Sub-2:48:29.6, DONE. I left it all out on the field on this one.
Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
2:47:52.9 42,195m 1:59.3 206 1008 27 122
24:01.1 6,000m 2:00.0 202 995 25 157
23:58.3 6,000m 1:59.8 203 999 26 159
24:00.0 6,000m 2:00.0 203 997 26 160
24:07.4 6,000m 2:00.6 199 986 26 162
24:02.3 6,000m 2:00.1 202 993 26 166
23:46.3 6,000m 1:58.8 208 1017 28 177
23:13.7 6,000m 1:56.1 223 1068 31
0:43.7 195m 1:52.0 249 1156 33
TAPER. I hiked Old Rag last Sunday (9.5 miles with 2,800 feet elevation gain), and then immediately went into a taper, dramatically lowering the volume while keeping intensity up. My rowing meters for the week leading into this were around 35k, compared to 90-100k in earlier weeks in the cycle. I ran 3 miles this week, compared to a normal volume of 15. I would have normally rowed on Sunday instead of hiked, so this isn't a completely fair comparison, but it felt like a huge downshift.
NUTRITION. I tried to keep calories and carbs at a "normal" level this week, and was surprised that I was having a hard time eating the same quantity of food. I just wasn't that hungry, which isn't like me. I also tried to be on top of fluids over the last two days, so that I would start this well-hydrated.
TODAY. This morning, I started off with a single black coffee and a bowl of oatmeal topped with some brown sugar (maybe 45g carbs? better than the banana), and then rowed a 1k warm-up. I put a few different figures on the white-board on the wall in front of me - current world record, corresponding target pace (1:59.7/500), previous splits (mainly to remind myself that I'm able to dig deep at the end).
I started off the marathon row with a much more aggressive pace. I immediately ran into problems when my heart-rate monitor belt came loose only 2k in, and choose to put handles-down long enough to get it back on, and then continue. I briefly considered re-starting, but didn't want to end up rowing 44k at a goal marathon pace. The heart-rate monitor gave me problems throughout the entire row, repeatedly disconnecting for a few seconds here and there, and then just disconnecting entirely at the end.
This probably sounds obvious, but starting at a faster pace meant that it got hard fast. I initially intended to go for flat splits, but it was getting into "grind" territory really quickly and I was really afraid that I would hit a wall entirely, so I backed off a touch. I had a movie on in the background and ended up paying no attention to it, just focusing on the splits on the monitor and on keeping them right around 2:00.
I tried to do better at carb intake during the row. However, I found that I just couldn't stomach much. I did consume 1L of water mixed with some Tailwind endurance fuel (50g carbs), a few additional sips of plain water, and just two Clif Bloks (16g carbs). I had two entire packages of Clif Bloks on a plate next to me, and couldn't make myself eat them.
With about 10k left, I really started paying attention to the estimated completion time, knowing that I'd have to pick it up to hit my goal. With about 7k left, I realized that not only the record but sub-2:48 was in reach if I could just keep 1:56/1:57 on the monitor, and really tried to focus on that with every stroke. Having my previous splits up on the whiteboard really helped at this time, since if I was able to bring it down under 1:55 at the end, then I should be able to do that again. (Or so I told myself - I realize that the meters rowed leading into the last 7k matter a lot, but positive self-talk is a good thing.) The last number I saw on the heart-rate monitor before it went out was 183, which was a little concerning because my max on the erg is around 185. I tried to remain focus on the current split and the estimated completion time. It kept slowing above 2:48, and I kept refocusing to keep the estimated completion under 2:48. This time, I didn't have a good sprint left in me at the end, but I tried my best to bring it in hard.
I am really glad that I went back and re-rowed this. I hurt a lot right now, but that's okay.