Tips for making the damper settings readable?
Tips for making the damper settings readable?
The black case and the fact that the damper numbers are on the side (and impressed rather than marked in contrasting color) means that it is exceedingly difficult to dial in the precise damper setting when you are perched on the BikeErg. This is especially an issue when you are asked to do a recalibration, which happens quite frequently. Any tips for marking damper settings so that they are easily seen when on the bike? Seems like Concept2 could offer a sticker/decal that could be applied to the top side of the flywheel case. Barring that, perhaps a silver Sharpie or a white paint pen for marking them? Anyone come up with easy and effective solutions?
Re: Tips for making the damper settings readable?
On my rower I added stickers where the nost important DF's are. But realise the DF changes during the season and depending on maintenance. So it isn't as static as you'd expect (hence te recalibration on bikeErg's).
Package maintainer of OpenRowingMonitor, the open source PM5
Re: Tips for making the damper settings readable?
I’m asking about damper settings, not drag factor.
Re: Tips for making the damper settings readable?
Shouldn't standard sticker sets work there?
Shouldn't standard sticker sets work there?
Package maintainer of OpenRowingMonitor, the open source PM5
Re: Tips for making the damper settings readable?
I cut thin strips of white electrical tape and spaced them 10 DF "points" apart on the housing. I also put a thin strip on the damper handle. Now I can see when the strips line up.
Yes, the drag factor will change slowly over time, but the strips are just a reference and I can fine tune it as necessary.
Yes, the drag factor will change slowly over time, but the strips are just a reference and I can fine tune it as necessary.
Mark Underwood. Rower first, cyclist too.