ErgData to Garmin Express

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ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by Colin_ » January 16th, 2022, 7:50 am


Occasionally, after starting a rowing session, I realise that my iPhone has lost the connection to the PM5.
This means that after completing the session, my Ergdata doesn't sync that session with my Concept 2 Log when I press Sync in Ergdata.

So, I use the Concept 2 Utility and the USB cable to upload my data for that session to my Concept 2 Log.
From there it sync's automatically to Strava :) , but NOT to Garmin Connect :x .

Does anyone know how to synchronise the rowing workout from Strava or the Concept 2 Log to Garmin Connect?
I can find info on synchronising Garmin Connect to Strava, but not in the opposite direction.


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Re: ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by JaapvanE » January 16th, 2022, 6:11 pm

You can directly link Concept2 to Garmin connect. When I upload a session to Concept2, it automatically uploads it with all associated data. You can find it in your log profile under "Applications"

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Re: ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by Tsnor » January 16th, 2022, 10:36 pm

So while Ergdata works to automatically transfer a workout to Garmin Connect, the C2 utility does not trigger the update to Garmin (or something is broken) ? I'd send an FYI note to Concept2.

In theory, after you get a workout in your C2 log via the utility, you can move it to Garmin by exporting it from your C2 log, then uploading the file to Garmin, but I've never done it.

C2 exports .tcx .fit and csv data from the workout/session details page that has your splits and graph. Look in lower right corner for Download Stroke Data.

Garmin Connect supports .fit, .gpx, and .tcx files. I'd try both .tcx and .fit and see if either works. The garmin instructions are here. ... 5uKvqTqu99 Good luck, post if it works.

(There are some earlier threads on this. Not sure what they concluded.)

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Re: ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by Colin_ » January 17th, 2022, 5:34 am

JaapvanE wrote:
January 16th, 2022, 6:11 pm
You can directly link Concept2 to Garmin connect. When I upload a session to Concept2, it automatically uploads it with all associated data. You can find it in your log profile under "Applications"
Thanks JaapvanE. I already have a direct link set (automatic upload), but even so, if the iPhone disconnects in a session (not often), then that particular session doesn't upload.

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Re: ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by Colin_ » January 17th, 2022, 6:14 am

Tsnor wrote:
January 16th, 2022, 10:36 pm
So while Ergdata works to automatically transfer a workout to Garmin Connect, the C2 utility does not trigger the update to Garmin (or something is broken) ? I'd send an FYI note to Concept2.

In theory, after you get a workout in your C2 log via the utility, you can move it to Garmin by exporting it from your C2 log, then uploading the file to Garmin, but I've never done it.

C2 exports .tcx .fit and csv data from the workout/session details page that has your splits and graph. Look in lower right corner for Download Stroke Data.

Garmin Connect supports .fit, .gpx, and .tcx files. I'd try both .tcx and .fit and see if either works. The garmin instructions are here. ... 5uKvqTqu99 Good luck, post if it works.

(There are some earlier threads on this. Not sure what they concluded.)
Thanks Tsnor. You mentioned that C2 exports .tcx .fit and csv data from the workout/session details page that has your splits and graph. But, I don't find the area/options you mention "lower right corner for Download Stroke Data". So, I could download only the full standard CSV log from the History page, which isn't appreciated by Garmin. I get this: "An error occurred with your upload. Please try again." for the various permutations and combinations of the CSV file I downloaded (with and without headers etc).

I'll play around a bit more with it and then probably send a mail to Concept, for their thoughts.
Of course, all works fine, if I double-check the iPhone is still connected when I start my session - automatic upload to Log, Strava and Garmin.

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Re: ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by Tsnor » January 17th, 2022, 7:56 pm

My bad.

When you "use the Concept 2 Utility and the USB cable to upload my data" you don't get the per stroke data. The PM5 does not save it. So you don't have the HR data, etc, that would be used to build the FIT or TCX.

So when you looked for the "download FIT", "download TCX" buttons they weren't there.

This thread describes what's going on, and has a nice picture.


(look at some of your good entries where ergdata did the upload and you will see the graph and the download buttons).

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Re: ErgData to Garmin Express

Post by Colin_ » January 18th, 2022, 3:22 am

Thanks for the extra info Tsnor.

Yep, that's clear... So, a bit of a Catch 22, it seems.
  • If I want to upload a missing session to Garmin, I need the FIT or TCX download
  • But to get that download, it would need to have been logged by ErgData.
  • To log it by ErgData, ErgData needs to stay connected.
  • And, if ErgData is connected, it is automatically synched to Garmin, so I don't need the FIT/TCX download.
Mmmm... :roll:

So, the lesson I have learned here is to double check ErgData is still connected before I start my workout.

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