Cover/Padding for Seat

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Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by Turkishrebel » October 12th, 2020, 8:00 am

Hi Everybody,
Just after some help/advise. i have bought the concept 2 seat pad but i dont find it gives me enough support. anyone use anything else that has more support eg like gel padding? any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by Citroen » October 12th, 2020, 8:38 am


The answer is always bubblewrap. ...

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by CJOttawa » October 12th, 2020, 9:15 am

Check this thread and the linked images: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=189436&p=493793

TL;DR: doubling up two Concept2 pads is great. You could use a cut up a yoga mat for material as well, with cutouts for your sit bones.

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by winniewinser » October 13th, 2020, 3:52 am

Citius Remex seat pad has been a saviour for me. Not big and soft by any means but it spreads the weights away from the sit bones. Very expensive for what it is but for me it works and I used to suffer on anything over 10km but now can happily complete half/full marathons with very little discomfort.
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by mict450 » October 18th, 2020, 4:53 am

I've tried most of the no/low cost alternatives available with limited success. Rowing much over 20-30 mins is no bueno with this boney rear end of mine. I've just taken to getting off & walking around for about a couple of minutes. Gives my arse a break which is good for another 20-30 min spell. Mebbe if I get extravagant, I may break into my piggy bank & get the EndureRow seat.

Sigh! I wish the old kidney bean seats were still available. They were perfect for the no*ass*at*all gang.
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by chipman650 » October 18th, 2020, 10:44 am

Not specifically related to this question, but I always wondered if a bicycle type seat would be a better idea on a rower than what is currently being used.

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by Citroen » October 18th, 2020, 11:16 am

chipman650 wrote:
October 18th, 2020, 10:44 am
Not specifically related to this question, but I always wondered if a bicycle type seat would be a better idea on a rower than what is currently being used. ... -seat.html

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by jackarabit » October 18th, 2020, 12:44 pm

The EndureRow and the C/R ProW are OTW-derived and about as good as it gets. The EndureRow is a seat replacement; the CitiusRemex is a molded pad. Sore-No-More silicone OTW pad is also worth a look. If you require a seat of mattress-like proportions, the tractor seat provides support not just the squish of the beach bike sofa cushion seat. Homebrewed from 3/4” thick ethafoam sheet complete with sitzbone relief holes @ personalized spacing is another possibility. Anyone who had spent over an hour on or about a racing roadbike saddle would never suggest using one for anything else‼️
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by winniewinser » October 19th, 2020, 5:11 am

mict450 wrote:
October 18th, 2020, 4:53 am
I've tried most of the no/low cost alternatives available with limited success. Rowing much over 20-30 mins is no bueno with this boney rear end of mine. I've just taken to getting off & walking around for about a couple of minutes. Gives my arse a break which is good for another 20-30 min spell. Mebbe if I get extravagant, I may break into my piggy bank & get the EndureRow seat.

Sigh! I wish the old kidney bean seats were still available. They were perfect for the no*ass*at*all gang.
I have an equally boney derriere and the Citius Remex has been great. First HM I did was padless and I couldn't row for a week after. Since getting the CR I find most distances 'comfortable'. Worth a look if you can get one.
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by Rowan McSheen » October 19th, 2020, 6:49 am

A small towel, folded over. With some bubblewrap inside the fold if you want. Before you spend out on 3rd-party seats and pads.
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by ben_r_ » October 21st, 2020, 12:46 pm

That EndureRow seat looks pretty nice. Anyone had one for a while and can comment on how well they hold up over time. $113 shipped for a seat ain't exactly a cheap accessory.

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by jackarabit » October 21st, 2020, 9:53 pm

Had mine for 4+ years. No change In shape and no deterioration cover. I add a silicone Sore-No-More when I want to stay aboard for short 100 to 500m sprints or did in past. Less of a problem every year. :lol:
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by mict450 » October 22nd, 2020, 9:33 am

winniewinser wrote:
October 19th, 2020, 5:11 am

I have an equally boney derriere and the Citius Remex has been great. First HM I did was padless and I couldn't row for a week after. Since getting the CR I find most distances 'comfortable'. Worth a look if you can get one.
Thank you for your recommendation. Very expensive in the States. Being naturally frugal, I'll try a more inexpensive option first. Glad you found something that works for you.
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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by BobW » October 22nd, 2020, 12:55 pm

I've been using the Endure Row for several years. It has shown no wear at all and is an excellent product. It is relatively firm, but quite a bit softer than the Concept 2 seat. I would recommend it as an alternative to the foam pad/bubble wrap solutions.

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Re: Cover/Padding for Seat

Post by mdmaiara » November 18th, 2020, 12:21 am

I'm using a Hornet Watersports seat pad on my Model C, which makes the seat more comfortable. They have a variety of materials and thicknesses.

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