Sprocket bearing required?

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Sprocket bearing required?

Post by clscRower » January 22nd, 2023, 2:40 pm


My rowerg made a weird noise as if something was caught in the gears, when I looked inside the sprocket plastic bearing was torn and got caught the gears and tore apart. I removed rest of the broken plastic, now there is no bearing on either side of the sprocket gear.

My question is, how important is the bearing for rowerg function?, would it damage the chain or impact any functionality?

P.S: I tried attaching picture, but this forum is not letting me attach 100kb pic.


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Re: Sprocket bearing required?

Post by jamesg » January 27th, 2023, 1:50 am

how important is the bearing for rowerg function?
Essential. It's a one-way bearing acting as a clutch, so that pulling the handle spins the flywheel, but returning is free, like the freewheel on most bikes.

So it's the same as rowing: pulling one way the blade's in the water; but not when we slide forwards for the next stroke.
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Re: Sprocket bearing required?

Post by GreenStratMan » January 27th, 2023, 2:45 am

Is the op referring to the plastic strips on the sprocket?
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Re: Sprocket bearing required?

Post by Cdub » January 27th, 2023, 5:44 pm

Photo would have helped but it sounds like you are talking about the main sprocket which the chain engages with.
Also helpful would have been knowing the age of your rower.
No matter what, if there are pieces coming off from around the sprocket/axle, the simplest thing to do is replace at least the sprocket but you might as well replace the entire axle/sprocket/bearing/chain assembly and probably even the shock cords if your erg is old enough to be losing pieces of itself internally. Here's a link to the U.S. C2 site for ordering the sprocket or whole repair kit.
https://shop.concept2.com/search?contro ... it_search=

and the shock cord kit. https://shop.concept2.com/parts/557-sli ... x-kit.html

I would also order the sprocket removal tool which is a nut with one-way bearing making it easier to remove the sprocket if you're not replacing the axle but can also come in handy if the nut on the left side of the sprocket won't release.
Part Number 220 Sprocket Removal Tool

Let us know if the sprocket pictured in the link isn't what you were referring to.

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Re: Sprocket bearing required?

Post by c2jonw » January 30th, 2023, 12:48 pm

I think you are referring to the two rubber rings that are on either side of the sprocket (there are grooves in the sprocket for them) and may be yellow, black, red, green or maybe another color. The purpose of the rings is to decrease the noise of the chain engaging the sprocket. The machine functions fine without them so unless the change in noise bothers you there's no need to replace them. I believe they are available from C2 and when ordering you'll need to give them your machine serial number and maybe the color of the original ring. You'll need to remove the flywheel and axle to put the new rings on. Good luck!
73 year old grandpa living in Waterbury Center, Vermont, USA
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