I'm weighing up a similar question at the moment. I also feel my zip isn't there as often as I'd like.AlexFergus wrote: ↑April 4th, 2022, 8:16 pmI posted this question for BtLifter over on YT, but I thought I'd post it here as well, as it could be useful for other people training for the 500m sprint, and at the same time I'm curious to get everyone else's views:
I have a question for you:
1) Given the power output/intensity required for these 500m efforts, do you think realistically we can only expect to truely 'perform' (i.e. break a PB) in one row session (whether it is a time trial, or an intense interval) a week?
Because this is what I'm finding, I'm doing my big sprint row on Monday (500m, or 100ms repeats like I did yesterday), big leg weights day tuesday and then I find any other rows I try and do (lets say on a thursday or friday) there is just no 'zing'.
For instance last week I did:
Mon - 500m (PB - average 750watts)
Tues - Leg weights (improving on the previous weeks numbers)
Wed/Thur - off
Friday - attempted 150m x 8 / 2min rest @ race pace - I only held 750watts for 2 repeats! Which is only 300m of rowing with 2mins rest in between! There was simply nothing in the legs, despite all the rest days?!
Now I could have another rest day, but then it gets too close to my Monday 'big' session... so thats why I'm curious to hear your thoughts here - do you think I should only aim to do one BIG/Intense (i.e. PB setting) row a week (whether it's a 500m race, or a sprint interval like the one above)?
And following up on this then, let's say the body only has one big performance in it a week, is there a benefit (a benefical training effect) from doing a second session at sub par performance (i.e still doing that 150m interval session later in the week, even if I'm only holding 650w averages).
OR could that be counter productive - impacting rest for our weekly 'BIG' session, and or, not stimulating a suitable training effect.
Curious to hear your thoughts/what you do.
Of course if I only do one big session a week, then it begs the question what do I do with the rest of my time? Nothing? Recovery/Aerobic rows? Practice starts etc.
I've re-incorporated lower body weights for the first time in a few years and am actually doing two all body weight sessions per week along with 4 rows. (I'll squat and do RDLs in one session and deadlift and power clean in the other...long with upper body pushing and pulling in both). Last year which was my first year rowing, it was the same 4 and 2 split, but I only did upper body weights and I found I was far fresher to attack my rowing more often than I am now.
I program a rest day and an easy distance erg day post my two lifting days and program my most important erg session of the week after my rest day, but I also find that my other rowing sessions are more often disappointing. I'm actually taking a 3 day rest at the moment after 8 weeks of training 6 days per week as my entire system feels tired.
To be honest, reading the above...it's bloody obvious that I'm going to have more fatigue given the lower body lifting. I guess the question is...is there a trade off where there's less performance on my intense rows during the training periods if it can lead to increased time trial performance with a taper during competitions or for planned peaks?
I'm guessing/hoping the answer is 'yes' but I'm not sure