Calories noted on PM5

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Calories noted on PM5

Post by Mary24 » April 23rd, 2021, 7:39 pm

Newbie here. I've noticed the PM only considers calories burned during rowing, but not at all during the rests. For example, my total time was 45 minutes, made up of 15 - two minute pieces (high intensity and increasing s/m) with a one minute rest between each one. Thus 30 minutes of actual rowing. The total calories burned was calculated on 30 minutes of rowing. My heart rate was very high during the one minute rests. Here's my question: I would think my body was still burning significant calories during those one minute rests, right? Don't you think my overall calories burned would be higher than what it appears on the PM? Please helpful comments only. I'm very new to this and need support and encouragement. Thanks so much.

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Re: Calories noted on PM5

Post by Citroen » April 23rd, 2021, 7:59 pm
