,543 m...for a palindromic challenge total of 405,504 m...whew!Image
Patrick Hmr 15,677 m
Vanessa 17,000 m

Image 21,097 m and more = mooners!

Steve W 21,097 m...a half marathon!
Cornel 21,513 m...mooner!
Brett 22,157 m...mooner!
Ron 22,222 m...a favorite palindrome! Doozy of a twosie! Mooner!Image
Gary 23,097 m...mooner!
Stuart 23,116 m...mooner!
Dennis 27,203 m...mooner!
Wild Bill 36,096 m...mooner!
Image Rich 50,000 m...half century!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BigBrett58 » January 26th, 2023, 4:32 pm

Good luck with your surgery Jan!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2023, 5:58 pm

ImageImageImage Image

Whoop, whoop and way to row, ski and bike erg! Congratulations, Brett, on achieving a ONE million meter erging season ...and pretty darn quick about it, too! We wish you many, MANY more milestones and celebrations!!

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Team Progress Thru 1.26.23

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2023, 6:43 pm

Image 18th Overall !!! 9th in the Virtual Teams list!! Still true!
But the gap is narrowing to number 17 !

Here we are almost to the finish of the Virtual Teams Challenge, and wondering if we can pull a new year rabbit out of ...well out of a team hat would be the politic way to say it! Snort. There are still several days, and lots of opportunity in those days...and I can't but wonder if there are some meter piggy banks out there that are just brimming full of meters to deposit...

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

6.15 MM Wild Bill
4.3 MM Ron
2.65 MM Tombeur
2.25 MM Minnie
1.75 MM Gary
1.4 MM K2
1.2 MM Judy
1.2 MM Cornel
1.2 MM Pat E
1 MM Brett - and thanks for the well wishes!
900 K Stuart

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us - for erging for yourselves! Is good for you! Welcome back to Shawn H!

Briana 1,775 m
Sorin 2,000 m
Mary O 2,038 m
Rebecca 2,055 m
Jeff F 3,031 m
Andrea 3,993 m...ooooh...a multiplier kind of palindrome (again, but still good!) Image
David T 4,000 m
Andrew C 5,000 m
Bill K 5,000 m
Carol 5,103 m
Teresa 6,006 m...a palindrome!Image
Judy 6,568 m
Brent 6,628 m
Steve W 7,000 m
Anya 10,000 m
Ed 10,000 m
Patrick Hsr 10,000 m
Shawn 10,000 m
Howard 10,004 m
Eric 10,043 m
Maria 10,550 m
Jodi 11,192 m
Rich 11,200 m
Tombeur 12,292 m
Ken 15,000 m
Patrick S 15,180 m
Gene 16,021 m
Minnie 16,988 m
Vanessa 17,000 m
danwho 17,171 m...a palindrome!Image
K2 18,000 m

Image 21,097 m and more = mooners!

David A 24,542 m...a palindrome and a mooner!Image
Ross 33,496 m...mooner!
Stuart 37,413 m...mooner!
Gary 40,063 m....mooner!
Ron 40,759 m...mooner!
Cornel 43,188 m...mooner!
Pat E 50,609 m...half century!
Brett 57,377 m..half century!
Wild Bill 78,135 m...half century plus a bunch!

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Team Progress Thru 1.27.23

Post by Kona2 » January 28th, 2023, 2:06 pm

Image 18th Overall !!! 9th in the Virtual Teams list!! Still true!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

3.1 MM Ed
1.25 MM Pat E
1.2 MM Ted
900 K Vanessa
400 K Scott
400 K Anya
200 K Peter G

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Brent 1,019 m
Ron M 2,875 m
Glen 4,000 m
Steve W 4,000 m
Larry 4,007 m
Carol 5,019 m
Scott 5,023 m
K2 5,494 m
Judy 6,558 m
Ed 10,000 m
Ken 10,000 m
Anya 10,007 m
Tombeur 10,390 m
David A 10,777 m
Gary 12,415 m
Brett 15,038 m
Peter G 20,096 m
Image Vanessa 34,200 m...mooner!
Image Pat E 36,400 m...mooner!
Image Ted 38,000 m...mooner!

A rare posting without a palindrome!!

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Team Progress Thru 1.28.23

Post by Kona2 » January 29th, 2023, 12:13 pm

Image 18th Overall !!! 9th in the Virtual Teams list!! Still true!

Thanks to our Lunie Challenge team members for keeping us at 9th in the virtual teams category!

There's cold and then there's COLD. I am not sure who is in charge of the weather here, but I am requesting WARMER. Snort. Amazed that some are keeping their dog walking schedules - nothing keeping them from making their appointed rounds! Wonder if they erg, too???

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.3 MM Pat E
1.1 MM Patrick Hmr
1.05 MM Brett
350 K David W

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Karyn 428 m
Larry 500 m
Patrick Hsr 1,000 m
Rebecca 1,220 m
Louie 2,000 m
Dan O' 2,163 m
Glen 3,039 m
Jason 3,298 m
Briana 3,587 m
Brickman 3,881 m
Terry 4,000 m
Howard 4,009 m
Kevin 4,478 m
Sorin 5,000 m
Gene 5,118 m
Maria 5,197 m
Judy 6,555 m
Andrea 7,777 m...a lucky 7 palindrome! An omen!Image
David W 8,000 m
Ian 8,546 m
Brent 9,799 m
Ed 10,000 m
Ken 10,000 m
Ron W 10,483 m
Tombeur 11,018 m
Gary 11,307 m
Patrick Hmr 14,388 m
Bill 15,000 m
Minnie 15,600 m
Image Ron 22,222 m...a palindrome! Mooner! Image
Image Brett 41,729 m...mooner!
Image Pat E 42,324 m...mega mooner!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » January 30th, 2023, 12:02 pm


I will fill in on the stats for a couple of weeks while K2 is on the mend.
And then she'll debut that new knee at Superbowl kickoff.
In the Virtual Team Challenge, we continue at 18th overall, and 9th among virtual teams. Still some time for one last Hurrah. I have struggled to get in my erg time during this challenge. Hasn't always been easy to locate the rower. But I think I've got it now.


MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Wild Bill ........... 6.2 MM
David A ............. 3.5 MM
Rich Cat ............ 2.75 MM
Gary W ............. 1.8 MM
Pat E ............... 1.35 MM
Brett M ............. 1.1 MM
Ian B ............... 950 K
Andrea C ............ 550 K
Gene B .............. 500 K
Briana .............. 50 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Briana .............. 500
Larry ............... 1,000
Brent B ............. 1,002
David W ............. 2,000
Rebecca ............. 2,033
Gene B .............. 3,000
Jason H ............. 3,755
Glen K .............. 4,000
Patrick Hmr ......... 4,426
Andrew C ............ 5,000
Sorin ............... 5,138
Jodi ................ 5,550
Andrea C ............ 5,995 🔔
Jeff D .............. 6,219
Carol W ............. 6,392
Ian B ............... 6,483
Judy A .............. 6,548
Dennis D ............ 10,000
Kevin Mc ............ 10,000
Howard .............. 10,013
Tombeur ............. 10,769
Ted C-G ............. 11,000
Steve W ............. 13,694
Minnie .............. 14,928
Vanessa W ........... 15,500
Patrick Hsr ......... 16,791
danwho .............. 17,171 🔔
Ron M ............... 21,412 🔔
Stuart .............. 23,089
Brett M ............. 25,072
Pat E ............... 26,060
Rich Cat ............ 26,267
Gary W ............. 30,097
David A ............. 30,490
Wild Bill ........... 40,048

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » January 31st, 2023, 11:50 am


Well alright, we made to the last day of the Virtual Team Challenge.
Not quite sure where we landed though. I hope someone brought water.

We continue at 18th overall, and 9th among virtual teams. And there's still time to add more meters.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Wild Bill ........... 6.25 MM
Ron M ............... 4.35 MM
Minnie .............. 2.3 MM
Kenneth G ........... 2.05 MM
Cornel B ............ 1.25 MM
Stuart .............. 950 K
Derric .............. 500 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Rebecca ............. 1,123 Image
Larry ............... 2,000 🎯
Louis F ............. 2,000 🎯
Kevin Mc ............ 2,298
Kiara ............... 2,885
Steve W ............. 3,000 🎯
Jason H ............. 3,103
John Y .............. 3,333 Image
Andre ............... 5,000 🎯
Shawn ............... 5,000 🎯
Carol W ............. 5,051
Ian B ............... 5,272
Jodi ................ 5,805
Ross ................ 5,925
Andrea C ............ 5,995 Image
David T ............. 6,000 🎯
Judy A .............. 6,566
Jeff D .............. 7,124
Gene B .............. 9,862
Derric .............. 10,000 🎯
Ed .................. 10,000 🎯
Patrick Hsr ......... 10,000 🎯
Howard .............. 10,010
Brent B ............. 10,244
Tombeur ............. 10,506
Pat E ............... 11,000 🎯
Maria CB ............ 11,032
Bil K ............... 12,000 🎯
Kenneth G ........... 15,000 🎯
David A ............. 15,388
Minnie .............. 15,865
Vanessa W ........... 17,000 🎯
Patrick Hmr ......... 20,164
Gary W ............. 21,097 Image
Ron M ............... 21,212 Image
Cornel B ............ 21,562
Stuart .............. 23,118
Brett M ............. 30,055
Rich Cat ............ 37,070
Wild Bill ........... 37,418

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » February 1st, 2023, 11:27 am


The last-day meters moved us from the middle of the desert to the top of a mountain. Now the fun part... getting down. Collect your happy thoughts.
We finished the Virtual Team Challenge at 18th overall, and 9th among virtual teams.

And don't forget to look up (near the North Star) for that rare green comet ☄, last seen by our Stone Age ancestors 50,000 years ago.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Chip ................ 11.1 MM
David A ............. 3.55 MM
Rich Cat ............ 2.8 MM
Gary W ............. 1.85 MM
Brent B ............. 1.75 MM
danwho .............. 1.55 MM
Brett M ............. 1.15 MM
Vanessa W ........... 950 K
Patrick Hsr ......... 800 K
Bill L .............. 700 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Larry ............... 500
Jason H ............. 566
Jeff F .............. 1,010
Gman ................ 1,028
Rebecca ............. 1,117
Jeff M .............. 2,006
Dan O ............... 2,055
David T ............. 2,500
Mary C .............. 2,535
Kevin Mc ............ 3,850
Brickman ............ 4,007
Howard .............. 4,011
Scott K ............. 4,457
Judy A .............. 4,715
Sorin ............... 5,000
Ross ................ 5,238
Tom R ............... 5,866
Patrick Hmr ......... 6,044
Jeff D .............. 7,364
Brent B ............. 8,123
Andrea C ............ 8,500
Patrick Hsr ......... 10,000
Derric .............. 10,000
Ed .................. 10,000
Kenneth G ........... 10,000
Patrick S ........... 10,500
Rick C .............. 11,263
David A ............. 14,318
Stuart .............. 14,441 Image
Minnie .............. 14,519
danwho .............. 17,171 Image
Vanessa W ........... 17,450
Gary W ............. 21,097 Image
Ron M ............... 21,407
Cornel B ............ 21,654
Bill L .............. 30,000
Wild Bill ........... 32,000
Rich Cat ............ 35,165
Brett M ............. 63,237
Chip ................ 291,365 Image

(In case you were wondering, today 4's are wild.)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » February 1st, 2023, 6:16 pm

Great graphics and commentary danwho! Thank you thank you thank you!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » February 1st, 2023, 8:40 pm

Kona2 wrote:
February 1st, 2023, 6:16 pm
Great graphics and commentary danwho! Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you! And you get well soon!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » February 2nd, 2023, 11:24 am


Rise and shine!! It's Groundhog Day... again.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Wild Bill ........... 6.3 MM
Ron M ............... 4.4 MM
Cornel B ............ 1.3 MM
Brett M ............. 1.2 MM
Patrick Hmr ......... 1.15 MM
Howard .............. 900 K
Ross ................ 300 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Ron W ............... 1,000 ⏰
Rebecca ............. 1,523 ⏰
Louis F ............. 2,000
Jeff M .............. 2,008
David T ............. 2,500
Donna N ............. 2,500
Brent B ............. 2,588
Briana .............. 3,506
Gene B .............. 4,297
Patrick Hsr ......... 5,000
Brickman ............ 5,000
Sorin ............... 5,000
Andre ............... 5,000
Roy P ............... 5,000
Ross ................ 5,356
Michael G ........... 5,530
Andrea C ............ 5,775 Image
Patrick S ........... 6,009
Tombeur ............. 6,261 ⏰
Carol W ............. 6,321 ⏰
Gary W ............. 6,628
William Hy .......... 6,767
Jeff D .............. 7,362
Jason H ............. 8,055
Ed .................. 10,000 ⏰
Kenneth G ........... 10,000 ⏰
Derric .............. 10,000 ⏰
Steve W ............. 10,452 ⏰
Maria CB ............ 10,531 ⏰
Howard .............. 11,008 ⏰
Patrick Hmr ......... 11,989 ⏰
David A ............. 14,198 ⏰
Rich Cat ............ 16,183 ⏰
Minnie .............. 16,989 ⏰
Vanessa W ........... 17,500 ⏰
Dennis D ............ 18,441 ⏰
Stuart .............. 19,242 ⏰
Ron M ............... 20,202 Image
Cornel B ............ 21,610 ⏰
Wild Bill ........... 40,042
Brett M ............. 50,000 Image

(1's are wild today)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » February 3rd, 2023, 11:14 am


That's one way of earning your hot chocolate.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Chip ................ 11.15 MM
Wild Bill ........... 6.35 MM
Ed .................. 3.15 MM
Rich Cat ............ 2.85 MM
Minnie .............. 2.35 MM
Brett M ............. 1.25 MM
Dennis D ............ 1 MM
Patrick S ........... 900 K
Carol W ............. 750 K
Jeff D .............. 450 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Rebecca ............. 1,028 🍪
Brent B ............. 1,084 🍪
Mary C .............. 3,020
Judy A .............. 3,216
Jeff M .............. 4,020
Brickman ............ 5,000
William Hy .......... 5,000
Andre ............... 5,000
Shawn ............... 5,000
Gene B .............. 6,000
Carol W ............. 6,007
Ross ................ 6,675
Eric J .............. 7,299
Patrick Hsr ......... 7,796
Jeff D .............. 8,017 🍪
Ed .................. 10,000
Dennis D ............ 10,000
Kenneth G ........... 10,000
Derric .............. 10,000
Gary W ............. 10,043
Howard .............. 11,009
Bil K ............... 12,000
David A ............. 12,077
Minnie .............. 15,614
Cornel B ............ 15,637
Patrick S ........... 16,194
Vanessa W ........... 17,555
Ron M ............... 20,502 Image
Rich Cat ............ 23,012
Wild Bill ........... 39,878 🍪
Brett M ............. 50,012 Image
Chip ................ 59,305 Image

(8's are wild today, palindromes are always wild)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » February 4th, 2023, 11:16 am


Wow, I remember when it was just Over the River and Through the Woods.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Wild Bill ........... 6.4 MM
Ron M ............... 4.45 MM
Steve W ............. 1.95 MM
Brett M ............. 1.3 MM
Ron W ............... 1.05 MM
Vanessa W ........... 1 MM
Stuart .............. 1 MM
Bil K ............... 850 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Patrick S ........... 1,051
Rebecca ............. 1,219
Tom R ............... 2,221
David T ............. 2,500
Sharon .............. 2,689
Sorin ............... 5,000
Shawn ............... 5,000
Roy P ............... 5,000
Gary W ............. 5,016
Ian B ............... 5,514
Andrea C ............ 5,995 Image
Gines S ............. 6,261
Kevin Mc ............ 6,519
Carol W ............. 7,018 🥧
Linda H ............. 7,263 🥧
Steve W ............. 7,383 🥧
Gene B .............. 7,514
David W ............. 8,000
Tombeur ............. 8,291
Ed .................. 10,000
Kenneth G ........... 10,000
Howard .............. 11,013
Ron W ............... 11,019
Bil K ............... 12,000
Dennis D ............ 13,431 Image
David A ............. 14,520
Jeff D .............. 15,595
Vanessa W ........... 17,600 🥧
Brent B ............. 18,139
Ron M ............... 20,802 Image
Stuart .............. 30,399
Wild Bill ........... 40,267
Brett M ............. 49,988 Image

(7's are wild today, palindromes are always wild)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » February 5th, 2023, 11:32 am


Okay, double or nothing.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Tombeur ............. 2.7 MM
Gary W ............. 1.9 MM
Brett M ............. 1.35 MM
Maria CB ............ 650 K
Jason H ............. 350 K
Karyn G ............. 200 K

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Brent B ............. 1,014
Gman ................ 1,017
Rebecca ............. 1,117
Jeff M .............. 2,011
David T ............. 2,500 🎲
Ron W ............... 3,000
Briana .............. 4,032
Ross ................ 4,649
Jason H ............. 4,872
Sorin ............... 5,000 🎲
Roy P ............... 5,000 🎲
Gene B .............. 5,316 🎲
Maria CB ............ 5,353 🎲
Jeff F .............. 6,065 🎲
Tombeur ............. 6,276
Gines S ............. 6,444
Patrick Hsr ......... 6,793
Andrea C ............ 7,777 Image
Ed .................. 10,000
Derric .............. 10,000
Howard .............. 11,012
Rich Cat ............ 15,035 🎲
Minnie .............. 15,485 🎲
danwho .............. 17,171 Image
Vanessa W ........... 18,000
Ron M ............... 20,602 Image
Gary W ............. 21,097 Image
Karyn G ............. 35,187 🎲
Brett M ............. 40,000

(5's are wild today, palindromes are always wild)

The US Rowing Indoor National Championships are still going on in Atlantic City. You can see events and results at ... ships.aspx.

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