Prior to finding the erg back in 2002 my sporting background was very sparce. Bit of swimming at school, good level breaststroke, bit of running/jogging, couple of local triathlons. Also used to do a lot of horse riding. So when I was at my peak on the erg at 48 I must have been well past my sellby date

If I hadn't had to deal with bowel cancer when I turned 50 I think I would have improved even further from my peak. Didn't seem to start seeing decreasing performances until late 50s.
Never done any weight training but do know I have large lung capacity. Max HR has never been high, VO2MAX step test recorded 173 15 years ago and have only seen 160+ once this year. Resting HR at about 48.
May go back to more UT2 next year to see where that takes me. May even take another blood lactate profile test too to check my zones. 1.58 r20 feels about right for UT2 so would be good to get proper zones again and do it right.