BikeErg all-rounders leaderboard

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BikeErg all-rounders leaderboard

Post by MudSweatAndYears » September 1st, 2022, 11:24 am

Are you a BikeErg enhusiast and keen to know how you stack up against others over the various distances? Check the BikeErg all-rounders leaderboard: ... nders.html

No registration is needed. Once you have upload C2 BikeErg verified results for the 500m, 4k and 40k events to the ranked results in your Concept2 logbook, you are participating in this leaderboard. And each time you upload an improved (ranked and verified) result for any of these three distances, your leaderboard score will improve with it. Till end of erg season (till April 30th) you can make as many attempts as you wish to improve your score.

Happy erging!
I run in the mud, I sweat on the erg, and I happily battle the years...
M 1961, 1.80m/5'11", 75kg/165lb. Erging since Sept 2019. ... 22-23.html

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