Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Dangerscouse » November 10th, 2022, 12:13 pm

GlennUk wrote:
November 10th, 2022, 8:40 am
Clearly everyone will have their own strategikes

Perhaps this will stop me improving to a level beyond where i have reached to date (current Marathon WW rank 13 of 40 inc unverified) i have no doubt i can go faster, given that whilst at closer to 62 than 61, i am still seeing improvement sin terms of endurance week by week (or at least i was before taking a break and working on sprint training).
It's an interesting subject as I also found that the accepted wisdom didn't work for me. IIRC I lost about 13kg during my 12hr session, but I didn't really notice anything that seemed linked to dehydration, although my opinion after about 10 hours wasn't at all reliable.

I also didn't find that drinking a bit less during an FM was detrimental. In fact, I'm sure I drank a bit less when I achieved my PB. I'm a heavy sweater, and it's salty too, so it all points towards needing a lot of fluids, and minerals etc, but I don't come close to the recommendations, as it just causes me too many frustrations and I don't think it's really needed

Ime, building a stronger mindset to the inevitable issues you face, and getting your body adjusted to the stress and strain were more important, as evidenced by your improvement with more training. Having a good breakfast beforehand was invaluable too, but I'm still not too sure of how important fuelling is, partly because I'm too nervous to give it a try without doing it at least fairly reasonably. Running out of fuel with only a few miles to go would be soul destroying.
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by GlennUk » November 12th, 2022, 12:17 pm

Dangerscouse wrote:
November 10th, 2022, 12:13 pm
Ime, building a stronger mindset to the inevitable issues you face, and getting your body adjusted to the stress and strain were more important, as evidenced by your improvement with more training. Having a good breakfast beforehand was invaluable too, but I'm still not too sure of how important fuelling is, partly because I'm too nervous to give it a try without doing it at least fairly reasonably. Running out of fuel with only a few miles to go would be soul destroying.
I 100% agree with the mindset point, training to help your body to adjust to the stresses and strains is a key factor. I was astonished looking back at my data that i average 89-90% HR max value across the 1st 2.5hours (barring a few mins at the start) had to slow down signfciantly, although looking at the data for the rest of the marathon i was still averaging 86% HR max average, which was at the lower end of my planned HR range.

IT was tough, but made tougher by the poor planning, a few % slower i nthe 1st 2.5hrs would probably have made all the difference to my time and how i finished, but i would not have completed had i not had the pre which gave me the confidence to keep going at what was when all was said and done, within my plan (allbeit that I had buggered up the plan a the start).
Age 61, on 2/01/22 I rowed 115,972m 11hrs 17m 57s and raised £19k for https://www.havenshospices.org.uk/ Thanks for all the support

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Erik A » November 13th, 2022, 7:58 pm

aussie nick wrote:
November 8th, 2022, 10:08 pm
when I ran my marathons, I found the gels really useful given they were so light and portable and 'eat before you're hungry' as the best concurrent advice for them. My strat was one at 15k, another soon after 25k and then another one at 32-35k when racing. Although they got progressively more difficult to consume given their clawing sweetness and more of the third one found asphalt than my stomach
when i did my marathon recently i was looking into the gels and everything i watched/read indicated not to start using the gels etc for the first time when you are doing the marathon as you dont know what will upset you. and better to find out on a training session than the actual event. for my marathon (walk) i stuck to the water and electrolyte drink at each station and a 3l water bladder i carried. for food i just had musesli bars and i started eating those at the half way point and then pretty much each 5km from then. i found that when i started i had to have a toilet stop at the 12km mark and then not again till hours after the event ended. so from that i conclude that while i was drinking water and or R-line at every stop (at least 300ml roughly every 4km + the 3l i carried) i ended up at a hydration deficit (also backed up by urine colour and reduction of sweat) food wise i wasnt hungry at all when done and didnt really eat much at dinner so think i had that one under control i did have a larger than normal breakfast so that may have helped. given the walk took me 7hrs 20 mins i think that food and hydration are a key factor in events of that duration or longer.
61 yo from New Zealand
6'4 and 120kg

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Elizabeth » November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm

Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33

TAPER. I hiked Old Rag last Sunday (9.5 miles with 2,800 feet elevation gain), and then immediately went into a taper, dramatically lowering the volume while keeping intensity up. My rowing meters for the week leading into this were around 35k, compared to 90-100k in earlier weeks in the cycle. I ran 3 miles this week, compared to a normal volume of 15. I would have normally rowed on Sunday instead of hiked, so this isn't a completely fair comparison, but it felt like a huge downshift.

NUTRITION. I tried to keep calories and carbs at a "normal" level this week, and was surprised that I was having a hard time eating the same quantity of food. I just wasn't that hungry, which isn't like me. I also tried to be on top of fluids over the last two days, so that I would start this well-hydrated.

TODAY. This morning, I started off with a single black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal topped with some brown sugar (maybe 45g carbs? better than the banana), and then rowed a 1k warm-up. I put a few different figures on the white-board on the wall in front of me - current world record, corresponding target pace (1:59.7/500), previous splits (mainly to remind myself that I'm able to dig deep at the end).

I started off the marathon row with a much more aggressive pace. I immediately ran into problems when my heart-rate monitor belt came loose only 2k in, and choose to put handles-down long enough to get it back on, and then continue. I briefly considered re-starting, but didn't want to end up rowing 44k at a goal marathon pace. The heart-rate monitor gave me problems throughout the entire row, repeatedly disconnecting for a few seconds here and there, and then just disconnecting entirely at the end.

This probably sounds obvious, but starting at a faster pace meant that it got hard fast. I initially intended to go for flat splits, but it was getting into "grind" territory really quickly and I was really afraid that I would hit a wall entirely, so I backed off a touch. I had a movie on in the background and ended up paying no attention to it, just focusing on the splits on the monitor and on keeping them right around 2:00.

I tried to do better at carb intake during the row. However, I found that I just couldn't stomach much. I did consume 1L of water mixed with some Tailwind endurance fuel (50g carbs), a few additional sips of plain water, and just two Clif Bloks (16g carbs). I had two entire packages of Clif Bloks on a plate next to me, and couldn't make myself eat them.

With about 10k left, I really started paying attention to the estimated completion time, knowing that I'd have to pick it up to hit my goal. With about 7k left, I realized that not only the record but sub-2:48 was in reach if I could just keep 1:56/1:57 on the monitor, and really tried to focus on that with every stroke. Having my previous splits up on the whiteboard really helped at this time, since if I was able to bring it down under 1:55 at the end, then I should be able to do that again. (Or so I told myself - I realize that the meters rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot, but positive self-talk is a good thing.) The last number I saw on the heart-rate monitor before it went out was 183, which was a little concerning because my max on the erg is around 185. I tried to remain focus on the current split and the estimated completion time. It kept slowing above 2:48, and I kept refocusing to keep the estimated completion under 2:48. This time, I didn't have a good sprint left in me at the end, but I tried my best to bring it in hard.

I am really glad that I went back and re-rowed this. I hurt a lot right now, but that's okay. :lol:
IG: eltgilmore

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by nick rockliff » November 18th, 2022, 4:02 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33

TAPER. I hiked Old Rag last Sunday (9.5 miles with 2,800 feet elevation gain), and then immediately went into a taper, dramatically lowering the volume while keeping intensity up. My rowing meters for the week leading into this were around 35k, compared to 90-100k in earlier weeks in the cycle. I ran 3 miles this week, compared to a normal volume of 15. I would have normally rowed on Sunday instead of hiked, so this isn't a completely fair comparison, but it felt like a huge downshift.

NUTRITION. I tried to keep calories and carbs at a "normal" level this week, and was surprised that I was having a hard time eating the same quantity of food. I just wasn't that hungry, which isn't like me. I also tried to be on top of fluids over the last two days, so that I would start this well-hydrated.

TODAY. This morning, I started off with a single black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal topped with some brown sugar (maybe 45g carbs? better than the banana), and then rowed a 1k warm-up. I put a few different figures on the white-board on the wall in front of me - current world record, corresponding target pace (1:59.7/500), previous splits (mainly to remind myself that I'm able to dig deep at the end).

I started off the marathon row with a much more aggressive pace. I immediately ran into problems when my heart-rate monitor belt came loose only 2k in, and choose to put handles-down long enough to get it back on, and then continue. I briefly considered re-starting, but didn't want to end up rowing 44k at a goal marathon pace. The heart-rate monitor gave me problems throughout the entire row, repeatedly disconnecting for a few seconds here and there, and then just disconnecting entirely at the end.

This probably sounds obvious, but starting at a faster pace meant that it got hard fast. I initially intended to go for flat splits, but it was getting into "grind" territory really quickly and I was really afraid that I would hit a wall entirely, so I backed off a touch. I had a movie on in the background and ended up paying no attention to it, just focusing on the splits on the monitor and on keeping them right around 2:00.

I tried to do better at carb intake during the row. However, I found that I just couldn't stomach much. I did consume 1L of water mixed with some Tailwind endurance fuel (50g carbs), a few additional sips of plain water, and just two Clif Bloks (16g carbs). I had two entire packages of Clif Bloks on a plate next to me, and couldn't make myself eat them.

With about 10k left, I really started paying attention to the estimated completion time, knowing that I'd have to pick it up to hit my goal. With about 7k left, I realized that not only the record but sub-2:48 was in reach if I could just keep 1:56/1:57 on the monitor, and really tried to focus on that with every stroke. Having my previous splits up on the whiteboard really helped at this time, since if I was able to bring it down under 1:55 at the end, then I should be able to do that again. (Or so I told myself - I realize that the meters rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot, but positive self-talk is a good thing.) The last number I saw on the heart-rate monitor before it went out was 183, which was a little concerning because my max on the erg is around 185. I tried to remain focus on the current split and the estimated completion time. It kept slowing above 2:48, and I kept refocusing to keep the estimated completion under 2:48. This time, I didn't have a good sprint left in me at the end, but I tried my best to bring it in hard.

I am really glad that I went back and re-rowed this. I hurt a lot right now, but that's okay. :lol:
Another great FM PB and record. Very well done.
67 6' 4" 108kg
PBs 2k 6:16.4 5k 16:37.5 10k 34:35.5 30m 8727 60m 17059 HM 74:25.9 FM 2:43:48.8
50s PBs 2k 6.24.3 5k 16.55.4 6k 20.34.2 10k 35.19.0 30m 8633 60m 16685 HM 76.48.7
60s PBs 5k 17.51.2 10k 36.42.6 30m 8263 60m 16089 HM 79.16.6

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Dangerscouse » November 18th, 2022, 4:10 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.
That's borderline rude to the previous WR holder!! Superb result and a very significant amount faster than target.

The lack of sprint at the end, makes me think you're probably really close to your limit, but I still have a suspicion that you can go faster. The distraction of your HRM can't be discounted, especially your fear seeing the last reading, as that will have affected you, if only for a comparatively short amount of time.

Regardless, this is a result to be extremely proud of, and not a surprise to me.
51 HWT; 6' 4"; 1k= 3:09; 2k= 6:36; 5k= 17:19; 6k= 20:47; 10k= 35:46 30mins= 8,488m 60mins= 16,618m HM= 1:16.47; FM= 2:40:41; 50k= 3:16:09; 100k= 7:52:44; 12hrs = 153km

"You reap what you row"

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by DavidA » November 18th, 2022, 4:21 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33

TAPER. I hiked Old Rag last Sunday (9.5 miles with 2,800 feet elevation gain), and then immediately went into a taper, dramatically lowering the volume while keeping intensity up. My rowing meters for the week leading into this were around 35k, compared to 90-100k in earlier weeks in the cycle. I ran 3 miles this week, compared to a normal volume of 15. I would have normally rowed on Sunday instead of hiked, so this isn't a completely fair comparison, but it felt like a huge downshift.

NUTRITION. I tried to keep calories and carbs at a "normal" level this week, and was surprised that I was having a hard time eating the same quantity of food. I just wasn't that hungry, which isn't like me. I also tried to be on top of fluids over the last two days, so that I would start this well-hydrated.

TODAY. This morning, I started off with a single black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal topped with some brown sugar (maybe 45g carbs? better than the banana), and then rowed a 1k warm-up. I put a few different figures on the white-board on the wall in front of me - current world record, corresponding target pace (1:59.7/500), previous splits (mainly to remind myself that I'm able to dig deep at the end).

I started off the marathon row with a much more aggressive pace. I immediately ran into problems when my heart-rate monitor belt came loose only 2k in, and choose to put handles-down long enough to get it back on, and then continue. I briefly considered re-starting, but didn't want to end up rowing 44k at a goal marathon pace. The heart-rate monitor gave me problems throughout the entire row, repeatedly disconnecting for a few seconds here and there, and then just disconnecting entirely at the end.

This probably sounds obvious, but starting at a faster pace meant that it got hard fast. I initially intended to go for flat splits, but it was getting into "grind" territory really quickly and I was really afraid that I would hit a wall entirely, so I backed off a touch. I had a movie on in the background and ended up paying no attention to it, just focusing on the splits on the monitor and on keeping them right around 2:00.

I tried to do better at carb intake during the row. However, I found that I just couldn't stomach much. I did consume 1L of water mixed with some Tailwind endurance fuel (50g carbs), a few additional sips of plain water, and just two Clif Bloks (16g carbs). I had two entire packages of Clif Bloks on a plate next to me, and couldn't make myself eat them.

With about 10k left, I really started paying attention to the estimated completion time, knowing that I'd have to pick it up to hit my goal. With about 7k left, I realized that not only the record but sub-2:48 was in reach if I could just keep 1:56/1:57 on the monitor, and really tried to focus on that with every stroke. Having my previous splits up on the whiteboard really helped at this time, since if I was able to bring it down under 1:55 at the end, then I should be able to do that again. (Or so I told myself - I realize that the meters rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot, but positive self-talk is a good thing.) The last number I saw on the heart-rate monitor before it went out was 183, which was a little concerning because my max on the erg is around 185. I tried to remain focus on the current split and the estimated completion time. It kept slowing above 2:48, and I kept refocusing to keep the estimated completion under 2:48. This time, I didn't have a good sprint left in me at the end, but I tried my best to bring it in hard.

I am really glad that I went back and re-rowed this. I hurt a lot right now, but that's okay. :lol:
Just WOW!!
What an incredible time! Even with a small break in the beginning.

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by MPx » November 18th, 2022, 7:38 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.
Absolutely stunning - well done Ma'am!
Mike - 67 HWT 183


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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Sakly » November 19th, 2022, 1:33 am

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33
Wow again!
Stunning result - be proud of you 👌👏👏
Male - '80 - 82kg - 177cm - Start rowErg Jan 2022
1': 358m
4': 1217m
30'r20: 8068m
30': 8,283m
60': 16,222m
100m: 0:15.9
500m: 1:26.0
1k: 3:07.8
2k: 6:37.1
5k: 17:26.2
6k: 21:03.5
10k: 36:01.5
HM: 1:18:40.1
FM: 2:52:32.6
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Re: Forum Flyers

Post by Gymbeau » November 19th, 2022, 1:57 pm

Another mind-boggling effort by Elizabeth, topping both her recent personal best for the marathon and the women's world record for that distance.

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33
rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot
When all you have is a Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, everything starts to look like two black holes colliding.

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by GlennUk » November 20th, 2022, 9:08 am

HI ELizabeth

really sorry i didn't see this sooner, i am incredibly impressed, anyone that gets close to a WR must be applauded, to do that twice, the second time beating it by a significant margin is hugely impressive.

Congratulations, and i agree with Stu, the HRM is a big distraction, and when youre on or approaching your limits, i find it critical to have a reliable readout, i can only imagine just how distracting that was for you.

I also noted your comments on films, i find i have to watch the morintor too, despite having music on i rarely notice whats playing but weirdly, notice if it stops playing!

Congrats once again, really really pleased for you.

Whats next?
Age 61, on 2/01/22 I rowed 115,972m 11hrs 17m 57s and raised £19k for https://www.havenshospices.org.uk/ Thanks for all the support

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aussie nick
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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by aussie nick » November 21st, 2022, 2:07 am

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33

TAPER. I hiked Old Rag last Sunday (9.5 miles with 2,800 feet elevation gain), and then immediately went into a taper, dramatically lowering the volume while keeping intensity up. My rowing meters for the week leading into this were around 35k, compared to 90-100k in earlier weeks in the cycle. I ran 3 miles this week, compared to a normal volume of 15. I would have normally rowed on Sunday instead of hiked, so this isn't a completely fair comparison, but it felt like a huge downshift.

NUTRITION. I tried to keep calories and carbs at a "normal" level this week, and was surprised that I was having a hard time eating the same quantity of food. I just wasn't that hungry, which isn't like me. I also tried to be on top of fluids over the last two days, so that I would start this well-hydrated.

TODAY. This morning, I started off with a single black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal topped with some brown sugar (maybe 45g carbs? better than the banana), and then rowed a 1k warm-up. I put a few different figures on the white-board on the wall in front of me - current world record, corresponding target pace (1:59.7/500), previous splits (mainly to remind myself that I'm able to dig deep at the end).

I started off the marathon row with a much more aggressive pace. I immediately ran into problems when my heart-rate monitor belt came loose only 2k in, and choose to put handles-down long enough to get it back on, and then continue. I briefly considered re-starting, but didn't want to end up rowing 44k at a goal marathon pace. The heart-rate monitor gave me problems throughout the entire row, repeatedly disconnecting for a few seconds here and there, and then just disconnecting entirely at the end.

This probably sounds obvious, but starting at a faster pace meant that it got hard fast. I initially intended to go for flat splits, but it was getting into "grind" territory really quickly and I was really afraid that I would hit a wall entirely, so I backed off a touch. I had a movie on in the background and ended up paying no attention to it, just focusing on the splits on the monitor and on keeping them right around 2:00.

I tried to do better at carb intake during the row. However, I found that I just couldn't stomach much. I did consume 1L of water mixed with some Tailwind endurance fuel (50g carbs), a few additional sips of plain water, and just two Clif Bloks (16g carbs). I had two entire packages of Clif Bloks on a plate next to me, and couldn't make myself eat them.

With about 10k left, I really started paying attention to the estimated completion time, knowing that I'd have to pick it up to hit my goal. With about 7k left, I realized that not only the record but sub-2:48 was in reach if I could just keep 1:56/1:57 on the monitor, and really tried to focus on that with every stroke. Having my previous splits up on the whiteboard really helped at this time, since if I was able to bring it down under 1:55 at the end, then I should be able to do that again. (Or so I told myself - I realize that the meters rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot, but positive self-talk is a good thing.) The last number I saw on the heart-rate monitor before it went out was 183, which was a little concerning because my max on the erg is around 185. I tried to remain focus on the current split and the estimated completion time. It kept slowing above 2:48, and I kept refocusing to keep the estimated completion under 2:48. This time, I didn't have a good sprint left in me at the end, but I tried my best to bring it in hard.

I am really glad that I went back and re-rowed this. I hurt a lot right now, but that's okay. :lol:
so incredible Elizabeth - huge congratulations! Such an amazing achievement.
took up rowing during pandemic. stopped rowing in late 23. considering a comeback

500m 1.26
1k 3.08
2k 6.39
5k 18.02
30min 8008m

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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by MartinSH4321 » November 21st, 2022, 3:05 am

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33

TAPER. I hiked Old Rag last Sunday (9.5 miles with 2,800 feet elevation gain), and then immediately went into a taper, dramatically lowering the volume while keeping intensity up. My rowing meters for the week leading into this were around 35k, compared to 90-100k in earlier weeks in the cycle. I ran 3 miles this week, compared to a normal volume of 15. I would have normally rowed on Sunday instead of hiked, so this isn't a completely fair comparison, but it felt like a huge downshift.

NUTRITION. I tried to keep calories and carbs at a "normal" level this week, and was surprised that I was having a hard time eating the same quantity of food. I just wasn't that hungry, which isn't like me. I also tried to be on top of fluids over the last two days, so that I would start this well-hydrated.

TODAY. This morning, I started off with a single black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal topped with some brown sugar (maybe 45g carbs? better than the banana), and then rowed a 1k warm-up. I put a few different figures on the white-board on the wall in front of me - current world record, corresponding target pace (1:59.7/500), previous splits (mainly to remind myself that I'm able to dig deep at the end).

I started off the marathon row with a much more aggressive pace. I immediately ran into problems when my heart-rate monitor belt came loose only 2k in, and choose to put handles-down long enough to get it back on, and then continue. I briefly considered re-starting, but didn't want to end up rowing 44k at a goal marathon pace. The heart-rate monitor gave me problems throughout the entire row, repeatedly disconnecting for a few seconds here and there, and then just disconnecting entirely at the end.

This probably sounds obvious, but starting at a faster pace meant that it got hard fast. I initially intended to go for flat splits, but it was getting into "grind" territory really quickly and I was really afraid that I would hit a wall entirely, so I backed off a touch. I had a movie on in the background and ended up paying no attention to it, just focusing on the splits on the monitor and on keeping them right around 2:00.

I tried to do better at carb intake during the row. However, I found that I just couldn't stomach much. I did consume 1L of water mixed with some Tailwind endurance fuel (50g carbs), a few additional sips of plain water, and just two Clif Bloks (16g carbs). I had two entire packages of Clif Bloks on a plate next to me, and couldn't make myself eat them.

With about 10k left, I really started paying attention to the estimated completion time, knowing that I'd have to pick it up to hit my goal. With about 7k left, I realized that not only the record but sub-2:48 was in reach if I could just keep 1:56/1:57 on the monitor, and really tried to focus on that with every stroke. Having my previous splits up on the whiteboard really helped at this time, since if I was able to bring it down under 1:55 at the end, then I should be able to do that again. (Or so I told myself - I realize that the meters rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot, but positive self-talk is a good thing.) The last number I saw on the heart-rate monitor before it went out was 183, which was a little concerning because my max on the erg is around 185. I tried to remain focus on the current split and the estimated completion time. It kept slowing above 2:48, and I kept refocusing to keep the estimated completion under 2:48. This time, I didn't have a good sprint left in me at the end, but I tried my best to bring it in hard.

I am really glad that I went back and re-rowed this. I hurt a lot right now, but that's okay. :lol:
Incredible performance once more, that's a great achievement, big congrats!
1983 Austria 1.86 94Kg
LP: 1:03.4 100m: 13.3 1': 392m 500m: 1:21.4
1k: 3:05 2k: 6:43 5k: 17:53 30': 8237m 30R20: 8088m 10k: 36:39
60': 16087m, HM: 1:19:42

2k Poster
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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Elizabeth » November 21st, 2022, 7:53 pm

Nick, Stu, David, MPx, Sakly, Gymbeaux, Glenn, Nick, Martin - thank you!
GlennUk wrote:
November 20th, 2022, 9:08 am
Whats next?
In the short term, I'm finally going to donate blood. I was eligible about 2 months ago but had to cancel because my asthma wasn't well controlled, and then I've been pushing rescheduling the appointment until after my 5k, then after my marathon, then after my second marathon.

I'm signed up for WRICH in late February, which will be quite a change in pace. :lol: I am also physically quite close to the Erg Sprints in Alexandria VA in early February, so I'm thinking of signing up for that as well. I got into indoor rowing about this time last year and haven't yet attended any in-person events, so this will be a new experience.
IG: eltgilmore

Erik A
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Re: Endurance erging - A place to discuss 42, 50, 100k upwards.

Post by Erik A » November 21st, 2022, 10:16 pm

Elizabeth wrote:
November 18th, 2022, 12:42 pm
Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.

Champion effort congratulations that is freaking awesome :D :D
61 yo from New Zealand
6'4 and 120kg

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