Code 10525-46

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Code 10525-46

Post by BB7 » March 20th, 2022, 7:45 am

Bike erg (on newest firmware) displaying message:
Code 10525-46
This PM5 may have a problem,
Record the code number
then press Continue, IF
this code appears again
contact Concept2 For help

Any idea what it is? It came up again a while later with different final digits but then came back up as -46 the next time I switched it on. Changed batteries to see if that would fix but had no effect. Saw on concept website that a code 46 was something to do with loose batteries or battery door but the battery door is a rev-e type not a or b. Answers appreciated.

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Re: Code 10525-46

Post by Citroen » March 20th, 2022, 5:06 pm

The error codes are not documented by Concept2, so if you can't find anything at: ... leshooting you have no option than to write to to ask them.

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