I lead an almost completely sedentary life. I suffer from depression and that doesn't help. I've decided to get healthy. I had a concept two before but I had to sell it to pay for vet bills, and soon after my dog died which is probably the start of my downfall. She was everything to me. She kept me healthy and active. I pretty much lost the will to do anything at all two years ago when she died at age ten. I was an avid hiker and camper. Things have snowballed to where I am today.
As I said I'm a pretty sedentary person who is about 35 lbs over weight and probably 99%fat as far as body composition
I got my new rower the other day and so far have been doing five, you read that right. Five minute rowing sessions with a stroke rate of 20. I'm sore the next day especially in my lower back and lower abs. I don't think this is form, I think it's my really weak core. but I keep doing it. I'm hoping it gets better, please tell me it does. I'm probably the worst shape of my life.
I do watch what I eat and I have for years. But I still gained alot of weight. Using a good tracker I inherently eat about 1200 calories a day just naturally so the fact. Gaining weight on that is pretty depressing. I eat eggs and toast, fresh fruit, whole grains, lots of veggies, I don't eat dairy much, or red meat or meat much at all. Chicken breast and fish, etc. My diets nailed down pretty hard. Very little junk food or sweets.
My goals are pretty simple. I'm intimidated by the machine and all the specs and stats. Heck I don't even know what the damper does much less all the terminology. My only goal here is to build muscle and hope that makes my body burn more calories naturally, and lose some weight from that. I can't imagine a better machine to do that on, I'm just not sure how hard to push myself and what a reasonable daily goal on the machine should be. Right now my form is pretty good, I've had that checked by my partner and previous personal trainer. It's just hard getting started .
If anyone is still reading this can you tell me, has anyone started off as bad as me and made a turn around ? I'm not feeling sorry for myself just starting at zero and would like to hear from others who did the same.