Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

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Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

Post by xam217 » December 3rd, 2020, 1:06 am

Hey all,

I'm not sure if this is just a chain issue so I wanted to ask here. I apologize if this is a rehash. I bought my rower second hand on October 22nd. I've rowed about 1M meters since and have noticed that the tension seems inconsistent when I pull now. It's like there are little jumps or points of increased resistance when I'm rowing. I can't exactly tell. Sometimes it feels perfect, and sometimes it's jerky. I have used 3 in 1 oil on the chain 3 different times since I noticed this. I just put it on a cloth and ran the chain through it. Am I doing that right? I didn't going into every single link and bend it both directions, but I didn't think I needed to from the videos I watched. I have also tried to oil the little sprokets on the inside. I'm wondering if it could be a bungie issue, but I figured it was worth asking. Thanks very much for any advice.
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Re: Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

Post by Ombrax » December 3rd, 2020, 1:23 am

You don't have to inspect each link individually - you can do them all at once by draping the chain over a finger (or similar object) so it bends sharply, then run your finger down the length of the chain. (It helps to have a helper pull the chain to its max extension so you have a long slack section to work with.) You'll be able to tell if there are any stiff links. It's a messy job, but pretty simple.

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Re: Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

Post by xam217 » December 3rd, 2020, 8:56 am

Ombrax wrote:
December 3rd, 2020, 1:23 am
You don't have to inspect each link individually - you can do them all at once by draping the chain over a finger (or similar object) so it bends sharply, then run your finger down the length of the chain. (It helps to have a helper pull the chain to its max extension so you have a long slack section to work with.) You'll be able to tell if there are any stiff links. It's a messy job, but pretty simple.
Ahh ok. Does this sound like a chain lubrication problem then?

Thanks very much for the response
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Re: Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

Post by Ergmeister » December 3rd, 2020, 9:49 am

Is the chain rusty? C2 went to nickel plated chains about 6-7 years ago and they are superior to the original chains for rust resistance. Following the suggestion from Omrax, you pull the chain all the way out and then stick a wire coathanger through the chain at the slot to hold it, or, use vise grips (lightly!) to hold it. Then let the chain fall over your index finger and run your finger back and forth and if there are any links that are not hinging correctly, you'll find them.

When rowers are well loved the sprocket on the axle wears on the pulling side of the slot and it can "hold" the chain a little in worn sprocket pocket before it rotates around to release it. That is usually pretty consistent when the sprocket is worn into a pocket. The image below is of a well worn sprocket on the top, and a new one on the bottom. You can see how the wear pattern on the top is on the side of the sprocket pocket that is getting the pull pressure.

Photo link from my repair page: ... e=5FEF0D0F

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Re: Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

Post by Ombrax » December 3rd, 2020, 6:28 pm

xam217 wrote:
December 3rd, 2020, 8:56 am
Does this sound like a chain lubrication problem then?
If you're lucky it is. But if you've lubed the chain and rowed any reasonable amount (to distribute the oil) but the problem persists, then it's unlike to be that. As EM said, check to see if the chain is in bad shape, you may have to replace it. But if there are tight links that you've identified you should be able to get them to loosen, unless it's a real mess. From there you move on to more difficult issues to fix, like the sprocket, the bearings, etc.

In general the erg isn't the hardest thing to service, so if you're somewhat mechanically inclined between the forum, the C2 customer service line, the C2 web site that has lots of info, and all the replacement parts available from C2 you ought to be able to diagnose and fix the problem.

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Re: Inconsistent Tension? Chain Issue?

Post by xam217 » December 3rd, 2020, 9:06 pm

Thanks everyone. I’ll give it one more shot with the rag and then I’ll try customer support. Appreciate all of the help!
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