Monday's coming...
Better feed it a 10K.
We are currently in 16th position in the World Erg Challenge.
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Wild Bill ........... 7.9 MM
Chip ................ 7.55 MM
Ron M ............... 7.3 MM
Tombeur ............. 2.55 MM
Trevor C ............ 1.95 MM
Rich Cat ............ 1.85 MM
Ted C-G ............. 1.7 MM
Zach ................ 1.25 MM
Ron W ............... 1.05 MM
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Jason H ............. 363
Larry ............... 3,000
Jeff M .............. 4,016
Andrew C ............ 5,000
Paul M .............. 5,000
Shawn ............... 5,000
Jeff F .............. 5,150
Scott K ............. 5,496
JD Lee .............. 5,672
Rick C .............. 5,911
Brent B ............. 7,171
Angelo .............. 10,000
Kenneth G ........... 10,000
Dan O ............... 10,001
Judy A .............. 10,952
Howard .............. 11,014
Thor ................ 11,077
Norma ............... 12,121
Trevor C ............ 13,015
Tom R ............... 16,000
Tombeur ............. 16,524
Dennis D ............ 16,861
Zach ................ 20,042
Ted C-G ............. 22,000
Ron W ............... 22,416
Robin S ............. 24,000
Ron M ............... 24,042
Rich Cat ............ 26,827
Wild Bill ........... 40,004
Chip ................ 64,152