ergdata and apple watch

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Re: ergdata and apple watch

Post by Dpattana » July 25th, 2022, 2:12 pm

GreenStratMan wrote:
July 25th, 2022, 1:05 pm
Dpattana wrote:
July 21st, 2022, 6:33 pm
thaloun wrote:
July 11th, 2022, 4:45 pm
Thanks to some help from reddit I discovered that under health app -> connected apps -> ergdata I had set up sharing of workouts, distances, calories, etc, but for some reason heart rate was excluded. After fixing that the bpm shows up on the watch and in ergdata during the workout. But like Tsnor said I think you need an ant+ actual device connected for it to show up on the monitor. But I am fine with glancing at my wrist and having the data there in the logbook afterwards. That's a probably the killer feature of version 2.0 in my opinion.

When I go to connected apps > ergdata the heart rate is set to both read and write, however the heart rate is not being displayed on the watch nor the app. The firmware on pm5 is version 210. Did you do anything else to get the heart rate to show up on the watch and erg data app?
In the ergdata app on your phone, is it showing a screen that has a field for heart rate? For example, on my iPhone I had to swipe to the right once I’d started the workout, this then showed a screen that had a field for heart rate and then the Apple watch and app showed my heart rate correctly. Hope that helps.
On the iPhone>health>sharing>apps>erg data>Workouts has to also be turned on. I forgot I had it turned off.

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Re: ergdata and apple watch

Post by CGDaveMac » May 29th, 2023, 1:02 pm

Wwith the new Apple Watch integration to ErgData I can confirm that there is no duplication of calories. It appears like there is, because when you finish a workout the amount of calories burned in your Move ring increases a bit, but not by double. In fact, if you look at your move Calories before the workout starts, and then after, it closely matches the calories that ErgData calculated. So, you are correct that the PM5 calculates calories more accurately.

The problem that I have is that while Health know that the calories shouldn't be double counted, ErgData only adds this calculation (at ~5 minute intervals) after the workout ends. I would prefer that ErgData added the Active Calories to Health during the workout so that you can look at your Move ring while working out and see how far you actually are to your goal.

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Re: ergdata and apple watch

Post by Citroen » May 30th, 2023, 1:00 pm

CGDaveMac wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 1:02 pm
So, you are correct that the PM5 calculates calories more accurately.

You don't mean that do you. The PM5 is lousy at calculating calories used unless you're exactly 80kg and use exactly 25% to power the ergo.

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Re: ergdata and apple watch

Post by CGDaveMac » May 30th, 2023, 1:29 pm

I didn't know that, but I haven't done much research on that subject. I should have said that the PM5 calculates differently than Apple Watch (when not in workout mode), and for me adds some extra calories at the end of the workout.

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