So.... I rowed a century today. I'm really proud to finish with a solid effort. I'm going to take a few days off and then will go back to focusing on shorter distances for a while.
My general strategy was to settle in at a heart rate of around 135-140, which came out to a pace around 2:09. (Max I've seen in training is 182, and most of my recent marathon was in the 145-150 range.) I took my first break 30k in, and a second break at 50k in. At this point I had some heart rate drift into the 140s. I was able to sustain that for marathon and so I continued holding the pace. Things started getting really challenging, and my perceived effort was all over the place - I would have some strokes at 2:25 that felt really hard, and then later strokes at 2:05 that felt fine and I'd tell myself I needed to slow down. Netflix lost connection around my break at 65k, so I switched to music, which kept also losing connection. I called my husband to come and deal with rebooting the router because I really did not think I could handle 35k of rowing with nothing but my thoughts and the swishing of the fan. I also noticed that my form was slipping and my rate kept increasing, so I started doing a focused 10 strokes at 22spm every 1k. Hitting familiar territory with 2x,xxx on the PM was a welcome sight and gave me a boost. Another break at 80k, after which my pace really started slipping. I wasn't surprised but it was hard mentally. Final break at 90k. Seeing the remaining meters tick down to 4 digits felt like it should feel great but I was struggling. I was hoping to pick it up some at the end and had a few exuberant strokes with 2k left at 2:02 but there was no way I was holding that, and I finished out at a 2:09 pace. 7:42:33.
I thought you all were crazy with the butt slapping but it was amazing the difference that it made doing that on the breaks. I also stretched my hip flexors and glutes each time. The breaks made a big impact on average pace but I don't think I could have managed without them.
I went through 2L water, 3L Gatorade, and managed to lose 4.5 lb. I ate a couple of bananas, Clif bars, and my favorite of the day - peanut butter filled pretzels. The saltiness was great, and they settled much better than the sweet stuff. My 7 year old hung out with me for 5-10k at one point and was also a fan of the pretzels. I resupplied on the breaks, and did a fair amount of one-handed rowing. The Concept2 log graph is the noisiest looking one of mine I've ever seen.
The chafing and blisters are bad. I tried a different sports bra and it was worse.
Final verdict - this is the hardest row that I've done. I am glad I did it. Not sure about a second one.