RowPro Vs PM3 For A Model C
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Not that long a go I had to make the same choice for my Model C. Rowpro or PM3. It really is a no brainer choice. Rowpro kills a PM3 by heaps.<br><br>The only advantage I can see with a PM3 is the portability of the log card where you can take it to any club or gym and record your workout on the same card. But then again a Laptop with Rowpro is also fairly portable. Other than that there's no contest.<br><br>Take the pace boat functions as a comparision. PM3 has a smallish dull arrow thing moving within the confines of the little PM3 screen with only the one pace boat. Rowpro actually has as many as three pace scullers (in 3D colours of your choice, plus flag of country on oar blades) moving at the stroke rate and pace that you have pre-selected. It can be past rows, varied pace splits or shortly will be available as another persons row from the C2 online rankings.<br><br>There are many other features such as training plans, technical comparisons between rows, charts for heart rate, stroke and watts data and even a coaching clinic giving demos of correct technique with commentary.<br><br>In about a month you will also be able to use Rowpro to race online.<br><br>I've had no regrets choosing Rowpro. You don't even need to look at your PM2+/3 monitors anymore because it has a twin on your computer monitor which is far easier to read.<br><br>Go for Rowpro, at $99 it's good value really.<br><br>Keep it smooth, keep it relaxed<br>Roland Baltutis
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I gave my vote to RowPro. I am trusting that RowPro will have the promised internet capability soon.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Flack
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Probably a better poll would be that between Ergmonitor and the PM3. Both Ergmonitor and the PM3 show the force curves to the rower so that the rower can become more efficient.<br><br>I have tried both, and I believe that Ergmonitor is clearly the winner in this poll. I will buy the software when I finally get aroud to updating my computer operating system.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Flack
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<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->...Ergmonitor is clearly the winner in this poll. I will buy the software when I finally get aroud to updating my computer operating system.<br><!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Paul,<br><br>Ergmonitor WILL run on Windows 2000, you know. Mike and Paul recommend XP but it works fine on 2000. <br><br>For those of you considering RowPro, be sure to look at the minimum horsepower requirements. They are substantial.<br>
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
The poll should have really included Rowpro and Ergmonitor. As they both serve different purposes, it would have been interesting to see what kind of data people prefer from their workouts. Either way, the power curves and pace boats from the PM3 look like a bad joke compared to what Rowpro and Ergmonitor have to offer.<br><br>I can't understand why anyone with a model C erg would bother purchasing a PM3 monitor, when for a lesser expense you could purchase both software, which is far superior to the PM3 anyway. In any case you don't need a monitor for Ergmonitor software as it runs through your PC monitor. With Rowpro you need a PM2+ on your model C erg to run it, but only because of the connection. You ignore whats on the PM2+ and follow Rowpro on your PC monitor.<br><br>The choice then comes down to whether you like looking at power/torque curves or racing pace boats & other people. But you can have both and I do believe that someone has already set up their erg & PC to run & view both software at the same time.<br><br>Keep it smooth, keep it relaxed<br>Roland Baltutis<br>
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"Ergmonitor WILL run on Windows 2000"<br><br>Unfortunately, I am still in the dark ages of computing - using Windows 98 <br><br>Paul Flack
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There has been a discussion on the RowPro forum about using RowPro and Ergmonitor software at the same time. In a condensed version, one setup requires an additional flywheel magnet pickup kit, because Ergmonitor requires a direct connection from the pickup to your sound card. The other setup uses a Y-splitter off the magnet pickup to provide a signal to the two software suites. There have been some settings issues with that setup.
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I think if you have a computer next to your rowing machine that can support rowpro, I would get that over the PM3. The hardware software requirements of rowpro are high, and I don't currently have a computer that can support that (and really you want an extra junk computer, just for your rowing machine).<br><br>I am still a little P0'd that C2 has apparently decided to not support internet racing with the PM3 directly with erow. I am sure that when I bought the PM3 last Sept, C2 said their plan for the PM3 was to get venue racing sorted out first, and then to work on internet racing. I vaguely remember a post a while ago suggesting that erow for the PM3 was in the works and coming out in March. So I have been waiting now for years, only to find out I need a fancy windows computer and $100 software to get up and running. Bummer (and maybe a deal breaker).<br><br>Otherwise, the PM3 is a great improvement over the PM2 display.
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
I understand that the hardware/software requirements to run RowPro might be considered to be high, but in relative terms of what hardware is out there, it does not mean that it is going to be expensive. With a little background information and some due diligence, you can have a powerful machine at a great price. Check out this limk for some solid information if you are thinking about a new machine in the near future.<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'>Pre-Purchase Info</a><br><br>I am currently running a 1GHz Plll with Win2k, 668MB RAM, ATI 7000 Video, SB 16 PCI Sound...that was under $400 Canadian.