SkiErg damper range

Talk about the ski ergometer and training tool from Concept2
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SkiErg damper range

Post by Cdub » October 18th, 2022, 11:15 pm

Have just started using a SkiErg our gym picked up used.. Flywheel & Airscreen are clean, cords and cables are in great shape. Also updated the Pm5 to the most recent firmware update.
On a New SkiErg what should the drag factor be at a damper setting of 10 ?
( need for reference/maintenance)
Definitely using muscle groups different than on the RowErg :?

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Re: SkiErg damper range

Post by gvcormac » October 19th, 2022, 2:25 am

I'm sure a number of peole will say that my technique is wrong, but this is what currently works for me.

After trying to follow on-line advice and videos, which simply didn't work for me, I came upon the following. My goal was and is to achieve an aerobic workout, not a sprint. And pulling really hard while bouncing up and down takes way too much energy for that.

I use damper setting 1 (drag factor 42). And I barely bend my knees, if at all. I experimented with many, damper settings including the recommended 4 or so, but 1 works best for me, at least for now. As for rowing, I don't find that drag factor doesn't make a huge amount of difference. It changes the speed of your stroke, not necessarily force, stroke length, or cadence.

The techniquqe I've developed is to reach up a bit, lock my arms slightly bent. rotate shoulders and lean over at the hips, finishing when the arms swing slightly past parallel with the pull cords. At that point there's in inflection in the force, like at the top of a vault. Repeat.

With this technique I'm maybe 15 seconds per 500m slower than on the rower. If I extend the stroke by bending my knees I exceed my aerobic capacity pretty quickly. Whether raising on toes at the catch helps or hinders me is an open question. Probably hinders because it is lifting full body weight, but it is a small enough amount that it is hard to tell.

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Re: SkiErg damper range

Post by winniewinser » October 19th, 2022, 2:38 am

Cdub wrote:
October 18th, 2022, 11:15 pm
Have just started using a SkiErg our gym picked up used.. Flywheel & Airscreen are clean, cords and cables are in great shape. Also updated the Pm5 to the most recent firmware update.
On a New SkiErg what should the drag factor be at a damper setting of 10 ?
( need for reference/maintenance)
Definitely using muscle groups different than on the RowErg :?
I have a Skierg at home and on 10 the DF is 152, that is with the cover still on the flywheel. If you remove the plastic cover piece the max DF will be more like a rowerg.

Personally I find the Skierg much harder than the Rowerg.....but after some work on technique and continued training I have got my 2km down to Rowerg 2k+10. Some of my other times are closer to +6 or +7. I don't think it complements the rowerg in terms of training the same muscles but for general fitness it's a good machine.

As a fairly light 50+ my times are average at best but I'm not in it to race.
6'2" 52yo
Recent 2k - 7:19
All time 2k - 6:50.2 (LW)

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Re: SkiErg damper range

Post by Cdub » October 19th, 2022, 6:20 pm

Thanks Winniewinser- much appreciated.

Gvcormac- I’m not sure what rabbit hole you went down. Did you read the one question I was asking?

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Re: SkiErg damper range

Post by gvcormac » October 19th, 2022, 6:43 pm

Cdub wrote:
October 19th, 2022, 6:20 pm
Thanks Winniewinser- much appreciated.

Gvcormac- I’m not sure what rabbit hole you went down. Did you read the one question I was asking?
Correct. I read it as "should I use damper setting 10"?

To answer the question you acutally asked: My machine shows DF 155 at damper 10, and DF 55 at damper 1.

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